New LEAF commerical: 'Gas Powered Everything'

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Oh wow, GM will be furious. I bet they will counter with their trademark "range anxiety" with a LEAF being stranded and then a Volt just keeps going and going using oil of course, but they won't say that. They will say "It is more than electric" and runs for more than 300 miles. :roll:
Funny I thought about something like that but couldn't think of a way to make it work. That was really cute. I was also thinking about a comparison to cell phones... instead of charging them every night, if you had to take them to a gas station every few days. Something people could relate to.

Another angle to work on is maintenance. The ICE is the only consumer product that requires so much scheduled maintenance. Can you imagine if you had to take all your home appliances in for service 2-3 times a year?
Fantastic ad! Thanks for posting. Love the Volt being in it, and also how everything is gas powered (even the soft drink machine in the background with the huge exhaust pipe). It brilliantly makes the point about how society has become utterly dependent on oil and totally accustomed to the absurd realities of burning it all around us. (Cough, cough, choke, gag!) Great way to help people see the reality we have become blind to -- and that there are better alternatives.
Best one yet.. Not sure about the dig at the Volt though. There's plenty of potential EV customers without such in-fighting between GM and Nissan.
I LOL at the volt jab (cause they started it with the leaf blower comment), but I agree with you all that Nissan and GM needs to work together to push for more infrastructure, not fighting each other.
I like it! Very funny! :lol:

I agree it points out very effectivly how dependent we are on gasoline.

EXCEPT , IMO, they should NOT be showing a VOLT at the gas station (which is capable of running almost exclusively on electric given the right commute pattern ) ... but just a normal ICE. A friend of mine has had a Volt for 4.5 months: almost 3,600 miles and a total of 2.6 gallons consumed ( that's 1,384 MPG so far, and a projected 9,600 miles per year :p ).

Nissan: STOP bashing the Volt !

GM: STOP bashing the LEAF !

Edit: I substituted my memory recall numbers with the actual numbers in above paragraph, and added the MPG calculation.
I think it was inspired by this:

(Clearly Nissan has a bigger advertising budget!)
trentr said:
Oh wow, GM will be furious. I bet they will counter with their trademark "range anxiety" with a LEAF being stranded and then a Volt just keeps going and going using oil of course, but they won't say that. They will say "It is more than electric" and runs for more than 300 miles. :roll:
FYI - GM has abandoned its trademark application for 'RANGE ANXIETY'
From the US Patent and Trademark Office Website:

Goods and Services (ABANDONED) IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Promoting public awareness of electric vehicle capabilities
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 85078275
Filing Date July 6, 2010
Current Filing Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition October 19, 2010
Owner (APPLICANT) General Motors LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DELAWARE 300 Renaissance Center Detroit MICHIGAN 482653000
Attorney of Record Timothy G. Gorbatoff
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Abandonment Date January 27, 2011
LEAFer said:
EXCEPT , IMO, they should NOT be showing a VOLT at the gas station (which is capable of running almost exclusively on electric given the right commute pattern ) ... but just a normal ICE.
Unfortunately, once the initial demand is satisfied, the LEAF and Volt are going to be competing for the same customers. There would be little point in showing a normal vehicle, since a person considering a LEAF won't be trying to decide if they should buy a regular car. They'll be considering a Volt, or Prius, or maybe a Tesla.

Besides, it wasn't really a "bash", just a little dig.
I loved this spot. I also think the dig at the Volt is much deserved given GM's repeated references to the LEAF.

By the way, I have actually recommended the Volt to a number of co-workers who commute a little too far to be within the LEAF's 65-75 mile highway speed "safe zone". Someone here called the Volt a gateway drug to pure electric driving and I think that this is true. In fact were the Volt a five seater and comparably priced after incentives, I would have strongly considered it. But in the final analysis it turns out that a more affordable, all electric car with a limited range was MORE practical for a young family than the "more car than electric" Volt. ;)
LBCev said:
Someone here called the Volt a gateway drug to pure electric driving and I think that this is true...
I have heard some call it a pacifier.
Not sure this commercial will bring the desired result. If buying the Leaf means never using any gas it makes sense, but as most Leaf owners also use ICE powered vehicles at some times, it seems to me that it smacks of hypocrisy. Most anyone in the market for an EV would understand the message, why show the Volt? It may just give GM some free advertising.

I agree with an earlier post. Why can't we get along?? I don't see these cars as competitors.
You can see where Nissan likely got some of it's inspiration from. The Plug In America PSA videos promoting electric and plug in vehicles.
Plug In America's YouTube channel:
Plug In America: Imitation is So Flattering-Nissan's New Ad
Fri, 05/27/2011 - 1:07pm — Zan
Yes, we love Nissan's brilliant new Leaf ad! Especially because it looks SO much like our very own "Cell Phone" Public Service Announcement (PSA), distributed worldwide in November 2010.

Are we sayin' that one of the world's largest automakers, capable of hiring one of the world's largest advertising conglomerates, copied our PSA?

Nah. We're just sayin' maybe they got a few creative tips from Plug In America. Possibly? Probably?

We haven't talked to Nissan about it yet.

But why wouldn't they? What other group of folk as we have spent as much time driving electrics and extolling their virtues, and talking about them, and studying them (if virtually never repairing them, cuz you virtually don't need to)? Who knows more than we do?

And whose talented volunteers spent hours producing seven, count 'em, seven PSAs?

So we're happy if it's true, not just because imitation is the greatest form of you-know-the-rest.

But because Nissan has a much bigger marketing budget than Plug In America does. We say, go viral, "Gas Powered Everything."

And we say, go watch Nissan's cool new ad. Then tell your friends to watch our PSAs. Cuz we're all about letting the world know about cars that can drive on sunshine. And do.

Oh, and about that Volt thing in the ad? Jeff U'Ren, the six-time Emmy Award-winning editor who helped write and edited our PSAs, drives a Volt.
Myself and numerous other EV drivers / Plug In supporters made the Plug In America PSA videos possible by contributing services, time, money, creativity, etc...