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Well-known member
Leaf Supporting Member
Apr 5, 2018
Just read this cool article about

In a nutshell, its a nonprofit who has found a way to reflect light and stop the loss of arctic sea ice. I'm not affiliated with them, but I thought people here might be interested.
tiny, hollow microbeads made mostly of silica, a type of sand made of quartz rock.

These float for how long?

If a long time, then just how is covering the world's oceans with tiny, floating abrasive silica beads a good idea?
This is a good idea but soon we will miss the good window to implement it. The best way is spread it on ice that will likely survive the Summer and that ice is shrinking rapidly. There is one advantage in that most of the ice is contained so only needing to cover two major outlets greatly simplifies what would normally be an overwhelming difficult task.
I find it amazing how Humans think that they are in control of their environment, or even their lives.

We, as a species, need to learn to live in peace, and enjoy the few precious years that we all have.

You have to be a nut to worry that Humans "are solely responsible" for the environment. Also, that we have to invest some ridiculous amount of time, money, and effort, because "SOMEONE" has predicted that the global temperature will rise a few degrees by the end of the century.

Doesn't anyone see how ridiculous it is for us to have "the answer" to a forecasted problem that will happen decades from now?

Spare me. The earth and the sun will do that they feel like doing regardless. We are really nothing more than ants fighting over who controls the anthill.
powersurge said:
I find it amazing how Humans think that they are in control of their environment, or even their lives.

We, as a species, need to learn to live in peace, and enjoy the few precious years that we all have.

You have to be a nut to worry that Humans "are solely responsible" for the environment. Also, that we have to invest some ridiculous amount of time, money, and effort, because "SOMEONE" has predicted that the global temperature will rise a few degrees by the end of the century.

Doesn't anyone see how ridiculous it is for us to have "the answer" to a forecasted problem that will happen decades from now?

Spare me. The earth and the sun will do that they feel like doing regardless. We are really nothing more than ants fighting over who controls the anthill.

The mechanisms creating the issues are quite clear so I fail to see your point of saying "why do anything? Its not our fault, let nature fix it" attitude. Luckily there is plenty of sand in the World.
I respect your opinions, and the articles you have written. However I have deep misgivings with the following...

1) The idea that WE, the USA and the western world are responsible for "Global Warming", and that we have an ability to stop or reverse it. For every Prius or Leaf we buy, there are 20 peasants in the 3rd world countries riding more polluting mopeds, and buying more cars without pollution controls. Also, one volcano or forest fire will set back millions of $$ of environmentally "responsible" behavior.

2) Today, we still cannot predict if it will rain tomorrow or what the stock market will do in the next hour. Does anyone really think that they can predict what the average yearly temperature will be in a century or even a decade? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.. That is almost like we used to do human sacrifices to calm the weather gods, or think the world was ending when there was an eclipse...

This URGENCY to stop global warming is really a way for politicians to have the "moral justification" to control our lives and our pocketbooks. They are just chicken littles yelling that the sky is falling, so send us your money and we will make laws to protect you!!
Dude, global warming is not the same as daily weather. It has been proven that the global temp has been rising decade after decade. It's not a myth or some politically made up bs. It's fact. Facts are not debatable. It would be as if we're arguing over the color of the sky. And yes , based on the trend it has been going on, they can totally predict it. If you had 100 dollars and in a week you lost 7 and the next week you lost another 7 dollars, you can predict that at the current trend you would lose all of your money in 14.285 weeks. Same with the global temperature the way it is trending.
powersurge said:
I respect your opinions, and the articles you have written. However I have deep misgivings with the following...

1) The idea that WE, the USA and the western world are responsible for "Global Warming", and that we have an ability to stop or reverse it. For every Prius or Leaf we buy, there are 20 peasants in the 3rd world countries riding more polluting mopeds, and buying more cars without pollution controls. Also, one volcano or forest fire will set back millions of $$ of environmentally "responsible" behavior.

2) Today, we still cannot predict if it will rain tomorrow or what the stock market will do in the next hour. Does anyone really think that they can predict what the average yearly temperature will be in a century or even a decade? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.. That is almost like we used to do human sacrifices to calm the weather gods, or think the world was ending when there was an eclipse...

This URGENCY to stop global warming is really a way for politicians to have the "moral justification" to control our lives and our pocketbooks. They are just chicken littles yelling that the sky is falling, so send us your money and we will make laws to protect you!!

So what is your suggestion? Do nothing? Let it ride?

Well that is not how the World works. We "have" to do something because our current actions are downright ridiculous. We are so bad in so many ways, its not a borderline call and hasn't been for decades. Little T was elected due to massive information misdirection that we are so prone to follow.

We knew he would not make a good president but he still convinced us not that he would be a good president, but only that he was the lesser of two evils and the most pathetic thing is the "greater evil" didn't really do that much wrong when compared to Little T's lifelong list of shenanigans.

As it stands, money is enough to control our actions and yes, that has always been true but with social media, misdirection has kicked into high gear. A modicum of truth is no longer required to sway our opinion...
DaveinOlyWA said:
As it stands, money is enough to control our actions and yes, that has always been true but with social media, misdirection has kicked into high gear. A modicum of truth is no longer required to sway our opinion...

Truth has a way of biting us in the a$$ when we ignore it.
DaveinOlyWA said:
powersurge said:
I respect your opinions, and the articles you have written. However I have deep misgivings with the following...

1) The idea that WE, the USA and the western world are responsible for "Global Warming", and that we have an ability to stop or reverse it. For every Prius or Leaf we buy, there are 20 peasants in the 3rd world countries riding more polluting mopeds, and buying more cars without pollution controls. Also, one volcano or forest fire will set back millions of $$ of environmentally "responsible" behavior.

