Where did my power meter go?

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2021
British Columbia
We have a 2018 Leaf and we love it. I think it's a base model. When we took delivery it had a large power meter on the left side of the screen with an estimated KM in the middle of it. It's the one shown in the user manual at Instruments and controls 2-9. Recently, the large power meter disappeared and all we can find is the little one. No amount of configuring the display will bring it back. I even tried the display factory reset to no avail.

The manual says "If the power meter is selected on the trip computer, the meter is not displayed." Fair enough but I can't find any instructions on how to cope with that. We probably pushed a wrong button somewhere but I can't find it. Does anyone here know how to reset this?
When we took delivery our display looked like this.


Where did our power meter go? When I scroll through Customize Display settings it is not there.

Sorry about bumping this but I think I mis-identified the meter in my first post.
Press the UP key of the TV remote-like shuttle on the left side of the steering wheel. Then press either the left or the right shuttle key repeatedly. It should be one of those screens, as indicated by the page level indicator on the left in the picture, which shows the top level in use.
LeftieBiker said:
Press the UP key . . .

Got it! Thank you! You also answered one of my other questions in that I didn't know what the little dots on the left signified.

This forum is a great resource for Leaf owners.
It took me longer than it should have to figure that stuff out, and I still don't have them memorized. I just know that it's four screens over from my preferred Speedo/compass/satellite station ID screen to the battery temp screen, the one I check in Summer. I'd check my tire pressures more often, if I could find that screen more often. ;)
Yes. I check the tire pressure screen frequently and look at others occasionally. I was just puzzled and annoyed that one screen was missing. Considering how easy that was I probably hit the Up arrow when trying to up the radio volume.

I'm an analogue man in a digital world; configurations aren't always obvious.
On my 2019 unless I turn this OFF, the power meter will go to the small screen when cruise is on and in use. You can find this in the menu...its in the manual how to change it.
