If the market drops X more points will you bail?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Central FL
Plenty of wealth destruction going on. 401k and brokerage accounts have taken a nasty hit here in the last couple weeks, and you have to be more than a little concerned about job security. Is this the right time to be forking over $30k plus for a new car, or taking on a payment?

Or should we just buy the Leaf outright with a couple ounces of gold? :lol:
Good question. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm in a Tier 3 state.

LTLFTcomposite said:
Plenty of wealth destruction going on. 401k and brokerage accounts have taken a nasty hit here in the last couple weeks, and you have to be more than a little concerned about job security. Is this the right time to be forking over $30k plus for a new car, or taking on a payment?
Been in cash for 6 weeks now. I made a "watch list" of the mutual funds, price sold for & number of shares. If I did not sell 6 weeks ago, it would be down %13, as it is now I have a paltry %3.1 gain locked in for 2011 at least. Went through this crap in 2008, was not going to let it happen again. Will the market recover? maybe, but I probably don't have that long on the planet to wait :(

Gold & Silver have been good investments for this entire year, should have loaded up on both, but my 401K does not allow for precious metals investments.. would have been worth the hit to pay the tax and take it totally out, with what gold is doing lately. Silver has a lot more room to go on the upside, and is probably a better investment at this point.
drees said:
mwalsh said:
Bail? I've been sitting in cash for 2 years.
Oh, so you're the one everyone is blaming for hoarding their cash instead of creating jobs! :lol:

Too funny! I can't even keep myself in a full time job. :lol:

Speaking of which....I'll probably have to pull some cash from mine this year just to keep all $7500 of my tax credit for the LEAF!
Looking at 20+ years until retirement so I'm staying all-in.. Though the exaggerated market variability the last few years (OK, since the internet bubble days) does have me a bit concerned, I'm still managing to be marginally optimistic that sanity will prevail, politically and socially, and that we'll get the country on a good even keel...
TLeaf said:
I'm still managing to be marginally optimistic that sanity will prevail, politically and socially, and that we'll get the country on a good even keel...

And I'm increasingly of the opinion that the United States, at least, will become a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I can only hope that I'm proven wrong.
i am only 25% in American markets 50 % foreign and 25% bonds. i will let it go. so far, have not lost much. my 25% American is only 10% large caps which have gone down the most. small caps have fluctuated but have also been down about 6% overall this year.
I'm not one to panic or lose one second of sleep no matter what happens. It is what it is. All of my Annuities and IRAs are in mutual funds. I'm just going to ride the waves.
mitch672 said:
Been in cash for 6 weeks now. I made a "watch list" of the mutual funds, price sold for & number of shares.
Ditto here. Prior to that I was playing mostly biotech, solar, mortgage REITS, currencies and natural resources. It's been a good year, and I'm hopeful that we won't slide into a recession again.
Have also been in cash for the last 2 years, and intend to stay there. With peak oil here or right around the corner, I figure the next 10 years don't look to be a good time to be invested. I hope to be proven wrong, since my future retirement will be dependent on the market continuing to make money. Having my own money in cash is a hedge against that possibility (or likelihood?).
I pulled my S&P 500 indexed fund yesterday at the close of business, after a 4.5% up tick. Today, I watched what I feared would happen; another 4.5% down turn.

Individual stock, I'm holding, and starting to buy. Not sure when I'll feel safe in the S&P.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Is this the right time to be forking over $30k plus for a new car, or taking on a payment?

It is well past the time, but yes, it still is the time. I saved $155 on my Leaf in just the last few days - and I didn't even drive it. Airport parking in the premium spots for a few days, all gratis. SWEET - and I got a charge to boot! I could have parked off site and gotten a van after my long flight home to my ICE and only paid $60 or so, but to be able to just walk to the car and drive away at 1:30 AM? Priceless! Feel bad for the shuttle service I once used... NOT

Every Sunday I figure I save around $20 (Min. 140 miles, 5-6 gallons versus $3-6 in electricity) in fuel costs. Each work day I save $5-10. These are conservative numbers BTW - If I was utilizing my Silverado the savings would be higher by far.

5000 miles so far and saving with each one. Wish I could get my stocks (or congress) to perform as well.