Why would anyone buy a nissan leaf right now???

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We were parked beside a leaf plus at an EVgo charger somewhere outside San Diego. He was charging in high 60’s kw and it stayed up there for a while. We were in our smart ED charging on L2.

My wife finished detailing her little smart ED for the last time. Her model 3 is arriving in a few weeks so time for it to go. It’s been a great little car but change of life required four doors and longer range.

I’ll continue driving my leaf until I retire.

The rear view mirror remark got my attention. From Norway one posted that the Leaf while still selling seems to be getting pushed to the back of the pack year by year by new lower end EV's like from Korea.

I do not know about that locally because we are not in an EV state but what I do know locally Nissan looks dated compared to the Korean ICE options today. The Soul is hot in our college town.

Sadly it seems Nissan is selling locally more on price vs coolness.
Yep, price is about the only differentiation it has left as it can be had in the US at least for much less than almost any other EV (new) post dealer and govt incentives. Availability also helps a bit over Kia/Hyundai as their cars are not nation wide.

In Europe, the rush for EVs combined with the discounts will give Nissan small window of opportunity (kind of like with the eGolf) to upgrade. But it will be gone by Q3 even with discounts as VW and others get their next gen cars to market.

Japan was fascinating to see the bump there in Feb. Curious to see if it holds.

Nissan am has slight but diminishing first mover edge for Leaf in some markets. MG is quickly catching it though.
Yep, price is about the only differentiation it has left as it can be had in the US at least for much less than almost any other EV (new) post dealer and govt incentives.

It has a comfort advantage - unless you are looking for air-conditioned semi-leather seats. The Korean cars also have numb-feeling steering that makes the Leaf seem sportier when you drive it.
I have to say, I really like the "factory match" leather seats I had installed. I thought I would miss the suede inserts, but I don't, and possibly think the leather is a bit better quality than what comes on the SL. Are the Kia's fully leather, or Pleather (Leather-ette or Vegan Leather) like Tesla and Toyota?
Clearly discounting is helping Nissan unit sales numbers.


Coronavirus casts shadow over Nissan's earnings outlook
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I did not know its China volume was greater than the USA market volume. It looks like the China market is shaping up to be a make or break situation for Nissan and others with the corona virus being the wild card as it is the wild card for the entire world this morning.
LeftieBiker said:
I've gotten two offers to end my lease a year early and lease a 2019 or 2020 Leaf. Nissan seems to be offering about $3k to do this.

An e-plus or just the standard version?
Only the model years on offer (2019-2020) was given. I assume that an ePlus SV with Tech and All Weather packages would be an option. I just don't think that, being afraid to enter a grocery store now, I'd want to spend time at a dealership. Maybe if I could do it over email...