Charger Flashing Red for Timer Charge?

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2013
I have a Nissan Leaf S, I love the car so far and bought a Bosch Power Max 16 amp which is working great! When I plug it in for instant charge I never have a problem and it charges quickly. It also looks pretty nice in the garage.

My problem is, when I do a timing charge, as in I program the car to be charged by X time. Example, I leave for work in the morning by 7 and would like the car charged by 7. About 1 in every 6 times I come out to the charger flashing red, meaning minor fault and it never charged the car. This has been very unreliable as you can imagine because I need the car in the morning and it hasn't charged. This has forced me to just plug it in and charge without using the timer.

Does anyone have an idea of what can be causing this? It never does it when I do normal charging but only during the timer charge. Here is the manual and it just says that "Level 2 Charging Station is recovering from a minor fault. Stop using the Level 2 Charging Station until the LED turns solid green."" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I am going to call them and see what they have to say. I've been using this for about 6 months now.
I contacted Bosch, they offered to send me out a new one but requested that I first go to a Nissan dealership and make sure I have the most recent firmware update on the car.

Is anyone familiar with that? I just started leasing the car back in September of 2013. Has there been a recent update that would cause this problem? Thanks!