ICED - Images of Offending Vehicles Board of Shame

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
Please post here. I am hoping for hundreds of these so municipalities take action...
No commentary needed, except location.
Thank you.
Johnson County Family and Youth Services, Olathe KS - double foul, it's a county/city owned vehicle in front of a county sponsored plug. The only mitigating excuse, the J1772's were complete covered in spider webs so they haven't been used recently.


  • county car in EVSE.jpg
    county car in EVSE.jpg
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Kohl's store in Arlington, TX. Two stations, one is my car and the other is ICE'd.

I assume you are referring to the Prius as the sign has an arrow that appears to be pointing at the stall on the left where it is, not where the ICE is parked...

Montecito Plaza/Trader Joes, San Rafael, Ca
TomT said:
I assume you are referring to the Prius as the sign has an arrow that appears to be pointing at the stall on the left where it is, not where the ICE is parked...
Uh, Prius is still an ICE!
Technically, there are two cars in the EV spot. Believe me, from experience, even a couple of inches over the line can result in a traffic ticket.
Can we get license plate shots of the cars parked in front of the massage parlor? This might be one time when people would want them fuzzed out - not that we care! :lol:
LTLFTcomposite said:
Can we get license plate shots of the cars parked in front of the massage parlor? This might be one time when people would want them fuzzed out - not that we care! :lol:
are you suggesting that there is something wrong with getting a massage? :mrgreen:
I started this thread in the main forum.. called . "Charging Station etiquette? Volt owners hogging the juice!!"

It was a HOT TOPIC!! but basically similar situations with Volt's and Plug-Ins taking our juice when we need it most..

I've got lots of pics but the thing that pisses me off the most is property management owners that won't put up proper signage for "EV ONLY" parking.. :roll:




I have more pics.. just haven't bothered to upload them.. but I've been ICE'd plenty of times...
This guy thinks his hybrid is an EV! :lol:
The wife also talked to some of her friends who spotted this guy on the same day too! They are perspective EV owners who wanted to see what public charging looked like.

Yes, but my point was that the picture is ambiguous... And the Prius could have been a PIP... It's hard to tell from the photo...

iluvmacs said:
TomT said:
I assume you are referring to the Prius as the sign has an arrow that appears to be pointing at the stall on the left where it is, not where the ICE is parked...
Uh, Prius is still an ICE!
TomT said:
And the Prius could have been a PIP... It's hard to tell from the photo...

All the factory PIPs have an aluminum trim plate on the tailgate and a very distinct charge cover on the side of the vehicle pictured. That definitely ain't one, unless it's aftermarket.
To me, they both look alike. I guess you have to be a Prius aficionado... Admittedly, I've never even given the PiP a second look once the EV range became known...

mwalsh said:
TomT said:
And the Prius could have been a PIP... It's hard to tell from the photo...
All the factory PIPs have an aluminum trim plate on the tailgate and a very distinct charge cover on the side of the vehicle pictured. That definitely ain't one, unless it's aftermarket.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Can we get license plate shots of the cars parked in front of the massage parlor? This might be one time when people would want them fuzzed out - not that we care! :lol:

Yeah I thought we were taking "shaming" to a whole new level :lol:
