Re: Lost order - start over -REDEMPTION!

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Rat said:
I left out one other "assurance": "Your car is in the port and you should have it as soon as the software upgrade is made, in about two weeks." [Turned out to be an SV he was referring to, one that was originally designated for someone else who upgraded. He upgraded successfully and his SV was reallocated to me except I don't want the SV now.] Also the CS guy told me I was not the only person in this situation, so apparently I am competing with an unknown number of people for any orphan, etc. that becomes available.

Sorry for your delay. I'm in the same boat (although I think I'm even further behind you). After the earthquake, I changed from SV to SL+QC, so I am one of "those" people. I ordered in early January but I'm still in "pending". Someone posted that red and blue colors maybe being delayed another 60 days because of damage at the paint factory. I think this may explain everything. They haven't started production because of lack of materials (be it paint or electronics), no matter what the press releases say. At this rate, maybe there really will be L3 QC stations available for use by the time we receive our cars! Well, I'm still optimistic that I'll have the car before 2012 (but not quite as optimistic as two months ago).

-Reddy (and waiting in pending ..........)
I'm sure there was a meeting at some point to figure out what to do about the line jumpers -- take away their dates and info from the dealers/customers and reschedule, or just leave it.

That meeting was probably when they were ramping up in earnest (post-Japanese rebate) and expecting to load ships with 600cars a run.

"Aw just leave it.. everyone will have their cars by May anyway, and nobody will notice that some were out of order. Just flood the coast with cars and nobody will mind."

And they would have been right.
Then.. the tsunami and manufacturing pause. Now everyone cares. And notices.

"Shhh... nobody say a damn word."

Really, they should have yanked all the line jumper orders right that minute.. better to piss off your later customers than your most eager and earliest RAQs. But they didn't. Because they hates us.
LALeaf said:
Rat said:
Whoever it was destined for (i.e. a January or later order) can remain in Pending until the next one.
.... All the Jan and later orders are either getting their cars now or are getting their VINs. Nissan CS told me ......
LALeaf: Given what I've read on MNL, I wouldn't believe anything CS or my PD said. I ordered in Jan and I am still in "Pending" (and probably will be for the rest of the summer).

Rat: I agree, we should remain in "Pending" until manufacturing gets up to speed.

I can't complain because I didn't reserve on day one like most folks on this site. However, I have been waiting at least 20 years for a "real" commercial EV that my significant other would accept. I suppose I can wait a little longer.

Nissan is attempting to redirect the limited number of cars to meet more demand than expected. Thrown in an earthquake, tsunami, factory damage, just-in-time manufacturing, and power shortages, and you have delays.

Speaking of power shortages in Japan. Here's a prediction: To meet the expected increase in consumer electrical needs this summer, japanese industrial users (perhaps even car manufacturers) will be forced to cut back on consumption, thereby reducing output!

I recommend that everyone get outside and enjoy the Spring/Summer on a bicycle. Your outlook will improve dramatically.

Reddy (.....and waiting in "Pending")
Rat said:
I now want the fast charge port because the EV Project coming to the Bay Area means there will be quick charge stations much faster than I originally anticipated, and seeing how popular the SL+QC/SL-e is, I think now that I'll get the extra money back on resale eventually anyway. No one is going to want the SL, is my guess. Plus the backup camera is getting rave reviews on the SL. I decided I want the SL anyway.

I don't think we are going to see any appreciable number of L3 charging stations in the near future - and perhaps not for a long long time, or maybe ever. Certainly the rollout of L3 has been far less then we were led to believe - basically (O)zero EV Project L3 stations.

In a few years, hopefully the battery charge density will be 2x or 3x or 5x the current. Then I suspect most of the L3 stations will be between cities rather then in them.

Just mho, but I don't think the QC port will prove to be of much value. I believe that 99.98% of those who currently have a QC port have not used it, and likely won't for a long time.

The backup camera is a different issue - any chance the dealer can install in an SV as an after market add-on?
GroundLoop said:
"Aw just leave it.. everyone will have their cars by May anyway, and nobody will notice that some were out of order. Just flood the coast with cars and nobody will mind."
For Nissan to change / reassign vehicles once they were "ordered" in the vehicle manufacturing system may have been much more challenging / difficult than we the anxiously awaiting customers think it would / should be.
They have ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 standards that they have to adhere to.
I work in a large company that has implemented a new Maximo (IBM) business management system, and the constraints of that system are often mind bogglingly stupid.
Nissan probably had no procedure in place to make such changes, and would have had to develop a procedure to do this.
In a large company like Nissan, that literally might have required months.
Not always a lack of caring or focus on customers, but just an inherent deficiency of all large companies that they are inherently unable to respond very quickly to anything.
They may have done as well as any similarly large company could do in the situation. But unfortunately they still lost a lot of customer trust.
Most unfortunate.
This issue is frustrating to me but I agree with the advice that it is not worth obsessing over. Still, the problems of this case are happening to others and could present significant financial and other issues to some potential buyers, so I think it's worth documenting this case here. If I have a blue SL+QC in my garage within a month or two I will probably just look back on the whole thing as a good story to tell my grandchildren someday (if my kids would ever give me any). So anyway, here's the latest wrinkle.

