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I like the eGolf. It wasn't available here last time I leased, but it is now, one of the few EVs that would fit your family at a decent price that you can get here. The Combo infrastructure is starting to rival CHAdeMO too, so no problems in your area.
DNAinaGoodWay said:
... The Combo infrastructure is starting to rival CHAdeMO too, so no problems in your area.
What does that mean? Are you saying VW uses a different quick charging port than our Leafs? If so that kind of sucks. Is the L1/L2 plug the same? In my area we have very few quick charge stations, and of the few I've seen they are all for my Leaf, I'd hate to think companies would be making different types of QC ports :?
jjeff said:
DNAinaGoodWay said:
... The Combo infrastructure is starting to rival CHAdeMO too, so no problems in your area.
What does that mean? Are you saying VW uses a different quick charging port than our Leafs? If so that kind of sucks. Is the L1/L2 plug the same? In my area we have very few quick charge stations, and of the few I've seen they are all for my Leaf, I'd hate to think companies would be making different types of QC ports :?

L1/L2 is same (J1772) but the QC can be CHAdeMO or CCS Combo(depending on the manufacturer). Look up on plugshare to see how many of each do you have in your area. I know Phoenix area has very few CCS when compared to # of CHAdeMO.

A quick list:
Nissan, Mitsubishi, Kia use CHAdeMO
BMW, GM, VW use CCS.
inphoenix said:
jjeff said:
DNAinaGoodWay said:
... The Combo infrastructure is starting to rival CHAdeMO too, so no problems in your area.
What does that mean? Are you saying VW uses a different quick charging port than our Leafs? If so that kind of sucks. Is the L1/L2 plug the same? In my area we have very few quick charge stations, and of the few I've seen they are all for my Leaf, I'd hate to think companies would be making different types of QC ports :?

Look up on plugshare to see how many of each do you have in your area. I know Phoenix area has very few CCS when compared to # of CHAdeMO.

A quick list:
Nissan, Mitsubishi, Kia use CHAdeMO
BMW, GM, VW use CCS.
Same here, of the few QC stations anywhere near me, none I looked at listed CCS....not even any VW dealers. Of course since AFAIK the eGolf isn't available in my area, that might make sense.
jjeff said:
Same here, of the few QC stations anywhere near me, none I looked at listed CCS....not even any VW dealers. Of course since AFAIK the eGolf isn't available in my area, that might make sense.

Another question you want to ask yourself is that do you really want a certain EV that is not "available" in your area? Yes, you can buy it somewhere and have it shipped but what happens with the support? I chose Leaf over SOUL EV only for this reason.
+1 without local service, it's too risky.

Would've liked to see a Soul EV when I was shopping but wasn't here yet. They just started selling them here, but only at 2 dealers south of Hartford, over 100 miles away. Too far to bother.

But here's a look at local QCs. The first is CHAdeMo, then CCS. Many locations have both as they're NRG eVgo.

Always liked EV soul due to space inside. I am not sure about the electrical versions. Who are the dealers (I meant links) and how we service it here in Boston, MA in case something gets screwed up.?

I am currently researching on eGolf as you suggested.

In terms of chargers, I am confused to be honest with you all especially with the terminology, this is like 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G on the mobile phone front right?

L-1 charging uses 120 volts. It adds about 5% per hour of charge to a Leaf.

L-2 charging uses 240 volts (or 208 in some commercial locations). It charges a Leaf in 4-8 hours, depending on the size onboard charger the car has.

QC (aka DCQC) charges a Leaf to 80% of full charge in 30 minutes, by bypassing the onboard charger with a separate port and cables in the car. After 80% it slows down to about the same speed as L-2.

All modern E-cars can use L-1 or L-2. To use QC you need a car that had the second port and wiring added at the factory.
naturoses said:
Always liked EV soul due to space inside. I am not sure about the electrical versions. Who are the dealers (I meant links) and how we service it here in Boston, MA in case something gets screwed up.?

The only dealers are south of Hartford. If you needed EV service, you'd have to get the car there. But it may be sold here relatively soon?
DNAinaGoodWay said:
naturoses said:
Always liked EV soul due to space inside. I am not sure about the electrical versions. Who are the dealers (I meant links) and how we service it here in Boston, MA in case something gets screwed up.?

The only dealers are south of Hartford. If you needed EV service, you'd have to get the car there. But it may be sold here relatively soon?

I asked Kia dealer in Automile, Norwood,MA and he said NO. I love the space of Kia...
A dealer sent this (It is in italics) to me to convince buy the 2015 model:

The 2015 Leaf has a battery replacement program in place. I found this article from Autobytel.com:

"The 2015 Nissan Leaf Offers A Battery Replacement Program

Battery replacement is an issue that has dogged electric car builders, as would-be customers are wary of plunking down cash for a vehicle that will require an expensive critical component to eventually be re-installed. The 2015 Nissan Leaf does away with the company's plans to lease a new battery to owners for a low monthly cost in favor of a complete battery pack replacement for the price of $5,499. There's also a fee associated with adapting the new battery pack to older models, but that won't apply to the 2015 Nissan Leaf moving forward. All Leaf batteries come with a 100,000 mile / eight year warranty, and you can finance the new pack should you feel the need to replace your battery in 2023"

The way I understood this is that: if I buy the 2015 model and in the event when the battery performs poorly (below 9 bars), they will replace it for free without headache and heart attacks to me right? After 2023 (in my case it is 2026 - 2027), I have to pay out of pocket, right?

