EVSE Installation, Info and Cost Comparison Thread

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mwalsh said:
Mark Perry confirmed 120v charging rate on NPR yesterday - 1.4kwH. So that's ~17.25 hours to fully charged from empty.

Probably up to 20 something with a finish charge. I recall 19-22 earlier.
mwalsh said:
Mark Perry confirmed 120v charging rate on NPR yesterday - 1.4kwH. So that's ~17.25 hours to fully charged from empty.

of course, that's all the power you can draw from a 15A circuit

15A * 120V = 1800 Watts

1800 watts * %80 (to not overheat the circuit breaker for continuous load) = 1440 watts
or 1.44KW

They could have a switchable 120V EVSE, that allowed for the use of 20A circuits, which would get %25 more power. Probably determined it wasn't worth it, using the same convulted logic they used to determine that a 3.3KW onboard charger would be "acceptable" for even L2 charging.
mitch672 said:
mwalsh said:
Mark Perry confirmed 120v charging rate on NPR yesterday - 1.4kwH. So that's ~17.25 hours to fully charged from empty.

of course, that's all the power you can draw from a 15A circuit

15A * 120V = 1800 Watts

1800 watts * %80 (to not overheat the circuit breaker for continuous load) = 1440 watts
or 1.44KW

They could have a switchable 120V EVSE, that allowed for the use of 20A circuits, which would get %25 more power. Probably determined it wasn't worth it, using the same convulted logic they used to determine that a 3.3KW onboard charger would be "acceptable" for even L2 charging.

I heard there is going to be a cell phone port on the dash where you can pull power off any cell phone via usb and get and extra 6 inches of range boost. That should clam the 3.3 kw and L3 charge issues.
mwalsh said:
Mark Perry confirmed 120v charging rate on NPR yesterday - 1.4kwH. So that's ~17.25 hours to fully charged from empty.

There is some loss in converting your AC wall current to a controlled DC source for charging, plus the battery charging losses (why your laptop gets warm when turned off but charging). It sounds like these together require about 10-15% more AC power from the wall socket to charge the battery than the nominal 24kWh output capacity.
Interesting moral quandary....there was a voicemail from AV on my cell phone when I turned it on this morning. Apparent my quote is ready to go, but there is some kind of problem with the charge card number I gave them for the assessment fee, so they haven't been able to charge me the $100. Nissan had no problem using the same card for the reservation fee, and I've had no problems with it otherwise, so I'm not sure what's going on there. But I digress...

I've got a feeling (if the quotes the rest of you have gotten) that the quote is going to be a right royal "bending over". But on the other hand, I have had the service they were obliged to provide. :?
mwalsh said:
Interesting moral quandary....there was a voicemail from AV on my cell phone when I turned it on this morning. Apparent my quote is ready to go, but there is some kind of problem with the charge card number I gave them for the assessment fee, so they haven't been able to charge me the $100. Nissan had no problem using the same card for the reservation fee, and I've had no problems with it otherwise, so I'm not sure what's going on there. But I digress...

I've got a feeling (if the quotes the rest of you have gotten) that the quote is going to be a right royal "bending over". But on the other hand, I have had the service they were obliged to provide. :?

Part of the service was a quote within a time frame, were they within reason of the promised delivery or a month later like others, if you "pay" for a quote it should be delivered within a reasonable time period as promised. And yes, expect it to be unreasonable. Had I known they were going to play these pricing games I would have canceled mine.
mwalsh said:
Part of the service was a quote within a time frame, were they within reason of the promised delivery or a month later like others, if you "pay" for a quote it should be delivered within a reasonable time period as promised.

A month late, naturally! :lol:

So you paid for that and the ability to be overcharged, priceless. It's funny they call you when they need money but take their time with cookie cutter quotes and don't respond to concerns of easy installations being quoted above standard pricing.
LOL- Read the quote form this AV article below!


