Today was a fun adventure. Quick charged
six times. I stopped in Vacaville, Concord Hilton, and San Ramon each way (145 miles) with 5 hours of L2 in between. I managed to keep the battery temp under six TB's by only stopping 10 minutes. That is, until the last quick charge in Vacaville. I was getting antsy and wanted to see if I could make the return trip before 7pm. I let the quick charger go for 27 minutes (getting 15.1 kWh) and cooked the battery to 8 TB's.
I could have probably stopped it at 10 min but I figured I'd need at least 9 bars to get home with spirited driving. Average speed was 65+ most of the time, except for some traffic in to Davis on the way back.
Uploaded the pic to the OP. I guess it's appropriate that I have the CHAdeMO logo on the back of my car.