220V charger

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Active member
Oct 6, 2010
For those who received the quotes back from Aerovironment, don't you think the quote is rather high? I mean, ~ $700 for the charger is fine, but $1300 for installation is a bit rediculous if you ask me.. I know there is a tax credit for this, but $1300 labor for what should be about 2 hrs work is robbery.

Do we have other options available? If we don't use AV, will it affect the warranty?
Welcome to the forum ;)

Yeah, a lot of us feel the same way about AV's quote. Fortunately there are several other options becoming available. If you choose not to go with AV you can request a waiver from Nissan and it won't affect the warranty. I suggest you read through the EVSE threads, there's a lot of info there: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewforum.php?f=26
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