I finally got the automated email that my Leaf will be at my PD in a few days. My PD, however, tells me that it is an SV, not the SL I upgraded to. In fact, the VIN on that SV is the one earther originally entered into the MNL spreadsheet. The PD says he was like me in that he originally ordered an SV then upgraded. They found him an SL, apparently, since he is now describing his adventures driving the SL. So this SV is not only not my upgraded SL but is also not even the SV I originally ordered. It is a reallocated one. That leaves the question as to what, if anything, did they build for me? Unless they cancelled or lost my original order entirely something should have come off the assembly line based on my original order. For all I know they did build me an SL and then reallocated that to someone else after it arrived here in the US because the CS people looked at the dashboard and thought I was supposed to get an SV. Or maybe there is a second SV coming to my PD so that I will have two SV's to reject. I think the first thing that is necessary is to find out what actually got built for me and track that down.

CS and my PD both tell me they are trying to resolve my situation by finding me an SL+QC. I believe they are sincere, but I have no faith in that happening, so I ordered another Leaf (blue SL - exact same configuration). I was told by CS I could do that but I would be subject to their strict policy of filling orders in the order they are placed. ( :lol: :lol: ) If only it were so! An interesting sidenote to this is that now I have been invited to apply for the EV Project. I was rejected before and Nissan kept telling me it must have been due to my zip code or some other factor, since the EV Project doesn't even know what my configuration is when they declared me not eligible, but I'm not convinced of that. I don't know for sure, but it would be a funny and positive turn of events if I get into the EV Project now, but of course, that should have happened back in February when I upgraded to the SL.

Lastly, I have now been told 4 different days by CS that they will call me "today" to discuss my situation. I did get 1 call (after I called back to complain that they did not return my first call), but it was not by the guy who promised to call. I think they are overwhelmed and are likely to say or promise anything to get you off the line. My only solid encouragement at this point is the fact that earther did get his upgraded car. Maybe I'll pm him to find out what magic buttons he pushed to get it. It would be ironic if in fact he got the SL that originally was destined for me. This is at least theoretically possible; since he ordered before me, it may have been that his original car (SV) had already been manufactured before the EV Project announcement in the Bay Area, but mine wasn't. In other words, maybe his was being shipped when he upgraded, but mine was yet to be manufactured, then mine was upgraded to an SL and after both arrived in the US someone here saw my dashboard and erroneously gave him mine and me his. earther, if you're reading this, don't worry, I don't hold you responsible for anything and I'm not going to come after your car. It's unlikely that was the car destined for me anyway, but it would be an interesting twist to the story. I didn't even want to post your identity until I was sure you got your car, but that has happened, so you're golden now. Congratulations and enjoy it. Tell me how I can do the same.

Of course if my Plan B, the second Leaf order, ends up being the final resolution and I don't get my car until 2012, and that in turn results in lost tax incentives, now we're talking financial damages of over $12,000. Well, as a retired litigator with lots of time on my hands I feel confidant I can persuade Nissan to reimburse me for any such losses.
Sure enough, I just got accepted into eTec despite filling in the questionnaire exactly the same this time as I did the last time (when the database/dashboard erroneously showed I had an SV). So I'm getting a free Blink and QCP all because I took matters into my own hands and ordered another Leaf. Now if they find me one in the next couple of weeks I can get the charger So much for Nissan's "Leadership Team" telling me I must have been rejected earlier due to my zip code or some such, not due to their screw-up about the model.
Rat, first of all sorry you're getting so messed around. I think we need threads for "most screwed by..." and "longest from order to delivery..." You're a contender!

Have you considered buying the SV and selling it privately? I don't know the market value, but I'm sure you can find that info to see if you can at least get yourself a free weeks vacation for all your trouble!
gbshaun said:
Rat, first of all sorry you're getting so messed around. I think we need threads for "most screwed by..." and "longest from order to delivery..." You're a contender!

Have you considered buying the SV and selling it privately? I don't know the market value, but I'm sure you can find that info to see if you can at least get yourself a free weeks vacation for all your trouble!
The short answer is yes, I have considered it, and I appreciate that some are genuinely sorry for my plight and rooting for me. It's a reasonable suggestion. I don't really blame those who just view me as a whiner/complainer, either. Still, I want my car.

