Looking for feedback on a 75mi trip

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johnr said:
...it takes less energy to use the A/C than to crack the windows (opening the windows hurts the aerodynamics).

At one point I turned on the fan to vent outside air and even though the climate control energy meter read 0 kW being used, the GOM dropped my mileage by 8 miles and said (turn off climate control for +8 miles). I think I read somewhere on this forum that it's just the computer being stupid and that using the fan basically uses no energy, but it was enough to make me think twice, turn it off and crack the window.
EricBayArea said:
Trip is over and I have good news and bad news...

Bad news is I'm going to want to push the car further because of the good news - I made it with 2 bars left :)

For those wanting more details
Starting Temp: 56 degrees, 5 bat[*]tery temp bars
Trip distance (as measured): 74.1mi
At destination: 6 bars, 2 whole trees
Back at home: 2 bars,2 whole trees
GOM remaining: 18 miles
Average mi/kWh for the trip: 4.5
Ending Temp: 73 degrees, 6 battery temp bars

Climate control was off for the entire trip and there was no traffic (except for at one point). Speed limit was 65 for most of the trip and 55 for a short bit. Got a bit warm on my way back so I cracked the window. I was going at or slightly below speed limit the whole time, except on downhills where I'd pop it into neutral and let it coast to the fastest speed it could reach (changing lanes accordingly) until the grade slowed me down to the speed limit again. There were 2 speed variances during the trip. At one point I was next to a truck spewing rocks so I QUICKLY sped up and got in front of him. And then I hit 1/4 mile of stop-and-go traffic on a steep uphill (getting to the Caldecott tunnel) on my way home.

Only times I was worried was getting back on the road with 6 bars showing (lasted for about 10 minutes) and again when I hit the traffic with 13 miles left until I got home.

All-in-all, a very good trip and it gives me a lot more confidence driving the car to greater lengths.

You might want to repeat the same trip (assuming you have some need to) with your wife and see what difference the extra weight makes. Just don't tell her that's why you're doing it - "We all bring baggage to any relationship, sweetheart, and you're mine!"
EricBayArea said:
... I think I read somewhere on this forum that it's just the computer being stupid and that using the fan basically uses no energy, but it was enough to make me think twice, turn it off and crack the window.
Basically, yes. Anything the Guessometer tells you is pretty suspect. If the energy screen says the CC isn't drawing anything, you can believe it. In this case, had you stuck with it, you would have found that +8 miles number declining (sometimes to +0!) after the average usage of the climate control proved to be virtually nothing.