Nissan Leaf Test Drive Tour Reports (Oct 1-3)

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First, I'm not here to say you are right or wrong. Second, I'm in the business of making battery packs for vehicles that are much larger than the LEAFs so I'd like to think I have some "street cred".

But then again, Mark Perry, Nissan's director of product planning and marketing, has told me that eventually the LEAF's battery will get some kind of active thermal management, and that it is kind of a necessity for long term planning.

Future planning as in a future LEAF that has better acceleration longer range and can be quick-charged even quicker that would require better cooling? You are assuming that he's talking about the current LEAF.

So the "necessary" active TMS on the Leaf won't be there because it would cost more and constrain seating to four.
This is your statement based on assumptions you are making, not Nissans. What nissan said is went passive to preserve passenger space. You are assuming that passenger space was the only factor in the decision, which I'm sure it wasn't. You would be crazy if you think that they said "oh we want the 5th seat, so we'll go passive" without seriously weighing the risks. You are also assuming that they did nothing else after they decided that they had to go passive. You don't know what engineering they did after making the decision to go passive to make sure it works.

All I'm saying is your logic is flawed and filled with assumptions.

Does the LEAF need an active TMS? I don't think anyone knows and anyone that thinks they do is full of crap..unless you happen to have all the test data nissan did an know enough about battery management to draw your own conclusion.
Anyone wanting to discuss BMS or any issue that is not directly related to this thread start a new thread or use one of the existing ones. Like the one below ...
LEAFguy said:
SanDust said:
At least one person was not so impressed with the car during the AltCar Expo, mostly because it's an EV econobox.

Simple - he writes a Volt blog. He is likely biased in the Volt direction. Not that all bloggers are biased, but that could account for his thoughts.

Yea ... but be careful ... I mentioned those facts, and he sorta wigged out, claiming I know nothing because according to this fella his friend "drove more EV's than me" (actually our company had 5 Chevy S10-EV's leased back in the year 2000 ... not that it means squat). Then he commented this guy is a Chelsa. (?? don't know if I'd want to be called a female ... but at least she's a very nice person). But yes ... anyone getting a free $41,000 car to drive around ... yes, they know what side of the bread that the butter is on. Mind you, I still hope the Volt makes it ... even though few will be able to afford it ... even after rebates etc. Now, as for EXPERTS testing the Leaf? Consider THIS dude! ... A gear head, that was at one time on the "Top Gear Show" ... now doing his own reviews. Not being greased by GM for nice comments - check out what HE thinks about the Leaf:

Now, THAT's a nice test drive commentary from someone who has driven untold numbers of cars. Anyway, I am VERY impressed at how solid the car feels ... as are REAL auto tester guys/gals. I like how this test drive went in harsh conditions with lots of stomping on the accelerator ... to see what the range would be - worst case scenario. Nice!

hill said:

A great review! I'd love to do my own test drive here in PA; maybe they'll bring the tour this way eventually. But test drive or not, I'll have my own LEAF next year so I'll get to experiance this every day. A long time to wait, but I'm betting it will be more than worth the wait.
Ya the volt blog.

He is down on the Leaf from the start. Saying this about Nissan personal trying to help them throw the waiting period.

There were slick videos rolling on projectors and flat screens, computer monitors listing the drivers next up, and a lot of people in very snappy looking Nissan Leaf outfits. Any moment I looked even slightly lost someone came over to talk to me.

I would call that awesome customer service if you are Nissan.
I am tired hearing about all the Volt crap, Volt trolls, Volt blogs, etc. Can we move on to something else more Leaf centric and specific please!!!

Gonewild said:
Ya the volt blog.

He is down on the Leaf from the start. Saying this about Nissan personal trying to help them throw the waiting period.

There were slick videos rolling on projectors and flat screens, computer monitors listing the drivers next up, and a lot of people in very snappy looking Nissan Leaf outfits. Any moment I looked even slightly lost someone came over to talk to me.

I would call that awesome customer service if you are Nissan.
tcimpidis said:
I am tired hearing about all the Volt crap, Volt trolls, Volt blogs, etc. Can we move on to something else more Leaf centric and specific please!!!

Agreed. I'm temporarily locking this thread. We have a new sticky thread for this weekend's test drives.
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