Updating charge station info.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Okanagan Valley British Columbia
Hi all. So, we generally use plug share because it is easy to use and seems up to date. Today I figured I would play with the NAV a bit and check out the facilities for indicating local charge stations etc. It seems to not see most of the sites that are on plug share. Is there something I should be doing to get the latest greatest other than the obvious update button? Do people use this feature much or do they mostly use plug share. Honesty we are so use to using plug share because our smart ED doesn't have Nav. I doubt we will use it much. I suppose I can just get the address from plug share and plug it into the NAV destination.

Thanks in advance folks.

John and Angela
Nissan does not seem to prioritize keeping a comprehensive data base of stations. You could start a campaign to get them to be more proactive but it is easier to just use Plugshare.
HI John and Angela,

Since you are familiar with Plug Share, you will probably find that is your best source of charging information. Nissan updates their database periodically, but their data does not seem to show all of the commercial charging stations near me. I have subscriptions to the major networks and have their apps on my iPad so I use those apps, Plug Share, and the navigation system. If Nissan's No Charge To Charge (NCTC) for two years is available in your area, be sure to sign up and activate the card with all of the charging networks nearby. If you have NCTC, you can set a filter in Plug Share to only show charging stations which participate in the program. Also, I find that Plug Share has the most accurate information regarding availability of charging stations and noting physical problems that make the charging stations unusable.

As mentioned by others, Nissan's database is terrible. In fact, there is one station near me that shows up twice in the nav system. Apparently it's in the Nissan database, but the location is slightly off. When I actually used it, it registered as a second location.

One of the best parts of using Plugshare is getting info on the status of the station. I always check ahead of time to check whether the station is up and running. For the same reason, I try to always check in when I successfully use one so others know it's recently been found to be in working order.
A note to those who live in regions where Chargepoint is strong: Chargepoint recently stopped sending status info to Plugshare, so you'll have to use the Chargepoint app to check those stations real-time. Where I live, 95% or more of the stations are Chargepoint, so I default to their app now.

I too have had the experience of the Nissan nav adding a "new" station where they already showed one but it was in the wrong place. I just wish there were a way of removing the one with the bad location! Also, the name info on the Nissan nav is irritatingly truncated. COAUTILITIES/PLUG-IN EV, ay yi yi... If there were a way to edit the names, the nav usefulness would increase tenfold.
annabel398 said:
A note to those who live in regions where Chargepoint is strong: Chargepoint recently stopped sending status info to Plugshare, so you'll have to use the Chargepoint app to check those stations real-time. Where I live, 95% or more of the stations are Chargepoint, so I default to their app now.

I too have had the experience of the Nissan nav adding a "new" station where they already showed one but it was in the wrong place. I just wish there were a way of removing the one with the bad location! Also, the name info on the Nissan nav is irritatingly truncated. COAUTILITIES/PLUG-IN EV, ay yi yi... If there were a way to edit the names, the nav usefulness would increase tenfold.

Good to know about Chargepoint, although most of the updates I see in Plugshare are made by individuals so hopefully people pick up anything new and add it. Very limited public infrastructure in my immediate area anyway unfortunately.
First of all, thank you for all the responses. What a great community.

We tend to use the same stations so it will populate as required. We have only had the car a couple months or so and love it.

We just made another cold weather trip of about 120 km and are impressed at the accuracy of the GOM in these conditions. Minus 7 celcius. The GOM gave us 192 km for a start read and at the end it was about 122 km less. The car was in the garage overnight and we preheated and then set it to auto 18 degrees. We had coats and gloves on though so ended up getting too warm so we turned the heat off after about 10 minutes. Liked the steering wheel heat though. We have done the trip about three times with similar results. Trip is about 50 percent highway at 90 KMH and the rest at 60 or 70 KMH. I'm not sure what we expected but we didn't think the numbers would be as good or as accurate as they are. Perfect car for our needs as this is the longest trip we occasionally have to do. It will be interesting to see how the numbers improve as it warms up here.

Thanks again folks.

John and Angela.
I'm fortunate to live in an area with good EV infrastructure. In fact, my primary use for the Nissan station locator is to impress other people with how many stations there are nearby. (Press button, zoom in a few times, point out all the blue dots...)

Nissan really should appoint me as a brand ambassador.