[PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

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GeekEV said:
I want to repeat what others have said here, kudos for keeping up on the forums and for the transparency. It's refreshing to see from a government entity.

Yes, I agree. Very nice to see. And if it is true that they are adding another $2M next week then I'll feel a lot better. Now that will get the number of cars still available to claim up close to 2000.
GeekEV said:
I want to repeat what others have said here, kudos for keeping up on the forums and for the transparency. It's refreshing to see from a government entity.
I fully agree with the kudos extended to CCSE, and have found Mike and especially David incredibly knowledgable and approachable. True evangelists, advocates, just what the EV community needs.

One point however. Unless I'm mistaken, CCSE is not a government agency. From their homepage:

"The California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to Greening Your World®. Join us for free workshops; take advantage of incentive programs; attend our special events, and contact us for technical assistance. CCSE is here to help."

Regardless, thanks CCSE!
Glenn said:
One point however. Unless I'm mistaken, CCSE is not a government agency.
Ah, well that would explain it. How about if I amend my comment to "government funded agency"? :lol:

At least the CVRP funds come from government - don't they?
palmermd said:
GeekEV said:
I want to repeat what others have said here, kudos for keeping up on the forums and for the transparency. It's refreshing to see from a government entity.

Yes, I agree. Very nice to see. And if it is true that they are adding another $2M next week then I'll feel a lot better. Now that will get the number of cars still available to claim up close to 2000.

I agree with the kudos. I attended a meeting at the CCSE offices in SD last fall and it is very clear how dedicated and (dare I say it?) progressive group they are. Their mission and their activities extend beyond our specific EV funding focus into solar and other alternative energy sources and sustainable materials and designs for living.

palmermd, I think the remaining funds with the $2 million added would cover about 1,720 rebates of $5k.
Note that the Smart EV, Think City and Wheego Life are now eligible for application at $4k to $5k rebates, in competition with the LEAF, while we wait ... and wait. I don't expect these cars to be in large volumes. The Smart article on another thread says only 250 in the US and only 50 to customers, and 200 to fleets. How many that means in CA, I don't know.
Hello Everybody,

I wanted to send you all quick note to thank you for the kind words. I also wanted to address a few things, specifically the $2M in CEC funds, the upcoming CVRP Work Group meeting and a future CCSE EV study.

Additional Funding from CEC
I know that many of you are wondering about this, so I wanted to shed some more light on the upcoming $2M from the California Energy Commission (CEC). We have been working closely with both the CEC and the Air Resources Board (ARB) to make the addition of these funds as smooth as possible. We are happy to announce that this week the CEC approved this $2M Interagency Agreement with ARB. As for the website, we will likely have it updated within the week.

CVRP Work Group March 17 From 10:00am-12:00pm
ARB will be hosting the second, in a series of CVRP work group meetings on Thursday, March 17 from 10:00 am to 12:00. During the teleconference ARB will discuss the final updates to the FY 2010-11 CVRP Implementation Manual as well as further developing concepts to the FY 2011-12 Funding Plan. An agenda and relevant documents can be found at http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/aqip/cvrp.htm. We encourage all that are interested to attend, please see the dial-in information below.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: 888-942-9574

We are excited to work with all of you in the coming months on a research project regarding your rebated or upcoming rebated vehicle. All of you are an integral part to building more efficient and effective EV policies, both on a state and national level. In many ways, here in California we are leading the way in these policies. However, I think we can all agree we have room for improvement. With that being said, we will be reaching out to all of you soon to gather data that will hopefully impact future policies. While we are still working out the details of the study, we are interested in learning more about a range of different issues including but not limited to charging behavior, vehicle miles traveled and your overall impression of the vehicle. Participation will of course not be mandatory, but we do hope that all of you will collaborate with us.

Before I sign off I wanted to clear something up, CCSE is in fact not a government agency. The CVRP is funded by ARB as part of their Air Quality Improvement Plan (AQIP). The AQIP includes a number of incentive programs that promote the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles resulting in improved air quality for all California residents. While we do work closely with the state and federal government, CCSE is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that helps residents, businesses and public agencies save energy, reduce grid demand and generate their own power through a variety of rebate, technical assistance and education programs.

Thank you again for all your feedback and please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Have a great weekend.


David Almeida
CVRP Project Administrator

PS: If you are the administrator of this forum, could you please reach out to us. I would like to make sure this post get's to as many people as possible. Thank you.
David, please place a reminder of that call here the day before and the day of to remind people if you can.

David, I wanted to thank CCSE as an organization and you personally for taking these measures to ensure that this EV movement becomes a success this time. As you can see from the sentiments from California EV buyers, this rebate is immensely helpful in sustaining this movement.
After attending your seminar in Sacramento in November 2010 and speaking to you personally, I did learn quite a few things. That meeting was able to alleviate anxiety for many of the attendees. I am sure other forum members would voice the same. I would definitely like to participate in future meetings.
Thanks once again.
Sometime during WeekEnding 3/4/2011 they added a new sub-category: "Currently Pending", in addition to "Currently Reserved". In order to keep the chart in the OP simple I combine the two numbers into the legacy "Reserved" Category. Not really sure what "Currently Pending" means.
"Pending" is probably after you file the online application and before they email you that your application is "accepted" (properly filled out and been validated) and that CCSE has Reserved funds for you (which would be sent to you after your supporting paperwork is received and checked).

