July becomes August - the disappointment continues

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Reddy said:
Pretty soon somebody, who never even ordered the car, will be able to walk into a Nissan dealership on a whim and purchase the car on the spot.
No waiting required. :D


This is absolutely true. I was told by a CS manager that once a car gets to the dealer and becomes a demo or orphan, the dealer can do anything they like with the car. Only if the car is already slated for demo or is orphaned on the dashboard is it reallocated to the lost orders.

In fact, one of my neighbors was able to walk in and buy a Leaf, no reservation, no order, no wait...and from my PD (one the #1 dealers in CA)!

ouch ... Who can we write to at Nissan USA that can do something about this?
BlueSL said:
Glenn, what is surprising is that you ordered a silver SL-e. Silver was one of the colors Nissan was encouraging some people to switch to. Someone else here switched from blue to white and got moved from July to May.
Blue, I think I may be the person you are thinking of. I had a blue car ordered and had tried to change the color in Feb. but they wouldn't let me. When my delivery estimate went from April to May, I again tried and was denied. When it went to pending I had the ability to edit the color but I was afraid to make any changes at that point as I didn't want to jinx my order and end up in a "start over" position. I was only pending a day or two then it went to June, then July. When it hit July I gave up and during a conversation with CS I asked if they couldn't at least let me change colors. The supervisor said "Yep, I can do that." Next thing I knew I had a white car coming and an earlier delivery date. Pure luck on my part.

To be clear though, CS did not encourage me to switch colors.
leafkabob said:
To be clear though, CS did not encourage me to switch colors.

Kabob, I am excited for your car coming so soon. We will miss having you among the "have nots."

Some blue and red owners were encouraged to consider changing. I think Uhclem was one. i'd really have to dig to come up with others.
BlueSL said:
Kabob, I am excited for your car coming so soon. We will miss having you among the "have nots."

Thanks Blue. Believe it or not, I actually feel worse now for the have nots. It was no fun being in that boat, and I am excited to get my car, but I feel a bit guilty for getting what so many have been waiting for longer than me.

I still find this whole rollout to be so bizzare. It is unbelievable!
cdub said:
The problem is the horrible CS department Nissan hired which will sure have been figured out the next time around.
It's hard to give customers good information if your information is partial or just plain wrong. I think the CS Reps have done a good job in difficult circumstances. The problem isn't CS, it's the complete lack of tracking which is the problem.

Agreed that this will eventually be forgotten. But to some extent it has been a buzz kill for a lot of people.