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  1. M

    Post Your Battery Degradation Results

    Haven't done an accurate measurement in a while, but my 2013 (delivered March 15th, 2013) with ~51,000 miles has yet to drop the first bar. Pretty happy so far!
  2. M

    LEAF Manager, alternative carwings app for android

    I can't login using the latest version of NissanConnect EV. I can with Leaf Manager.
  3. M

    CARWINGS changing to Nissan Connect EV - ONLINE NOW

    I get the new app on my S5 and my credentials are wiped out. So I attempt to reenter and I get the "incorrect password yadda yadda" message. I go to the Owners Portal and can log in fine. I decide to change the password on the portal and then attempt the NissanConnect EV login again. Same...
  4. M

    Poll : Number of miles before losing the first bar

    Note mileage. I drive a 73M RT 5x week (probably not more than 25miles on an average for a whole weekend) and charge 2x daily to at least 80% in weather above 20F. Ideal climate but I'm probably on the high end of charging frequency.. not sure how that factors in to the equation. Last winter...
  5. M

    Poll : Number of miles before losing the first bar

    Well I can't say I've lost any bars yet... just turned 30K on my 2013 picked up 3/15/2013. I thought it would have happened already....not that I'm complaining :)
  6. M

    Winter is hard on range!

    Winter? how about MINNESOTA Winter? Was driving my '13 SL in morning/evening temps of -12F to 0ish weather last week. My daily drive (one way) is 37 Miles of mostly 55MPH highway. I was using the seat heaters but had to cycle on the heater for at least half of my drive. We had quite a few...
  7. M

    Post Your Battery Degradation Results

    2013 SL delivered 3/15. ~7400 miles. Charged to 100%...sit 4 hours...charge to 100% Plug in ELM..... Ahr=67.36 CAP= 101.67 SOC=96.7 23.4kWh 293 gids
  8. M

    Motorcycle guy @ work looked at me as if I was an alien...

    Four deflated tires would have worked nicely....
  9. M

    Changing the minds of peers on week 1

    Just tell these luddites you don't want to support terror organizations buy purchasing Saudi oil (gas)! ... and then start a USA USA USA chant...... that always gets their attention...
  10. M

    ICEd at Lund's in Downtown Minneapolis... my story

    Randy..... any danger if there's rain?
  11. M

    ICEd at Lund's in Downtown Minneapolis... my story

    I live about 45 minutes west of the Twin Cities and have a daughter with special needs that resides in a suburban group home. My daughter spends every other weekend with me and Sunday I took the usual trip back to the cities with the usual plan of stopping at Lund's in Downtown Minneapolis so I...
  12. M

    Re: How much does a Nissan leaf and cost to Operate?

    If you have the option, use free public charging whenever possible! My rates are cut in half because I have free charging at the ramp i use in Downtown Minneapolis.
  13. M

    Voice Recognition not working?

    It was a bit frustrating trying to get VR to recognize names not realizing at the time that first and last were reversed!! Anyone having trouble with the system recognizing the word DIAL???? SHEEEESH! Nissan please fix this wart on such a beautiful face!
  14. M

    Need help understanding 2013 charging override /timer use

    Just a note.... Timers can't be set concurrently for the same day. It's one or the other.... (at least on the 2013 SL) Ex.. Monday can be either OFF, Timer1 or Timer2. You can't set a Timer1 AND Timer2 for Monday. I set my Timer1 to 80% 10PM to 4PM for each day of the week. I have my default...
  15. M

    Real World Range

    Just today.... Big winter storm in MN. Charged to just under 100% (said 100 but charger still active). 28F, Snowing, poor traction, lights on, heat on, wipers intermittent. 57 mile trip ended with 23% remaining. Over 2 hours on the road. Although this was 90% highway, the speeds were quite...
  16. M

    What's your car charging experience been like? MIT Designers

    I live about 30 miles outside of Minneapolis. The #1 MISTAKE i see is that the city has not rolled out ANY L3 stations. Time is money for many people and if i want to drive to the city and back to run a few errands, i NEED access to an L3 charger. For example, I have a special needs daughter...
  17. M

    One day they could make electric cars...

    Or how about "My daddy drives me to school in one and he doesn't cause cancer in people or kill babies due to poisonous emissions"... that would get someone's attention.
  18. M

    Max regen - at what point do mechanical brakes engage?

    Just to add.... B mode on the 2013 is more aggressive than D. I'm pretty sure i see 4-5 cirlcles of regen for a few seconds at 35mph. Things appear to even out at around 15-20mph.
  19. M

    Real World Range

    Slightly off topic response... but i have to giggle everytime someone describes 30F as "winter" :mrgreen: ..... this coming from a Minnesotan... ;)
  20. M

    Wow! I knew range was supposed to increase in warm weather..

    Ditto in Minnesota. We've had an unusaully cold spring with high temps struggling to get out of the 40's. I've had my 2013 SL for about a month. Yesterday I drove a 6 mile stretch in the city at 41F that I've previously driven in temps from about 5F to 25F. Just turned 5% at the 6 mile...