Popping noise when leaf started charging

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Active member
Mar 30, 2016
Last night prior to going to bed I plugged in my MY13 leaf. Set it to end at a specific time. I set it to end at 10 am. So middle of the night I wake up, and while trying to fall back asleep I hear a popping noise, and almost like an electrical sizzle noise. Pretty short lived sound. I didn't think much about it at the time. Car was plugged into an outlet that it has never charged on at my folks, outdoor outlet, 120 volt. Woke up in the morning and my phone received a text that the charging was completed. That was at 7:30!? Not exactly a 10 am finish time. I took a look in the engine bay, underneath the vehicle, driver side fuse box, charging port, and whatever I could think of, only thing I found in the drive was a star nut. My dad keeps a pretty clean drive. Took the car for a drive and it seems fine. Any ideas what could have happened over the night? One last thing to mention, the outlet they have outside has a cover. When the plug for the evse is plugged in it doesn't fully plug in so just about a millimeter or so gap between the plug and the face of the outlet. So I'm wondering if that is where the popping was last night, at the outlet, and the star nut is just a coincidence and there from something else, not the car. Hoping the popping noise wasn't something that exploded - sending the star nut flying.
Found a star washer, not a star nut

Looking at nissans parts catalog, searching for "star", looks like it isn't pulling data back. I bet it was the gap from the plug and outlet.
Maybe something changed when the wiring heated up?

I know all of my wiring heats up during charge so if something was tight, when cold, it could change when warm. Maybe a bad contact someplace in the circuit, all the way from the breaker panel to the plug. What I mean to say is it might not be your car at all.