drive-in theater

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It just seems like when the car is powered on there would be an awful lot of illumination going on which would make it difficult to watch a movie at a drive-in.

Kennyboy, when we took the Prius to the drive-in we couldn't figure out how to get the instrument panel to shut off. There is a dimmer switch next to the steering column for that purpose but it only works when the headlights are on. In fact, you can turn the instrument panel all the way off when your headlights are on, which seems like a really bad idea! But when the headlights are off the instrument panel is blinding. Luckily, it was sort of a chilly night so I took my jacket and covered it with that. Problem solved!
Remember that the accessory info display does not actually measure power consumption... It simply computes it based on what is turned on and what has been programmed in to it that those devices draw...

Lasareath said:
With the Leaf at full charge and it just on with no lights you can sit still for 96 hours. The energy info screen says i'm using around 250 watts per hour with the Leaf just on. 24KW Battery should last me around 96 hours. With lights on it's around 70 hours. That's just standing still, no regen.
TimLee said:
Periodically as the 12V battery voltage drops, the blue light starts flashing, and it does charge from the HV battery DC to DC converter.
I'll take your word for it that this is how it works.

If you have used it that way often, then this likely explains why your 12V battery needed to be replaced in less than two years. It is much better to simply put the car in READY mode and prevent the deep cycling of the 12V battery.