How do I switch the climate ctrl from Fahrenheit to Celcius?

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Oct 28, 2013
I just got a LEAF in the US, but I'm from one of the 14,000 countries that uses the metric system.

I have switched the outside temperature display to be Celsius, but the climate control A/C still shows Fahrenheit and there doesn't appear to be an option to change it. The manual says nothing about it.

Has anyone figured out how to do this?

Is the speed in Km/h or in Miles/h?

You should update your profile information or add a signature which tells which type of LEAF you have (Year, Model) because the answer could change.

I have a 2013 SL, manufactured in the USA and everything is in Metric. In my car, you choose the MENU button to the right of the touch screen, select SETTINGS, then Others, then Language and Units and you can choose between US and Metric.

This is covered in the NAV system manual, not in the general manual for the car. If you have an "S," you have to find another way.
No I have an S, which doesn't have the navigation system.

I can change the speed to km/h or mi/h using the trip computer settings left of the steering wheel, and I can change the outside temperature display (that shows above the steering wheel) the same way.

I just can't find a way to change the climate control display - obviously the S model is different to the others in that respect.
Did you ever figure this out?
I just got a 2015 leaf with the low-end (non-nav) climate control and I can't figure out how to change the temperature units.
Changing the units on the heads-up display was easy, through the settings menu.
But the climate control appears to be different.


Did anyone ever come up with a solution to switching the climate control temperature display from Fahrenheit to Celsius? I agree, it is easy to switch the display of the outside temperature, but the same process doesn't switch the climate control temperature display.
I suggest a cheap Chinese clip-on thermometer that will tell you the interior temp in Fahrenheit. That makes it easier to adjust the settings without having to convert in your head.

I just bought a US Leaf and have the same problem! Did you ever find out how to change it?

Thanks, Bart
Just bumping this up in case anyone knows how to switch the temperature selection on the heating control on the S (base - no nav) from F to C.

Let us know. Thanks,
I am bumping this thread to hopefully find out if anyone found a solution to this on the S model.
I ALSO have this problem. However, I'm thinking at this point that it CAN'T be changed if no one has figured out how to do it. I've seen that same unit in other Nissan vehicles, so I wonder if there's a different part number, or a DIP switch somewhere on the unit, to change the units between sensible and Fahrenheit. :)
In the S with standard radio, press the Menu button (believe its the right knob), scroll down using knob until you find the units option.

I'm about to head out for the morning, I'll verify and update this as needed.
That only works for the instrument cluster temperature indicator above the steering wheel. Those of us who went cheap with their Leaf have a pretty basic air controller, and it doesn't appear to be tied into the rest of the vehicle in any way shape or form. :)
It doesn't matter if the units are kittens-per-cufflink, simply adjust until you're comfortable. Colder is less, warmer is more. I don't understand how people from one of the "14,000" superior countries have such a hard time with that. :lol:
I mean, seriously I drove for nearly 30 years before I had a car with any temp display at all.
Now get off my lawn! :twisted:
Yeah.. we can do that.. but I think some (like me) have to have a number. F doesn't compute with me, nor my family. I've heard you can do some sort of wonky conversion, but it's like a $100 change / update somehow? Seems odd...
There has got to be a way to do this. I can't imagine Nissan producing 2 different climate control panels. There must be a jumper or switch on the back etc.
I'm not opposed to opening the dash to find that...(if it is there). Easier still would be a sequence of button presses to program the climate control.

Has anyone learned anything since this thread went dormant?
Cheam said:
There has got to be a way to do this.

Ok, here is a Ukranian website mentioned in a different thread which speaks of flashing the chips in the climate control. I'm not wanting to brick my Leaf's climate control. Guess I'll subract 30 and divide by 2 to get Celcius. (approximate, I'm not trying to land a robot on Mars)