The problem with taking the SV is that then I really have no claim to an SL-e that may become available two days after I do. I am now entitled to a free QCP and Blink, and even with the SV I would want that EVSE. eTec won't give me that free if I buy the SV, so if I keep the SV until the SL arrives I've lost out on $1900 or so worth of freebies and delayed by many months features I want, like the backup camera and Homelink. If I sell it, I just make a few thousand bucks, maybe, if I'm lucky, and still have to wait until my number comes up based on a May order. I may lose the CA rebate/tax incentives by that time and lose money on the deal AND have to wait months. I'd rather keep holding their feet to the fire on the original order. Nissan acknowledges that they screwed up and that I am entitled to an SL-e now. The dealer has kept in touch with me and assures me he is fighting for me with Nissan. I take him and them at their word that they are going to keep trying to find me an SL now, based on my September order. I would rather let my dealer sell the SV at a profit and "keep my place in line" for an SL, for whatever that may be worth when they don't have one with my name on it. I have money; I didn't reserve my Leaf on spec to make money. I want to drive it, not profit from it.
LakeLeaf" I don't think we are going to see any appreciable number of L3 charging stations in the near future - and perhaps not for a long long time said:
I tend to agree. If I ever get a QC charge during my 3yr lease, I will be surprised.
If we extrapolate EV Project's blistering L2 install pace to L3, it could be years before they get one online anywhere.
GroundLoop said:
If I ever get a QC charge during my 3yr lease, I will be surprised. If we extrapolate EV Project's blistering L2 install pace to L3, it could be years before they get one online anywhere.
Agreed. That is why I ordered the SV.
Rat said:
as a retired litigator with lots of time on my hands I feel confidant I can persuade Nissan to reimburse me for any such losses.
And where will your reimbursment money come from? Probably the rest of us who are not even allowed to order yet, in the form of a price increase when we are finally allowed to order. My advice: take the SV they offer you, which is what you originally ordered, get your tax rebate and be done with it. Be glad that you have the opportunity to get a LEAF now. Please don't waste Nissan's time and money, which will likely get passed on to those of us down the line...

I am planning to order a black SL, if that is what is available when I am allowed to order. But if Nissan offered me an SV today, any color, for MSRP, I would take it immediately.
LakeLeaf said:
I don't think we are going to see any appreciable number of L3 charging stations in the near future - and perhaps not for a long long time, or maybe ever.

I totally disagree. The EV Project is required (from govt. stimulus money) to install DC chargers in each of the five roll out states, plus now maybe two more. Here, there will be around 50 DC chargers, mostly off the interstates. I believe they are just concentrating on getting the home ones installed now because Sept. 30th, 2011 is the last day that those will be installed. And the agreement and warranty ends Dec. 31, 2012.
LEAFfan said:
LakeLeaf said:
I don't think we are going to see any appreciable number of L3 charging stations in the near future - and perhaps not for a long long time, or maybe ever.

I totally disagree. The EV Project is required (from govt. stimulus money) to install DC chargers in each of the five roll out states, plus now maybe two more. Here, there will be around 50 DC chargers, mostly off the interstates. I believe they are just concentrating on getting the home ones installed now because Sept. 30th, 2011 is the last day that those will be installed. And the agreement and warranty ends Dec. 31, 2012.
I agree. EvProject may be a little behind, but in Tennessee I think I will be able to drive my Leaf from Chattanooga to Knoxville to Nashville and back to Chattanooga by the end of the year using Level 3 charging at Interstate locations.
Well, I'd just take the SV and go on with life. I ordered an SV at the time because I was struggling to come up with the money for a Leaf at all. But several months later decided maybe I'd rather have the SL once my financial situation improved. But I figured something like this would happen so I just left it alone. Not a big deal though. I think even if my Leaf haf the QC port, I'd probably use it less than once per year. I'll survive without it. Now, maybe when my 3-year lease is up, I can look for a new EV that will have it since by that time there will probably be more QC chargers around and hopefully a standard will be decided upon.
Nissan found me a car! Thank you, thank you, Nissan!

After all my griping, or despite my griping, the guys at Nissan CS came through in the end. They have located an SL exactly to my (upgraded) specs and color. They gave me a VIN, although that hasn't appeared on my dashboard yet. The car is in port and waiting to have splashguards installed. I am sure they were always trying to rectify the situation, but Nissan just never empowered CS to deal with such situations the way they should be handled. It looks like in the long run I'll only lose about a month or so over what it should have been. It has not yet been invoiced to the dealer, so I don't know the estimated delivery date.

I also want to thank the two forum members who offered me orphan SLs they knew about, although I turned them down for a couple of reasons (e.g., color and price). rocks!
Rat said:
Nissan found me a car! Thank you, thank you, Nissan!

After all my griping, or despite my griping, the guys at Nissan CS came through in the end. They have located an SL exactly to my (upgraded) specs and color. They gave me a VIN, although that hasn't appeared on my dashboard yet. The car is in port and waiting to have splashguards installed. I am sure they were always trying to rectify the situation, but Nissan just never empowered CS to deal with such situations the way they should be handled. It looks like in the long run I'll only lose about a month or so over what it should have been. It has not yet been invoiced to the dealer, so I don't know the estimated delivery date.

I also want to thank the two forum members who offered me orphan SLs they knew about, although I turned them down for a couple of reasons (e.g., color and price). rocks!

Congrats!! :D :D :D :D :D
Now what are you going to do with all the time you use to spend on the phone :lol: .