20,000 miles

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Just passed 36k miles on my OEM tires. Still running at 44 PSI (same since I brought the car home) and they are still in great shape (even wear).

I plan on getting new tires next summer and will probably go with a premium LRR type but haven't done much research yet...
mkjayakumar said:
Would be nice to know if you still have 12 bars ?

In Portland? You bet.
20,000 miles
12 bars
wish i had a leafscan so i know my capacity issues or not.

as it is, the mxv4s cut the range some, though i may have gotten some back last week by going up to 42psi from 38.
i need to do my commute a few more times to be sure. remote climate control before departure gave me an astounding mile/bar count today.
Darn, couldn't find the 10,000 mile thread, so thought I would post here. I crossed 10,000 miles this past weekend at almost exactly 18 months. I know, not a big deal for the old-timers. With my short commute, it's difficult to rack up the miles. I still have all the bars, but have probably lost about 5-10% capacity but won't know until summer.

I completed the same 65 mi jaunt as posted before: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11505&start=30#p266465
This time the temps were closer to 40-45 F but into a 20 mph headwind. My first time at highway speeds with a nasty cross/headwind. Not fun! Used 7 battery bars going and 5 returning. Prior to leaving, I reviewed Tony's range chart for the headwind/temps, assuming 10% battery degradation, and decided that we could "just" make it without charging, but without any heat. That was enough to make me remember the charging cord this time. Got 1.5 hr of L1 during dinner, so could use plenty of heat on the return trip. Little heat needed outbound due to pre-warming, driving into the sun, and the warmer temps. Got home about 1 mi past LBW, just as planned.

Tony, thanks again for that range chart. Without it, I wouldn't have attempted the trip.
MY LEAF turned over 20,000 miles yesterday.

I’m very satisfied with my decisions more ~38 months ago to order, ~27 months ago to take delivery on a lease, and ~15 months ago to buy, my LEAF.

I seem to have been relatively immune to the range anxiety, battery degradation anxiety, resale price anxiety, and the multiple other anxieties that seem so common among many other MNL members.

My LEAF has very close to the same range it has always had, in my regular 50+mile commute, in my ~500 ~600 mile round trips to the Bay area, and on the regular test route from “100%” to ~VLBW I've been driving for ~22 months:

Use CW report from range test to determine battery capacity

http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9064" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

My LEAF’s battery also seems to be accepting close to the same kWh from recharging that same ~VLBW to "100%" battery capacity, as it always has:

Collecting data:Off-the-wall power for turtle to 100% charge

http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=6876&start=210" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

So, while I will have no precise conclusion about what the first capacity bar loss on my LEAF actually indicates when it occurs (and I’ll probably lose it very soon, as the app now shows 56.05 AHr and 84.59 CAP) I don’t expect it will be any great blow to my LEAF experience.

If that “15%” figure from the capacity bar display (and the near-identical percentage of available kWh reported on my LEAF’s dash and nav screen m/kWh, and from my CarWings kWh use reports) exceeds the actual loss of available battery capacity my LEAF has experienced from new (as I strongly suspect) then I probably will have little problem with battery capacity, or range, for many years.

On the other hand, if I actually have experienced ~"15%" battery degradation, and since I could recently drive ~110 miles with over 6,000 feet of total ascent and descent, on a hot Summer day, before the VLBW, with that almost “15%” degraded battery:

100 Mile Club & 200 km Club & NEW 300 km Club !!!!)

http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7022&start=590" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Then the “30%” capacity warranty should kick in before my own basic maximum range requirements (which are, ~60 miles at ~35 to ~50 mph, beginning with ~2000 total ft. of descent, and ending with the same ascent, at temperatures down to ~25 F) exceed my battery capacity.

And due to the relatively low post-incentive price I paid (Thanks to the Fed tax credit and Carb Rebate) while I will probably come out only a few hundred dollars behind (or less likely, ahead) by buying out my Lease, I still view the rapid price drops of The LEAF and other BEVs, as very positive developments.

The overwhelming reality of LEAF ownership for me, is that I’ve been able to reduce my gasoline use by over 90%, and my total transportation energy use by over 50%, by driving a LEAF, results far superior to what I could have received by any other vehicle, at anywhere near the same cost.

So the anxiety I formerly experienced every time I bought a gallon of gas, and every time I burned one, converting it into ~1,300 gallons of CO2 out of my tailpipe (with various trace pollutants included in the spew) is largely gone.

I’m not nearly as satisfied with Nissan’s corporate behavior as I have been with the LEAF itself, over this same period of time.

Nissan has failed to produce a coherent strategy to establish reliable DC infrastructure.

Nissan has failed to remedy, or even explain adequately, the “gauge error” which has made accurately assessing the actual loss of battery capacity of any LEAF, and which has caused such near-hysteria (if not near-panic- Oh!...The “bloodbath”!) among those who take capacity bar loss, and declining gid counts and AHr readings, far more seriously than I do.

And Nissan has failed on several occasions, most significantly in refusing to announce all the terms for battery replacement, to support LEAF owners and Lessees sufficiently.

But, while I don’t expect any corporation to exhibit human ethical standards, I do expect Nissan to pursue it’s own profit objectives, which will require it to (eventually) remedy most or of its failures on these accounts.
edatoakrun said:
MY LEAF turned over 20,000 miles yesterday.

I’m very satisfied with my decisions more ~38 months ago to order, ~27 months ago to take delivery on a lease, and ~15 months ago to buy, my LEAF.
Nice post, Ed! Thanks!
mkjayakumar said:
Reddy: 40-45F in July ? Now thats a pity.
July? I'm reading February...
EVDrive said:
hobbyguy said:
Hit 20,000 miles on Monday, exactly 11 months since purchase. Not one issue to speak of, 20,000 miles of carefree driving. Anyone else close?

Nope @ 10,000 miles myself. No issues except... I do have a cracked windshield to worry about. Not sure how much it will cost to fix or replace. Stupid flying rocks.

I had my windshield replaced due to a rock crack. It was just under $400 for an aftermarket unit. It turned out great!
Rolled into 20,000 miles today.

The good: Flawless, z-e-r-o issues (touch wood) and drives just like new. Still on OEM tires but pretty worn out and it won't pass another inspection, but then my lease would be over before my next inspection. Compared to my LX RX 350 that had quite a few issues fixed under warranty and alteast around $500 out of pocket for basic dealer recommended maintenance.

The bad: Terrible degradation the past two months from 252 to 225 this morning. Almost it is like dropping a Gid a day. I am parking it outside to get the battery cool down a little bit and inspite of much cooler summer this year (so far) the degradation has been abysmal. Lost one bar around 18.5K miles. For my 70 mile round trip daily commute with around 50 miles on the freeway, I am now forced to charge at L1 atleast for two hours in my office. They are apparently working on installing an EVSE.

What next ? After three more months I am planning to utilize the 3 month grace period offered by Nissan and $1000 towards my next purchase, and will lease a Leaf, hopefully at less than half the price than the one I am currently leasing.

Leaf 20000 miles - small.jpg
Lease price might not be as good as hoped. A few have mentioned a change in residual staying July 1 that had really jumped the payments up