Plot your future Leaf location on this Map !

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Yes, blue SL.
Los Altos, CA (Silicon Valley).

Note: for those of you in parts of the world who are unclear on U.S. Geography (that includes half the U.S. population at least), that's the Los Altos in northern California in the San Francisco Bay area, not the Los Altos in Long Beach, which is in the Los Angeles area (southern CA).
I know this is a ways off, but maybe someone more technically inclined than me, could create a map on which new owners would plot their locations when their new LEAFs are delivered in December.

It would sort of be like lighting up the lights across the states where Nissan is introducing them. It would also allow owners that are close to each other to connect, get together, play "follow the leader" in their LEAFs, drive their LEAFs together through gas stations without stopping, etc.

Edit - EVNow

Adding the following to help users plot their pace.

Click the link to open the map. Log into your Google account.

'Edit' starts the process:


Move and zoom - then click the point symbol:


1: Move until 'X' marks the spot
2: Fill in title and body
3: Click OK to close the new point
4: Click save to update the map


It's not the only way, and probably not the best way - but enjoy anyway!
Until, or unless, someone comes up with something better, we could use Google Maps. The post below and the link below might work. Would be good to see if it can be viewed by anyone other than me and also edited. I left it open for editing, not sure that is the best approach. I could close it and just take messages to update.....hey, for the first few THOUSANDS, how bad could it be ?? :)

I just dropped a location as a test in a dart....
Thanks Mitch...appreciate your checking.

From what I can see, if you have a gmail account, then you should be able to edit this map. I opened it for anyone to edit. If you don't have a gmail account and wanted a location posted, then you could send me a message.

I am, of course, open to any instruction or alternate ideas. I had used this application in the past to provide a list of a couple hundred retail stores for a wholesaler I consulted for. But, if anyone has a better idea, I am certainly open to it!
We can start with reservations. If we get reservation numbers in July we can update & that would be fun to see too.
Welcome Bicster!

You're closer than we are over here, I expect - we didn't have our own stop on the Leaf tour. :D

(We have Houston, DFW, and San Antonio - where are all the folks from Austin?!)
This great to see that sjfotos knows who to set up this map. You would think I would know how to do this. I am a Social Studies teacher. However, I'm great when it comes to amazing my students with Google Earth - looking at the Pyramids, the Parthenon, etc.

Thanks for setting this up.
Yes, great idea on setting it up. I see there are already many pushpins on the map!

This is a nice visual way for Nissan to see the distribution, although my guess is they have already plotted out where the reservations are comming from, but its always nice to see it visualy.
This should be linked in the leaf reservation thread - so that everyone who posts their details there can also put a pin on the map.

How about a different pin for people who can get eTec chargers ?
No gmail for me...could you drop a pin in Albuquerque, NM?


Gavin address is Albuquerque, NM, but I have my LEAF reserved in Phoenix, AZ so I can be in the first wave of owners. That said, I would prefer to have my LEAF and dealer to be Albuquerque.
Sure Gavin, It will be a pleasure to set it up.

mmm, evnow...I will have to look to see if i can do different colored pins...I am not all that good at this!

and yes, Mitch, I am sure Nissan has a few database jockeys on their end!
Here is a link to map your location of a reserved Leaf. If you do not have a gmail address, just send me a message and i will add.