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iluvmacs said:
My assumption is the MPGe number went down slightly due to the removal of the 80% option, in a roundabout way. Charging always to 100% means less regen available, and lower efficiency when you start driving (I've always found this very obvious on the occasions I charge to 100% instead of 80%). Thus, when the 100%-charged Leaf runs the test, it comes out to a slightly lower overall efficiency number compared to the previous data (90% charge).

This makes sense. Also, cramming the last bit of energy into the battery when charging to 100% results in a higher percentage of kWh from the wall being lost as heat.
DNAinaGoodWay said:
It's exactly the same as a '13, at least on the one I saw yesterday, 80% Japan, 15% US, Motor from Japan.

Nissan claims to have been producing motors in the USA since April, 2013, though their copper wire was still supplied from Japan until later in the year.

The release of the MY13 LEAF in Canada was pushed back at least twice. I'm now wondering if was because they were waiting for US-manufactured batteries and motors to be ready. (Since Japan is not part of NAFTA, waiting for US-made components would have lowered duties required for exporting to Canada.)
That makes sense.

Now, if the Provinces voted to become states, you wouldn't have that issue. ;)

Except Quebec, you should be independent. You know, Scotland has an election in September on independence, why not the Québécois? ;)
I think if Quebec were independent it is highly unlikely to want to become a US state.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire?

Party on Quebec... I hope to tour your province on my way to Europe later this year. Fly into Montreal, tour, fly out a day or so later to Europe.

Two 5 or 6 hour flights rather than 1 hideously long ride in the flying bus.
jsongster said:
I think if Quebec were independent it is highly unlikely to want to become a US state.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire?

I don't think I would want them to become a state anyway, and not in a bad way. Quebec has such a unique culture, hanging on to their French heritage despite being surrounded by English heritage...