Delivery of May 2011 Orders

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Did your dashboard change from "Month of..." to "Week of..." at the same time you received your vin?

Lastly, when it finally did change to "Week of..." how many weeks out was that new delivery from when it changed? What I mean is, when it finally said "Month of..." was that 1, 2, or 3 weeks away?
EricBayArea said:
Did your dashboard change from "Month of..." to "Week of..." at the same time you received your vin?

Mine didn't, however CS rep said I may be able to pick the car up 1st week of Sep based on the information she had about my order.
EricBayArea said:
Did your dashboard change from "Month of..." to "Week of..." at the same time you received your vin?
Lastly, when it finally did change to "Week of..." how many weeks out was that new delivery from when it changed? What I mean is, when it finally said "Month of..." was that 1, 2, or 3 weeks away?

Got the VIN# and "week of" the same day, and it was 4 weeks out; then it moved out 1 more week (and holding). But, I'm in Texas, so you have to figure it takes longer to deliver a car to TX than CA (or anywhere else on West coast).
Stanton said:
Got the VIN# and "week of" the same day, and it was 4 weeks out; then it moved out 1 more week (and holding). But, I'm in Texas, so you have to figure it takes longer to deliver a car to TX than CA (or anywhere else on West coast).

Very helpful, thanks for the info.
I can't remember when it changed from "month of September" to "week of
September 1", but I think it was three or four weeks before it changed to
"week of August 29". I think the VIN came about the same time as September
1. But my memory is poor and I didn't make notes. :oops:

Just checked and still showing August 29. :)
Ok, last night in a fit of stir-craziness I decided to contact customer support to see where they believed my LEAF to be. Based on VIN tracking, they believe my LEAF is still on the high seas, on it's way to port. So it looks like mine didn't make it over on the Luna Spirit or World Spirit. My ETA remains unchanged: week of September 16, 2011.
Ok, last night in a fit of stir-craziness I decided to contact customer support to see where they believed my LEAF to be. Based on VIN tracking, they believe my LEAF is still on the high seas, on it's way to port. So it looks like mine didn't make it over on the Luna Spirit or World Spirit. My ETA remains unchanged: week of September 16, 2011.

Strange. You ordered a day before me and I'm still showing Week Of August 19. Your VIN# should be earlier than mine.

El Cerrito, CA, SF Bay Area
Reserved April, 2011
Ordered May 11, 2011
Dashboard shows "Week of August 18" > "Week of August 19" > "Week of August 18" > "Week of August 22" > "Week of August 19"
Red SL
Vin# 7316
My VIN is in the low 8000's, so it's later than yours. I suspect it's as others have concluded...Nissan must do some kind of geographical-based grouping/ordering rather than doing a strictly first-come-first-served ordering.
Interesting...when I found out that my LEAF was still at sea, I decided to check the whereabouts of the Hoegh Inchon. Right now, it's actually on it's way to Los Angeles from Tacoma (WA). Since last week it was reported to be heading to the US from Japan, would that mean that it when to Tacoma from Japan? If so, that'd be a reasonable LEAF drop point for Washington. :) Either way, it sounds like that must not be the ship with my LEAF.

Have other plausible LEAF carriers been identified as currently on-route to the US from Japan?
Ok, a new detail, though I'm not sure what to do with it: the LEAF support rep told me it was assigned to vessel "P03J". Does anyone know how to translate that into a ship name that we can track? Would that perhaps be the call sign? I can't seem to figure out how to look up a ship via the call sign on
KeithFrechette said:
Ok, a new detail, though I'm not sure what to do with it: the LEAF support rep told me it was assigned to vessel "P03J". Does anyoneg know how to translate that into a ship name that we can track? Would that perhaps be the call sign? I can't seem to figure out how to look up a ship via the call sign on
Interesting. Since my delivery date is similar to yours, and my VIN is close, it is fair to assume our buggies are on the same ship. Or, maybe not, considering all the other inconsistencies reported.

Maybe the wisest thing to do is just forget about it, have a cold bbeer, and wait for the dealer to call.

KeithFrechette said:
Interesting...when I found out that my LEAF was still at sea, I decided to check the whereabouts of the Hoegh Inchon. Right now, it's actually on it's way to Los Angeles from Tacoma (WA). Since last week it was reported to be heading to the US from Japan, would that mean that it when to Tacoma from Japan? If so, that'd be a reasonable LEAF drop point for Washington. :) Either way, it sounds like that must not be the ship with my LEAF.

Have other plausible LEAF carriers been identified as currently on-route to the US from Japan?

I'll bet they dropped mine off in Tacoma; that would make the 8/29 date about right. :cool:
I have another piece of random data for those who are still trying to make sense out of it - estimated delivery just changed to "week of September 01, 2011". Ordered 5/13/11.
phxsmiley said:
Hmm... Mine was pushed forward one day to Aug 31st...
Well, I also moved one day from week of Sept 15 to week of Sept 14. Too much for my little brain, so I think I'll take my own advice - have a cold one (after noon, of course), and wait for the dealer to call.