Typical of "dealer-speak" that is totally misleading. The battery capacity warranty only covers you for 5 years/60k miles, and only if the capacity bars fall to 8 or less displayed (out of 12) during that time period. So if your 9th bar doesn't drop until the car is 61 months old, and/or has 60,002 miles (there is a thread about that elsewhere), you're SOL.

The 8 year warranty only applies to battery defects, e.g. total battery failure, battery material leaking out, etc.
At this point, I have come to the conclusion that wait for a 2016 deal.

Regarding Charging at Home:

As some/many of you know that I am planning to switch to electrical cars for economy reasons – just waiting for a reasonable deal: Can anyone of you kindly guide me as to how and where to buy the electrical equipment to recharge the battery at 30/240 at home as highlighted below as the best. The table is taken from another thread on this forum. Does that equipment fit along with leaf other future cars and/or another electrical car model also?
I need a website link or two to get these please. Probably, I need a link to the electrical cable (which looks very thick and black in color) to connect to the car to the charging port? Thanks Very much.

Amps/Volts -- Where ---- Time

12 / 120 ------- Any ------ 22.8 hours (supplied cable with car in USA/Canada)
12 / 208 ------ Public ----- 11.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
12 / 240 ------ Home ------ 9.9 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
16 / 208 ------ Public ------ 8.6 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)****
16 / 240 ------ Home ------ 7.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
20 / 208 ------ Public ------ 6.7 hours (Clipper Creek LCS-25)
20 / 240 ------ Home ------ 5.9 hours (Clipper Creek LCS-25)
25 / 208 ------ Public ------ 5.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2013 LEAF)
25 / 240 ------ Home ------ 4.7 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2013 LEAF)
30 / 208 ------ Public ------ 4.5 hours (unverified at 30 amps**)
30 / 240 ------ Home ------ 4.2 hours (limited to 27.5 amps)
LeftieBiker said:
Clipper Creek makes good, inexpensive charging stations with long warranties. A web search will easily turn up their website.

Thank you very much for the charge station. I bookmarked it.

If I lease new 2016, do I still need OBDII check?. I found this on Amazon and not sure whether this is the one to buy:


All you guys are amazing people. Thank you very very much.
You shouldn't need to check the pack on a 2016 until Summer, but most of us probably would anyway, if we were buying it. There are several readers that work, and a list of them...somewhere. Anyone have the topic or url?
LeftieBiker said:
You shouldn't need to check the pack on a 2016 until Summer, but most of us probably would anyway, if we were buying it. There are several readers that work, and a list of them...somewhere. Anyone have the topic or url?

Yes, URL will surely help.

I gave up on 2015 SL purchase because I am concerned about the battery and headache, and as everyone said that I am now leaning more towards lease and take advantage of the tech upgrades as they come along. Importantly, I am also not a DIY person too.

Insurance: However, I did notice that insurance is higher for these electrical cars. I am an excellent driver plus with no accidents (at fault) for past 15 years Could be that I did not shop enough? Thanks
naturoses said:
At this point, I have come to the conclusion that wait for a 2016 deal.

Regarding Charging at Home:

As some/many of you know that I am planning to switch to electrical cars for economy reasons – just waiting for a reasonable deal: Can anyone of you kindly guide me as to how and where to buy the electrical equipment to recharge the battery at 30/240 at home as highlighted below as the best. The table is taken from another thread on this forum. Does that equipment fit along with leaf other future cars and/or another electrical car model also?
I need a website link or two to get these please. Probably, I need a link to the electrical cable (which looks very thick and black in color) to connect to the car to the charging port? Thanks Very much.

Amps/Volts -- Where ---- Time

12 / 120 ------- Any ------ 22.8 hours (supplied cable with car in USA/Canada)
12 / 208 ------ Public ----- 11.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
12 / 240 ------ Home ------ 9.9 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
16 / 208 ------ Public ------ 8.6 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)****
16 / 240 ------ Home ------ 7.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2011/12 LEAF)
20 / 208 ------ Public ------ 6.7 hours (Clipper Creek LCS-25)
20 / 240 ------ Home ------ 5.9 hours (Clipper Creek LCS-25)
25 / 208 ------ Public ------ 5.4 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2013 LEAF)
25 / 240 ------ Home ------ 4.7 hours (EVSEUpgrade.com 2013 LEAF)
30 / 208 ------ Public ------ 4.5 hours (unverified at 30 amps**)
30 / 240 ------ Home ------ 4.2 hours (limited to 27.5 amps)
20a is the most you'll get out of a EVSEUpgrade.com
Personally I'd suggest upgrading your stock EVSE and then purchasing a separate 30a EVSE for home. Your correct, 27.5 is the max a Leaf will draw, regardless if the EVSE is rated for more. Actually I'd get the 30a first and then sending in your EVSE for upgrade, that way your never without a EVSE.
[/quote]20a is the most you'll get out of a EVSEUpgrade.com
Personally I'd suggest upgrading your stock EVSE and then purchasing a separate 30a EVSE for home. Your correct, 27.5 is the max a Leaf will draw, regardless if the EVSE is rated for more. Actually I'd get the 30a first and then sending in your EVSE for upgrade, that way your never without a EVSE.[/quote]

How to upgrade the stock one, is it not standard equipment they give us?

Initially, I was planning with this: http://www.amazon.com/AeroVironment-TurboCord-Dual-Plug--Charger/dp/B00J8O1XQE/ref=sr_1_4?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1457905377&sr=1-4&keywords=AeroVironment

But now after research and future tech. changes, I thought below is better:


Please correct me...

Thanks Very Much.