Newbie, thinking of a leaf. A few questions

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Mar 11, 2014
Petaluma California
I have been reading this forum for a few days. So much to read.
I'm thinking of leasing a Leaf in the next month or so. I have a lot to learn
After keeping meticulous records I have discovered that my 86 Mercedes has cost me an average of $442 per month for the past ten years. That was a lot more than I expected. I think I can lease a new Leaf for a bit less (including insurance).

I drive about 15,000 miles per year. My commute is 22 miles each way, and I can plug into 120v when I'm at work.

My main concern is that I enjoy driving to Berkeley for dinner, friends. I live in Petaluma California. Round trip to Berkeley is 78 miles. It seems right on the edge of possibility. Then what happens in three years when the battery ages?
I guess I'd need to park somewhere in Berkeley with an EV Charger for a bit........

For weekday use I'd drive 22 miles to work, trickle charge at work, drive 22 miles home and probably just trickle charge overnight. That seems easy. I have a 240 volt drier plug in my garage that I don't use for the drier. Could easily plug something into that. I believe for weekends that gets a full charge in like 4-5 hours.

I would love to own the car, but nobody seems to know how often you need to change the battery or how much it costs, so leasing looks pretty smart at first. Also, the technology seems to improve quickly.

Should I lease a 2014 model? Or are the dealers trying to push the 2013 models?
What's the big difference?
I have read that a new battery might come out this spring but will it cost more?
I'd suggest you check out the plugshare dot com web site. It'll give you an idea of where, & how many (400v) quick chargers there are around the route(s) that you may wish to regularly drive. IMO, 120v & 240v is fine for home & work charging, but once you're on the road, anything less than Chademo QC'ing is too slow to make your long distance trip practical.
Yes, the base S model (which I have) can be equipped with QC. If you already have an unused 240V in your garage I'd suggest getting an EVSE that can make use of it. I didn't have 240V in my garage and just paid an electrician to install one. I also bought a Clipper Creek HCS-40P EVSE that will be delivered on Wednesday. Trickle charging is VERY slow so I'm looking forward to having it. My commute is a bit longer than yours, around 28 miles each way and I don't have a way to charge at work and it's not a problem for me. I did a 2 year lease on a 2014 S w/QC and it's the first car I've ever leased in my nearly 37 years of owning cars. I will likely purchase the next generation LEAF assuming it supports 100-200 miles on a charge.
Agree on the charging package - especially since you live in the SF Bay Area where there is a high density of quick chargers.

You're exactly right on the 78 mile round trip. Yes, under most conditions you'll have no problem making that on one charge when the car is new. But many factors may make it a challenge - high headwinds, unusually (for SF Bay) cold temperatures, lots of rain on the highway (adding resistance), or driving very fast. I'd recommend identifying a charging spot, plus a backup, before leaving on the trip and planning to use that. You'll find that plugshare is the website of choice and that they have an app for your smart phone.

There are two ways you can go - one is to do a level 2 charge while dining, and the other is to make a pit stop along the way at a quick charger. The first is ideal, as you just park like you normally would, only plugged in. But sometimes you can't find a charger within convenient walking distance - in that case plan a QC pit stop, usually on the way home (as the QC charging speed slows as the battery gets fuller - best to charge when it is at a lower level).
A 3-year lease will qualify for the $2500 CA rebate. A 2-year lease will not. You have two good dealers in Petaluma and Santa Rosa. SR is particularly active with LEAFs.
I would think that you might get a better deal on a remaining 2013. It's not very different from the 2014. The new heat resistant battery should be out soon, but no one knows exactly when, and it's not as critical in the SF area. An S is cheaper, but lacks cruise control, heat pump, Carwings, and the toaster oven.
There are Quick Chargers along the way between Petaluma and Berkeley. Check out More coming soon. I regularly go between Davis and Berkeley and use a QC at some point on the trip. I agree that with conservative driving going 78 miles on a single charge is doable, but it's right on the edge of the car's limits.

My experience with keeping an old German car was the same as yours. I loved my '99 BMW but when the LEAF lease deals came out I realized I could save a ton of money between no more repair costs and no more fuel costs. The LEAF is actually more fun to drive than the BMW, too. Love that acceleration!