Trouble triggering inductance loops

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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue?
On at least two occasions I've been stuck at a red light that uses an inductance loop to detect vehicles and trigger a green light. I guess there is less metal on the Leaf than a traditional vehicle? I need to either wait for another vehicle to come along and trigger it, or run the light... not fun.
I'm in Southern California and read some stuff on this page about the laws in CA requiring that these loops be able to detect bicycles (if it doesn't detect my leaf I'm wondering if it will detect a bike?)" onclick=";return false;
Is it worth trying to report these to the city of LA?
There's a TON (or at least a quarter ton) of metal underneath the LEAF. Most of it is a little higher off the ground than in a normal sedan, but it is not nearly as high as a pickup truck. If it doesn't trigger the light, I doubt it's the LEAF's fault.
I encounter it all the time with my bicycle. I can usually get them to trigger by putting the bike's wheel directly over and parallel with the sensor wire, but sometimes the location is unknown.

I've never had a problem triggering any signal with our LEAF though.
Yep, plenty of metal under the car. If you have trouble with a signal detector, I would recommend contacting the city or county. Locally, almost 100% of lights have been moved over to video cameras for vehicle/bicycle detection or changed to a fixed cycle as maintenance on the loop detection systems was becoming huge.
My LEAF works fine at the Long Beach radio shop gate. I have the loop sensitivity turned way down since there are parking spots next to it. All cars work but high trucks like fire trucks or trash trucks will not trigger it. We have to use a manual button.