Chelsea Sexton picking up Leaf for the day

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Chels, if you could find a way to test drive a Fiat 500 ev, well I would love a report on that...

On a separate note, comparing the Leaf to an ev1 is cool, but, sadly, the ev1 is not to be...

How does the Leaf compare to the iMIEV you test drove?

Thanks again

Would LOVE to drive the Fiat. I will find a way....eventually!

I really like the iMiEV and dig the Mr. Bean external styling, but I have to admit that the Leaf is a better car in acceleration, range, handling and features. However, in fairness, the only iMiEVs that we've been driving are RHD conversions of Japanese gas kei cars- so sort of the Versa prototype equivalent of the Leaf. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and think that if they give it a proper interior and IP/UI, and undercut the Leaf pricing like they're hinting, it could be a good competitor in terms of value for money.

I've done a couple write-ups of the iMiEV- something of a review here:

and just a fun post here:
Hi Chelsea,
I loved reading your posts about the Leaf. Here's a question that I haven't heard anyone talk about....

How would you rate the audio system in the Leaf? Did you play any CDs? Or see an iPod interfaced to the stereo? I am especially interested in hearing about the sound quality with the stock speakers....Will we have to upgrade the sound system to get some good sound?

Then again, you may have just been listening to the "silence" during your drive....

Thanks, Randy
Randy said:
Or see an iPod interfaced to the stereo?

There is supposedly an iPod interface, on the right hand side of the center console and a USB connection on the left side, under those black covers. Chelsea, did you actually see an iPod interface? The only reason I ask is that Hal Sparks lifted up both and only said there was an Aux connection on the right hand side. But then, maybe Hal wouldn't know an iPod interface if he fell over one (I know I wouldn't).
I'm afraid I never turned on the stereo system. In part I was more focused on the noise (both motor noise and the infamous added noises). I also had Mark Perry with me and was chatting with him the whole time about other features and questions about the program- and was definitely more focused on the "EV specific" stuff.

I could swear it was an actual iPod dock (and as Mark flipped back the cover to show me, he said specifically "iPod", not "aux" or anything else), but admittedly I didn't focus to hard on it as I tried to cover as much as I could of the screens, buttons, questions on the list, etc. I understand the Leaf will be at Plug-in 2010 in San Jose at the end of this month, so I'll check again if I can. And if anyone's in the area, Tuesday the 27th is public night, so it would be fun to see any of you there! The PN panel will be comprised of me, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Martin Eberhard, and Jessie Deeter (our producer on WKtEC and ROTEC).

A side note on the sound...I saw Phil LeBeau's CNBC report that one of the issues of the car was a tinny motor whine. Unless it only comes in at high speed, I think it was in his own head. You can technically hear the motor, yes, but particularly with the insulation, it's quieter than nearly every other EV I've driven save maybe the Volt in EV mode. I can also confirm others' reports that the added noise is no big deal from within the car- forward sound is basically imperceptible, and reverse warning is noticeable but not as annoying as they generally are (didn't hear either one from outside the car). However, it in no way changes my general position on mandating added noise to these vehicles.
Chelsea, Bill Nye and no Ed Begley Jr on the panel? Ed must be hiding, I asked him via email if he was getting a Leaf, and he said "He hopes his next EV will be American made", well the Leaf will be made in the TN plant in 2012, I doubt he's holding out for the Volt, perhaps the new Tesla?
ha! I didn't ask Ed this time, actually- was aiming for a mix of folks, though I will one day get both of them on the same panel.

That's interesting about the American made thing- I'm sure he's been in the Volt, so he could have meant that, or it might have just been a general statement. Only other EV from a major American OEM in the next couple years is Ford Focus, and they're still very much in the closet on that one. And he doesn't strike me as a Model S kind of guy.
Hey, chels: With all the testers getting in and out of the driver's seat this week, my bet is that you had to adjust it. Since the Leaf only has manual seats (to save on weight, power, and expense), how easily could you adjust it to your preferred position? Back-and-forth, up-and-down, reclining, lumbar, etc.? And did you have to adjust the steering wheel, which supposedly telescopes as well as moves up-and-down?

Y'know? I'll wager yours was the best ride Mark Perry has had all week!
I actually didn't have to adjust it much- maybe an inch forward, using the manual lever. As with the radio, didn't think to check for the rest, sorry! I'm a geek, spent more time on the power use gages and such!
Thanks Chels...I too prefer the look of the iMIEV...but concerned with many reports of substandard Mits just isn't pushing it like Nissan is.

But I like small and funky...heck this is a commuter car...I don't need seating for 5 AND a trunk.

Still I will likely get the LEAF to help push EV adoption, and then give it to my daughter in a couple of years and get myself the 500EV...Now that is the car I really "lust" for. Perfect size, cute as a button, go kart driving (small and light with corner placed wheels, low CG with the battery pack in the floor...dang that car will corner like it's on rails).

The only thing tempting me is getting the 500 in the 2 cylinder model instead of the LEAF and then trading that in for the EV when it comes to market...but I really think as many of us as possible should get an EV as soon as possible or the car makers well assume we don't want them. Plus I'm not sure the 500 is coming to the states in the 2 cylinder model...though I think they would be foolish not to...57mpg combined is a number that will get people in the showrooms...Fiat can sell as many 500 2cyl models as they can make I would think.

Thanks again...when you get to drive the iMIEV again please let us know if the insides and such have improved. And when you get to drive a 500EV, and I know you will long before any of us ;) ....well take TONS OF PHOTOS... or better yet, let me know and I'll fly out from New Mexico :) **


**....mmmm, that makes me sound like a strike that...I would be more than happy with just lots of photos and your review...
Hi all- took me a few days b/c of hybridfest, but finally got a post up on ABG about the Leaf. It's a start... ;o)

I wish! Took the others, but I'm sure the lead shot is one of Nissan's press photos.

evchels said:
Hi all- took me a few days b/c of hybridfest, but finally got a post up on ABG about the Leaf. It's a start... ;o)
I hate to sound like some kind of gushing fanboy, but this article was excellent. I was very refreshing to read something more than "It's quiet, it's peppy, it doesn't use gas!" which seems to be about all we've been getting so far. There was quite a bit of new (to me, anyway) information in this article. Thank you - you've staved off my insatiable desire for more info about this car for at least a couple of days.
Thanks guys- I was a little worried about it passing muster with this group! ;o)

Yeah, I figured I had to acknowledge the "quiet, peppy" part- and it is all that, but I tried to get through that quickly as it's all been said before. And I knew some of it had been covered- the driving radius and such, but hoped there'd be some new nuggets in there...

I have some other miscellaneous things that I couldn't fit in due to length, and I'll probably toss them up on my own blog and link here, so it'll all be in one centralized spot.
Chelsea, did you get a chance to see how readable these displays are when sunlight is hitting them?

Thanks for all the info.
I didn't specifically look with that in mind, but it was bright and sunny the day I drove, and I had no issue whatsoever. And because the IP is recessed behind the steering wheel, it's mostly shielded anyway.