Will I be able to use Leaf Spy Pro to...

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Feb 19, 2024
to evaluate the condition of the battery as long as the 12V under hood battery is charged.
History: the car was hit on the left front and "after that it won't charge" according to the owner. I looked at the car for about 10 minutes. Initially the inside lights and dash lights came on and it looked normal.
After being left on several minutes it went completely dead. No lights. This seems logical as the car has not been charged for several months. That was 2 days ago. This morning I brought the 12V battery home, as it only read +3.84v, and now it is charging.
There are many variables with this machine. What I am trying to ask is... is it possible to get some information using Leaf Spy Pro as long as the 12V has a good charge?
Thanks for any input.
Put a good charged 12V in, launch LeafSpy, and harvest away!

Who knows what you will see?
I'd check for codes, screenshot them, clear them, then try to charge the car L2.
I even have had a look but I cannot see whatever that offers the benefits over the loose version. What other records does it offer ? Is it really worth shopping for ?
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I even have had a look but I cannot see whatever that offers the benefits over the loose version. What other records does it offer ? Is it really worth shopping for ?
The Lite(loose?) version is not available to me. So $20 I paid because I am extremely interested in electronics and utilizing renewable energy in practical applications.
I will be purchasing cheap used Leaf and investigating charging batteries via solar cells.
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