3 Car seats in the back of a LEAF is possible

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
La Crescenta, CA
Got an e-mail from Nissan:

The Nissan LEAF is a compact, 5-door family sedan, with seating for 5 (3 child seats fit in the back seat). We do not have interior dimensions available at this time, however there is a specs sheet on http://www.NissanUSA.com/leaf. To get there, please click on "specs" on the left handed menu bar, then click on "features and specs" within the specs page. A white window will open up, if you want even more detailed information under the white window there is a link to download a printable pdf version of the spec sheet.

3 child seats fit in the back? That's wonderful news. It's going slightly into the I'll believe it when I see it category as they haven't released the actual interior dimension specs yet.

But it's nice knowing that this car is future proofed for me if we ever have a 3rd kid.
cdub said:
Got an e-mail from Nissan:

The Nissan LEAF is a compact, 5-door family sedan, with seating for 5 (3 child seats fit in the back seat). We do not have interior dimensions available at this time, however there is a specs sheet on http://www.NissanUSA.com/leaf. To get there, please click on "specs" on the left handed menu bar, then click on "features and specs" within the specs page. A white window will open up, if you want even more detailed information under the white window there is a link to download a printable pdf version of the spec sheet.

3 child seats fit in the back? That's wonderful news. It's going slightly into the I'll believe it when I see it category as they haven't released the actual interior dimension specs yet.

But it's nice knowing that this car is future proofed for me if we ever have a 3rd kid.

I'd be curious to know if there are 2 or 3 sets LATCH connectors. Most C class I have seen only have 2 sets of LATCH connectors.
I'm presuming it would be 2 set of latch and you'd have to use a seatbelt for the middle - I guess that's another question I can ask. :)
Chatted with them for more info:

yes a couple of questions... in a previous chat it was told to me that the LEAF will be able to have 3 child seats in the rear seats. Does this mean that there are 3 sets of LATCH connectors?

Support Rep:
Thank you for your interest in the Nissan LEAF Electric Vehicle, I am happy to answer that for you, (my name). The number of LATCH connectors has not been determined. The LEAF begins production in October, and until then several specifications are subject to change as the engineers make last minute alterations. I would anticipate that LATCH connectors will be available at all three seats in the back, but the specifications for this feature have not been determined.

ok - but the ability to hold 3 car seats isn't going to change? (hopefully)

Yes, the rear seat configuration is for three car seats.

EDIT: This is a HUGE reason why the Volt is a non-starter for me. (it only has 2 bucket seats in rear because of battery)
Yes some are wider than others. There's a certain brand that has a narrower width than others but I can't remember the name right now.
Is "LATCH" the sholder+lap seatbelt that typically "latches" into a (mostly) "fixed" (or flexible) quick-release latch-socket?

The center seat might have only the lap-belt, but still "latches", right?

What is a non-LATCH seatbelt, please?
(I am not familiar with the "LATCH" notation.)
Unless you have triplets, I don't see this as a problem...Likely your oldest will be in a booster when your youngest needs a car seat....

And if you have triplets, well you need a minivan anyways.

Gavin said:
Unless you have triplets, I don't see this as a problem...Likely your oldest will be in a booster when your youngest needs a car seat....

And if you have triplets, well you need a minivan anyways.


Not necessarily... in CA car seats are required until they are 6 years old. We have an almost 3 year old, a baby due in 2 weeks, and if we'd be having another kid in 2 years then yes we'll need a car that can have 3 car seats.

Just making sure my LEAF purchase is future proof.
Thanks for the reference. Without children, I did not know about the special backseat LATCH hooks in the back-to-seat crack, or the "teather" hook.

I will have to look for them in our cars. Perhaps they will help secure a puppy cage while driving!

Thanks again. :)
If you have twins first and then a baby, you'll need three across car seat capacity. And who said the M word? (Minivan?????)

We routinely transport three little sisters, twins and a baby, three across in our 2007 Prius. The twins are five years old now, but they are lightweights, so they still are in their original car seats used as booster seats with seatbelts holding them in. We use the LATCH points for the middle baby seat, facing backward.

I won't say it is easy, in fact it's a pain to reach the seatbelt buckle points between the car seats to buckle them, but the twins can reach to unbuckle them when we arrive at destination. And to get the car doors closed with all three across, I have to slam the door after proclaiming "Hands on noses!" to make sure that nobody has their little fingers caught between car seats or doors. But we do it.
Vasectomies are so liberating!

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

cdub said:
We have an almost 3 year old, a baby due in 2 weeks, and if we'd be having another kid in 2 years then yes we'll need a car that can have 3 car seats.
ha...I stand by the Minivan comment...

If you have three kids in car seats, and the required strollers, diaper bags, bottles,spare clothes, sunscreen, etc etc etc...that all have to fit in with you, the kids and your spouse (hopefully...3 tiny ones with one parent is doable, but hard)...well

Face it, deal with it, suck up your pride and get the dang minivan. easy access, room for stuffed animals and coloring books and all that.

Well - we're probably going to replace our OTHER car with minivan eventually if it comes to that. I just like knowing I can fit 3 kids in my LEAF.

I like knowing that if I need to fit all 3 kids in the LEAF - I could.
Gavin said:
ha...I stand by the Minivan comment...

If you have three kids in car seats, and the required strollers, diaper bags, bottles,spare clothes, sunscreen, etc etc etc...that all have to fit in with you, the kids and your spouse (hopefully...3 tiny ones with one parent is doable, but hard)...well

Face it, deal with it, suck up your pride and get the dang minivan. easy access, room for stuffed animals and coloring books and all that.


Just messing with you, Gavin. The parents of the three kids we take care of have a big Toyota Sequoia or something as well as a Prius. But they sometimes take the kids in the Prius if they don't need to carry much. Remember, there is a trunk behind the seats for most of the stuff you mentioned, except maybe strollers.
Boomer23 said:
If you have twins first and then a baby, you'll need three across car seat capacity. And who said the M word? (Minivan?????)

We routinely transport three little sisters, twins and a baby, three across in our 2007 Prius. The twins are five years old now, but they are lightweights, so they still are in their original car seats used as booster seats with seatbelts holding them in. We use the LATCH points for the middle baby seat, facing backward.

I won't say it is easy, in fact it's a pain to reach the seatbelt buckle points between the car seats to buckle them, but the twins can reach to unbuckle them when we arrive at destination. And to get the car doors closed with all three across, I have to slam the door after proclaiming "Hands on noses!" to make sure that nobody has their little fingers caught between car seats or doors. But we do it.

What brand carseat do you have that goes 3 across?
Just messing back at you too :)

Heck I know plenty of people who "suffer" through with kids and small cars...and I know that a minivan is not sexy or cool...but we do use my brothers all the time for going to bars and parties and such...he calls it the party van...a great way to take lots of adults out on the town...along with be hella useful when you have a few rug rats.

I should point out one thing for people who are thinking about getting the Leaf to cut environmental impact. You should also carefully consider the impact of having more children. I know this is considered "not PC" - but this has the largest environmental impact of any other choices we may make ...