"Another thing you can count on AV for is success. If these people make mistakes, they make them invisibly – and very seldom. The deal they inked this January to supply the chargers for the Nissan LEAF is a good example. Yesterday, I interviewed Kristen Helsel, AV’s Director of EV Solutions at the 2010 Plug-In show in San Jose. Though she wouldn’t say that this deal represents the primary source of revenue in her business unit, she made it clear that it is of major importance."
"Another thing you can count on AV for is success. If these people make mistakes, they make them invisibly – and very seldom.

Success, or the appearance of success? If they're hoping to make mistakes with consumers under the same cloak of invisibility they employ with the Government, I've got a feeling they've got another thing coming!
mwalsh said:
"Another thing you can count on AV for is success. If these people make mistakes, they make them invisibly – and very seldom.

Success, or the appearance of success? If they're hoping to make mistakes with consumers under the same cloak of invisibility they employ with the Government, I've got a feeling they've got another thing coming!
:lol: What does that say about the "intelligence" of the gov't vis-a-vis the intelligence of "the people" ?
mwalsh said:
Interesting moral quandary....there was a voicemail from AV on my cell phone when I turned it on this morning. Apparent my quote is ready to go, but there is some kind of problem with the charge card number I gave them for the assessment fee, so they haven't been able to charge me the $100. Nissan had no problem using the same card for the reservation fee, and I've had no problems with it otherwise, so I'm not sure what's going on there. But I digress...

I've got a feeling (if the quotes the rest of you have gotten) that the quote is going to be a right royal "bending over". But on the other hand, I have had the service they were obliged to provide. :?

Interesting, after 5 weeks of waiting for my estimate, I got the same story from EV about "some kind of problem" with my credit card and I was asked to authorize the charge again. My guess is that they took so long to follow through with the estimate that the original card approval expired. I also got a call from my bank's credit card fraud division when the second charge went through inquiring if the charge was legitimate.
I think AV is in for a rude awakening if they don't get responsive really quick, they seem to operate in bubble and are out of touch or don't care what is happening in this process. I'll say it again, the RESIDENTIAL EVSE install market is not suited for a company like this, leave it to electrical contractors directly.
Good News!

ClipperCreek began shipping 2 weeks ago. So . . . I'm still dorkin' around w/ aerovirnonment ... waiting for them to see if they'll bless us with a hardwire for $2,200 even though a plug in version would save hundreds on install costs alone.

I'm wondering how cool a deal a bunch of us in L.A. / S.D. and O.C. counties could pick a batch of these up for. I got transportation large enough to hold at least 2 dozen of these goodies.
Is anyone game?
hill said:
Good News!

ClipperCreek began shipping 2 weeks ago. So . . . I'm still dorkin' around w/ aerovirnonment ... waiting for them to see if they'll bless us with a hardwire for $2,200 even though a plug in version would save hundreds on install costs alone.

But aren't the ClipperCreek units like $2,000 just for the unit? :?:
mwalsh said:
hill said:
Good News!

ClipperCreek began shipping 2 weeks ago. So . . . I'm still dorkin' around w/ aerovirnonment ... waiting for them to see if they'll bless us with a hardwire for $2,200 even though a plug in version would save hundreds on install costs alone.

But aren't the ClipperCreek units like $2,000 just for the unit? :?:

I'm waiting on an email to find out what they'll charge ... stand alone, versus group buy. We'll see. I have no source that says ClipperCreek is $2K. Do you?
hill said:
I'm waiting on an email to find out what they'll charge ... stand alone, versus group buy. We'll see. I have no source that says ClipperCreek is $2K. Do you?

Actually ~$3,000 for the 40amp model according to Autoblog Green:


......the company's American-made CS-40 connects to a 208V - 240V feed and puts out a continuous 32 amps and should retail for about $3,000
The $721 AV model is at least 30 amps, maybe 32. So, a $3000 32-amp model would not be any bargain.

I intend to go through the ordering process without an EVSE install evaluation even scheduled. If they unreasonably insist that I need one, I will simply not buy their car.

I will probably get a plug-in L2 EVSE later, but NOT via the AV "assessment" process.

Are there others of similar mind?