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We really need your help here. First day of voting was strong for Michael but today he received just few votes and other person is surging. Please show your support and vote or vote again for for Michael in the contest "The Innovation That Changed My Life" (1 vote per day till next Monday). His entry about PC is a excellent story about this life innovation changing , and it changed us in the big way.

Here is the link:
There seems to be a bug in their vote tally-er. It appears you can cast more than one vote per day (and per minute). Can someone confirm this? Perhaps, someone else has discovered this? :?
JPVLeaf said:
There seems to be a bug in their vote tally-er. It appears you can cast more than one vote per day (and per minute). Can someone confirm this? Perhaps, someone else has discovered this? :?

Yeah, I did know that. But have been encouraging my peeps to only vote the once per day. I don't know about the other guy, but find it somewhat suspicious that he's gone from 9 votes ALL day yesterday to almost catching me up since 5am today! :? I hope they do have some kind of mechanism for only counting legitimate votes, to make it fair on everyone.

Thanks for the bumps again!
mwalsh said:
I don't know about the other guy, but find it somewhat suspicious that he's gone from 9 votes ALL day yesterday to almost catching me up since 5am today! :? I hope they do have some kind of mechanism for only counting legitimate votes, to make it fair on everyone.
+1 ... Hey, afterall, an iPad2 is ... an iPad2! :cool:
Another day, another vote! Still got a good lead, but I'm not so confident anymore.

I'm not sure I'm going to enter essay contests where voting is a component after this one......entirely too stressful. Plus I really, really don't feel comfortable asking folks to do stuff for me (though I do really appreciate those of you who have!)." onclick=";return false;
As usual we need your help Michael to win Ipad2. One vote per day so if you did not vote for him, please go and vote or if you voted before go and vote again. Hi is the guy with Leaf and super helpful with all your needs on this forum. Please show your support and vote or vote again for for Michael in the contest "The Innovation That Changed My Life" (1 vote per day till next Monday). His entry about PC is a excellent story about this life innovation changing, and it changed us in the big way.

Here is the link:" onclick=";return false;
I just heard from David L. that they've put in a block on multiple votes. Though it still appears that he was able to vote three times (he didn't know about the one vote rule) before he got a pop-up telling him that he'd voted too often. So at least it should become more fair now.
So the already voted pop-up. Do you think that's cumulative for the whole voting period, or did you vote 7 times today already? I'm trying to figure out just how it's working.

However, I'm glad they've done something. Yesterday it went from 182-9 in my favor at 5am to something like 250-150 by this time yesterday. And something like 260-200 by 1pm. Clearly something was going on. Today, by comparison, the other guy has only gone from 205 to 216 this morning.
mwalsh said:
So the already voted pop-up. Do you think that's cumulative for the whole voting period, or did you vote 7 times today already? I'm trying to figure out just how it's working.
Cumulative. I hit it a couple times the first day, once the second, then a few times yesterday when it was mentioned that multiple votes were taking. Just once today so far...just tried it again and the message reads "come back tomorrow" so it looks like once per day now.
davewill said:
mwalsh said:
So the already voted pop-up. Do you think that's cumulative for the whole voting period, or did you vote 7 times today already? I'm trying to figure out just how it's working.
Cumulative. I hit it a couple times the first day, once the second, then a few times yesterday when it was mentioned that multiple votes were taking. Just once today so far...just tried it again and the message reads "come back tomorrow" so it looks like once per day now.

Thanks. I'm really glad of this actually, because the other guy was (or his supporters were) just completely out of control! :?
BTW, if you're on FB and we're not "Friends" yet, send me a Friend Request. I don't bite, and sometimes have some quite insightful and/or amusing things posted to my wall. I do get a political bee in my bonnet every once in a great while, but you don't need to worry about that unless you have conservative sensibilities that are easily offended.
mwalsh said:
I do get a political bee in my bonnet every once in a great while, but you don't need to worry about that unless you have conservative sensibilities that are easily offended.
ROFL!! Almost all of my conservative friends un-friended me after my various political postings (some on their home pages). In any case, you got my vote!
mwalsh said:
BTW, if you're on FB and we're not "Friends" yet, send me a Friend Request. I don't bite, and sometimes have some quite insightful and/or amusing things posted to my wall. I do get a political bee in my bonnet every once in a great while, but you don't need to worry about that unless you have conservative sensibilities that are easily offended.

You do? I must be friends with the wrong Mike Walsh :)
xtremeflyer said:
You do? I must be friends with the wrong Mike Walsh :)

Quite possible. You must have friended the other Michael Walsh....the one from Texas. Even though he and I share the same birthday, there is no truth (that I've been able to establish anyway) to the rumor that he actually has stolen my identity.

So it looks like I'm back up to a 100 vote lead again, now that all concerned are being forced to play by the rules. Funny how the other guy was only able to get 30 votes all day yesterday, huh? Compared to 196 the day before!

But let's keep the momentum going! I'd like to increase my lead so it's closer to 200 votes today. So that when everyone is focusing on having fun over the weekend, there is absolutely zero chance of the gap closing again. ;)