Note that you MIGHT not get this notice of "Funds Reserved" until sometime AFTER the day you buy the car.
thankyouOB said:
is the 5k rebate considered INCOME?

Bottom line- you need to write the IRS to get a definitive answer on this as they are the ONLY people that can answer that, no other person, accountant or entity can accurately answer that without something in writing from the IRS. If you need to know for sure then write them as you will need a written answer in an audit, not verbal. Most are not claiming it.
thankyouOB said:
is the 5k rebate considered INCOME?

I am neither an accountant nor a tax attorney, but I believe it would only be considered as income (or expense offset) if the car were purchased for business use (a capital asset for which an entity is recording depreciation expense).
Beachcliffs said:
thankyouOB said:
is the 5k rebate considered INCOME?

I am neither an accountant nor a tax attorney, but I believe it would only be considered as income (or expense offset) if the car were purchased for business use (a capital asset for which an entity is recording depreciation expense).

It is irrelevant if you are and accountant or a tax attorney since they do not make the tax law, any person can make this determination IF they have it in writing form the IRS, they make the determination. Since this is NOT documented on their site the ONLY way to determine this is to write them and get a response. Any other interpretation form anyone is only speculation no matter who they are, even verbal guesses from the IRS are not considered valid. Anyone that does not believe this to be 100% accurate can call the IRS and validate all these points. Accountants, lawyers, car dealers, forum posters, and the CVRP DO NOT set this policy, I'm not sure how much clearer that can be so for anyone that wants to be sure a simple letter will get the answer for anyone that really wants to know.
thankyouOB said:
is the 5k rebate considered INCOME?

I'm also not a tax attorney or accountant, but I thought about this in terms of an appliance rebate. A car is a big (and expensive) appliance. For the energy star appliance program, rebates are not considered income per the attached link:

Rather, they are considered a reduction in sales price. Probably the same would apply to a vehicle used for personal purposes. I've bought several new appliances (most recently a freezer) and never claimed rebates as income. You could also argue that the rebate is, in a sense, return of capital (which is not taxed, since you put out the after-tax money in the first place). My two cents for what it's worth.
gascant said:
thankyouOB said:
is the 5k rebate considered INCOME?

I'm also not a tax attorney or accountant, but I thought about this in terms of an appliance rebate. A car is a big (and expensive) appliance. For the energy star appliance program, rebates are not considered income per the attached link:

Rather, they are considered a reduction in sales price. Probably the same would apply to a vehicle used for personal purposes. I've bought several new appliances (most recently a freezer) and never claimed rebates as income. You could also argue that the rebate is, in a sense, return of capital (which is not taxed, since you put out the after-tax money in the first place). My two cents for what it's worth.

Manufacture rebates are not taxable because the come directly back as a REFUND, other incentives are exempt because of the dollar amount and some are taxable. Everyone can speculate till the cows come home but the answer is easily attainable as I mentioned. $5k is not a small incentive, I received an incentive on solar that was for $4K and it was FULLY taxable! In addition, the lack of an issued 1099 in now way makes something non-taxable.
California charges sales tax on the Fed. 7,500 and the 5,000. Doing that is grossly unfair given the above information
solar incentives from our utility were paid to the installer not the customer. So, I doubt it is income to me. I never saw it or touched it nor was the check made out to me.
I dont think that example matches the rebate issue here on the cars as you personally receive the money.
the rebate on appliances seems to make more sense and to be applicable.

I was really not asking for speculation, but whether folks had some data from IRS or tax forms.
I think the answer to the questions about how to understand the status of $7500 federal tax credit is on the forms and how you answer those questions.
It appears that business use does not qualify for the EV tax credit as there is already a business deduction and/or credit; ie. you cannot double dip.

if you want to see IRS form 8936 which covers the LEAF. google it.

There is nothing in the form about holding the car for three years. That must come from the CA rebate.

also, in answer to earlier questions about whether the goopers can kill the credit, here is what IRS form says:

If, however, the IRS publishes an announcement that
the certification for any specific make, model, and model
year vehicle has been withdrawn, you cannot rely on the
certification for such a vehicle purchased after the date
of publication of the withdrawal announcement.
If you purchased a vehicle and its certification was
withdrawn on or after the date of purchase, you can rely
on such certification even if you had not placed the
vehicle in service or claimed the credit by the date the
withdrawal announcement was published by the IRS.
The IRS will not attempt to collect any understatement
of tax liability attributable to reliance on the certification
as long as you purchased the vehicle on or before the
date the IRS published the withdrawal announcement.
I read gascant's link to IRS publication. it makes perfect sense that the CA rebate is NOT taxable, but that it reduces the price of the vehicle if you are making a calculation for business use.
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