Will a fully charged 2013 SV survive a double feature at the drive in?

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Aug 23, 2015
I have a drive in movie place 2 blocks from my house.

Do you think my leaf could survive sitting idle running 2 heated seats (it's cold out) and the sound/infotainment system for 4 hours straight? :)

I want to take the family to a Star Wars/Pixar double feature. Rather take the leaf than the Volt. If the Volt runs out of juice the generator is rather starling when it kicks in.
Easily. The heated seats draw very little power, and just having the car on with stereo is just a few hundred watts. Since the movie is so close by, you could probably run full heat at a comfortable temperature, depending on outside temps. We've attended a number of drive-in movies in LEAF and it's truly enjoyable -- quiet and comfortable.
I agree with Nubo, you could probably run the regular heater and still be okay. Definitely would have no issue with the seats.

I've tested having my heater on full blast @ 90F for an hour with the windows cracked and it consumed anywhere from 10% up to 15%.
From memory of early posts here, the resistive heater and IIRR the defroster together pull a max of about 5kW, so even in sub-zero temps three-plus hours of that would be no problem at all as close as the drive in is. The heat pump will be more efficient as long as the temp's above about 15 deg. F., and a car full of people will also be generating some heat. It's easy enough to check it for yourself - just turn everything on max. and look at the accessory energy usage display (at least, you can do that in an SV/SL, not sure you can in an S but that's not an issue for you). Bottom line, there's no problem at all as long as you have enough time to recharge to whatever you need for the next day. Unless you're restricted to L1 charging and have to drive more than half the max. range, that shouldn't be an issue.

Oh, to get max. heater output you need to have ECO turned off, or the car limits the max HVAC pull to something like 1.5 -2.0 kW.
You're right.

First movie is done. Battery started at 96% it's 82% now.

Star Wars is up next! :)

Recharging for tomorrow shouldn't be an issue we have the upgraded cables folks on here recommend and they are awesome. :)

Love this car!
It's kind of ironic sitting here watching several of the the gasoline engine folks getting a jump...
Made it through Star Wars.

In total we were parked in the car with the heater and sound system on for almost 5 hours.

Went from 98% on the battery to 68%.

Made it home just fine. :)