Biggest problem I have with the Leaf......

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drees said:
I would really like to know the estimated pack replacement cost and I would like a "pre paid" upgrade option for a discount on an advanced pack, could be a good thing or good for resale. Plus a real charger.
Tesla does that - $36k estimated replacement cost today - $12k to buy one in advance 7 years later.
Which is not bad ... about 10% of the average retail cost of the new car. If Nissan made this available ... $3,300 ... I would bite ! And it would make it so much more likely that I would buy rather than lease.
this begs the question; if you could buy an extended battery warranty or lock in a discount for a replacement, what would you pay?

i am a non believer in extended warranties for anything. but whats it worth? $1000, maybe $2,000 to extend to say 150,000 miles?
Because of the "hokus-pokus" fog around the battery "warranty" (which won't clear until they publish the official fineprint) ... I am going straight for a guaranteed replacement option. No questions, no guessing; I know exactly what I'll get in seven (or eight) years for my $3,300. That, of course, also helps me with the resale value in case I decide to sell at 7/8 years or prior (the replacement guarantee will transfer with the LEAF).
dont think i could go quite that much especially when used battery packs can probably be reconditioned for a nominal cost. wow, think if it. it could be like warranty exchanges like cellphones when you might get a battery with a huge lists of tests it has passed but it dies a month later anyway.

but then again, maybe Nissan could run like cellular service. it would be a service with a premium renewable every month. must be started when car is purchased and as long as you pay your monthly premiums, you get free battery replacement service