2) Today, we still cannot predict if it will rain tomorrow or what the stock market will do in the next hour. Does anyone really think that they can predict what the average yearly temperature will be in a century or even a decade? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.. That is almost like we used to do human sacrifices to calm the weather gods, or think the world was ending when there was an eclipse...

This URGENCY to stop global warming is really a way for politicians to have the "moral justification" to control our lives and our pocketbooks. They are just chicken littles yelling that the sky is falling, so send us your money and we will make laws to protect you!!

So what is your suggestion? Do nothing? Let it ride?

Well that is not how the World works. We "have" to do something because our current actions are downright ridiculous. We are so bad in so many ways, its not a borderline call and hasn't been for decades. Little T was elected due to massive information misdirection that we are so prone to follow.

We knew he would not make a good president but he still convinced us not that he would be a good president, but only that he was the lesser of two evils and the most pathetic thing is the "greater evil" didn't really do that much wrong when compared to Little T's lifelong list of shenanigans.

As it stands, money is enough to control our actions and yes, that has always been true but with social media, misdirection has kicked into high gear. A modicum of truth is no longer required to sway our opinion...

The truth is that even if the U.S. STOPPED all emissions, the rest of the world (who don't give a hoot), will fill the gap, and make more emissions.... I personally refuse to use my tax dollars to pursue some power-hunger politician's "emergencies"....

Let the rest of the world "Lead The WAY" first. We do not have to cut off our noses to show the world anything..
The usa is one of the largest countries in the world but yeah, go on believing that it wouldn't make a difference even though it certainly would. Also, poor use of quotes when we can actually Lead the way and yes, it is actually considered an emergency, not "emergency" as you state.

The argument of , let's not do anything because nobody else is, is pathetic in any given situation.
powersurge said:
The truth is that even if the U.S. STOPPED all emissions, the rest of the world (who don't give a hoot), will fill the gap, and make more emissions....

The amusing thing is that it is mostly the USA that doesn't give a hoot.
WetEV said:
powersurge said:
The truth is that even if the U.S. STOPPED all emissions, the rest of the world (who don't give a hoot), will fill the gap, and make more emissions....

The amusing thing is that it is mostly the USA that doesn't give a hoot.

He has, once again, half a point. China and India care slightly less about AGW - or India does, anyway - than the US, but they started the massive pollution game much later - WE have produced more of the problem than anyone else. India also has to deal with having to create something like a million jobs a month just to stay even...
LeftieBiker said:
WetEV said:
powersurge said:
The truth is that even if the U.S. STOPPED all emissions, the rest of the world (who don't give a hoot), will fill the gap, and make more emissions....

The amusing thing is that it is mostly the USA that doesn't give a hoot.

He has, once again, half a point. China and India care slightly less about AGW - or India does, anyway - than the US, but they started the massive pollution game much later - WE have produced more of the problem than anyone else. India also has to deal with having to create something like a million jobs a month just to stay even...

China needs to care, as much of China's best land and population is at low altitude. And seem to care. Why else would China be installing more solar PV than the rest of the world? Add the EU.

India is indeed more like the USA. Other bad examples are Saudi Arabia, Russia and other countries economically dependent on oil.
As always, topics like this degenerate into the same "Worldview" verses our "drop in the bucket" ideology of frustration. Its is nothing but a cop out. This is the path that people who aren't Musk, Bezos or Jobs, choose to travel.

Let me give you my take. I don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the World does. Neither did the 3 above. What I do care about is what my neighbor drives. Because his idling his car in his driveway for 3 minutes every morning is affecting the air I breathe. I also care very little about the trucker belching smoke as it crosses Montana. Why? Because that smoke will cause very very very little harm to anyone's child or baby. Take 1/10th of that smoke and put it on the streets of my town and the odds change dramatically.

What I do care about is parents idling in their cars at my Son's school waiting to pick up their children. Fix that problem. Yesterday, Pierce County Transit unveiled an EV Van pool. Now that is up to 8 people exhaust free driving thru the air I breathe. Last week, the city of Seattle launched its first all electric garbage truck.

What I do care is older diesels belching visible smoke that are allowed to operate on our streets. A full 2 minutes after the offender has exited the area, your nose can still detect its aftermath.

What happened when the 3 above created services or products we didn't need? They changed our need. They knew that what we had been doing was wrong. A chore. One of those drudgeries of life everyone puts up with. But what really happened is they wanted to lead. Most of us don't. In fact, we will follow someone whose ideology we don't support simply because we can't find a better leader.

So we can create a clean zone, a smokeless city and expect the World to ignore us. Or we can simply pick out of the current leaders that is least offensive to follow.
DaveinOlyWA, You are.. Of course right in your previous statement. No one can argue with acting LOCALLY. Your concerns require a combination of education and legislation.

You will never stop the A..holes of the world, but constant education about vehicle habits will help, as will Laws to improve ALL vehicle emissions. Maybe people should get tickets for idling too long, or a black cloud truck.

I'm with you in every way, but I will not accept the politicians trying to BRAINWASH our country into giving the government ultimate control of our lives. Even some of that "GREEN NEW DEAL" crap will never work. They can go scratch it.....
powersurge said:
I'm with you in every way, but I will not accept the politicians trying to BRAINWASH our country into giving the government ultimate control of our lives.

Ever consider that We the People are the government?
WetEV said:
powersurge said:
I'm with you in every way, but I will not accept the politicians trying to BRAINWASH our country into giving the government ultimate control of our lives.

I strongly believe you ignore facts and have now muted you as to not bother myself anymore with your willfully ignorant posts. I am very thankful for this feature.