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A bit of hopeful news on LADWP's ongoing chronic heat-related issues with their network of Quick Chargers deployed around town. Last week I contacted DWP's manager in charge of the project to find out if there were any plans to address the worsening issue.

He emailed back: "We are installing three new units now; with both Chademo and SAECombo cords. It is a different brand and we believe that the new units will work better. I’ve checked with NRG, and they had the same experience with the units we are having problems with."

Later the same day he emailed me again to add, "I heard that the [original units'] vendor just called and would like to offer support. That was after we told them that we are receiving emails about the problems with their units. That is a very positive step."

DWP seems to be committed to resolving the issue of unreliability and frequent breakdowns of the units due to "ambient heat and clogging filters (which is another type of heat problem)," according to the project manager.

I have depended on several of those QC units often, so will be very happy if they become more reliable. This summer there have been a few weeks when 80% of them have been out of service at any one time, a pretty dismal statistic. Perhaps things will be looking up fairly soon.
NRG chargers of the same brand were rock solid this summer, perhaps they can refer LADWP to the contractor that modded their units.
Valdemar said:
NRG chargers of the same brand were rock solid this summer, perhaps they can refer LADWP to the contractor that modded their units.

I mentioned the better reliability record of NRG's chargers in my email to the project manager, and the belief that they had been retrofitted with more durable components to achieve it, but his replies to me did not pick up on that. I also suggested that the manufacturer surely offers a performance guarantee or warranty that they would be obligated to back up. If I spent $20K or more buying each of those units, I would be screaming my head off at the mfr. to get them fixed, and threatening lawsuits if they didn't. Looking at the most recent comments on Plugshare, it does appear that a number of the units that were chronically out of service recently have been working again in the last few days - for whatever reason.
If they are planning on combo units, then hopefully it's ABB or Efacec (both 50kw and SOLID units!!)

Now on to the CSUN issues :roll:
LADWP has begun posting ID numbers on its QC chargers along with a phone number for reporting charger outages or other service issues.

The phone number - (323) 484-3265 - can be called or texted to notify DWP that a charger is out of service and to request repair. The posted notices request users to include the charger ID.

Example: the charger at DWP's Artesian Center substation (near the Pasadena freeway/I-5 freeway interchange) is labeled as "ART #21." When I recently found that charger out of order, I texted the ID info along with the error message displayed, and promptly received an automated reply acknowledging the text and promising to address the issue.

I don't know how many chargers have been posted with the ID/phone notice yet, but it seems EV drivers can use the number and identify a down charger by address or other means in any event. I'd encourage all of us who use any of DWP's network of QC chargers to employ the system to demonstrate our urgent interest in resolving the chronic problems. In other words, the more of us who let them know, loud and clear, that we depend on the system, the sooner the issues are likely to be resolved.
I recently bought a 2013 Leaf SV with 23,000 miles on the odometer from CarMax, and returned my nearly identical leased '13 Leaf to Nissan (the only major difference being that the leased one had a QC port, which I will miss, but not enough to regret too much, hopefully, since now I have no monthly car payment to make).

The issue is that at 100% charge the guess-o-meter estimates only 77 or 78 miles of range typically, which is several miles less than my leased one normally displayed. The 'new' Leaf displays all 12 capacity bars, while the old one had dropped a bar, I expect because I used QC very often and regularly, even through hot summers in L.A. - battery temps got very high too many times . So I expected the 'new' battery to be a bit healthier than the old Leaf's, but in fact the opposite is true, and that's borne out by my driving experience, not just the guess-o-meter. By the way, the 'new' one was from Georgia, not the desert, so I wouldn't think that would be a big factor.

I don't have a LeafSpy device, but would like to know what LeafSpy would report. At first I wondered if I might have a vehicle that was tampered with, perhaps the capacity bars were reset fraudulently. If I could prove that, I believe CarMax would make it right. The vehicle still has factory warranty coverage until April or May of 2016. I have fewer suspicions about tampering now, but still wonder what is going on with the battery.

If anyone would be willing to share their LeafSpy and knowledge of its secrets, I'd be happy to drive to you or a location you choose to learn about this car's battery, at your convenience. Also I'd be happy to compensate you reasonably for the time, trouble and your 'expertise' with LeafSpy.

Any other alternative thoughts, or suggestions on how I should proceed, would be welcomed! Thanks!
Valdemar said:
Is there any difference in your energy efficiency between the 2 cars?
Didn't see your reply til now. No, since I've been driving the new one, the energy efficiency has climbed to match that of the old car. And the new (to me) Leaf just dropped its first capacity bar, which was expected I suppose, so the issue seems more explainable and less troubling.

I can definitely live with the capacity and range available, particularly since I am out of pocket just $3,200 for the vehicle, thanks to this California state program: http://www.replaceyourride.com.
Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable electrical contractor who does work in Pasadena? We are considering installing EVSEs at a multifamily rental property. Thanks for the consideration!

Also, we were in Pasadena earlier this week and tried out one of 54 (!) currently-free EVSEs installed in a garage at Caltech, as part of their "Electric Vehicle Adaptive Charging System" research project. (We picked up just enough charge to make it back to the 7-11 QC in San Bernardino.) They were still configuring and testing the EVSEs while we were there. See http://api.plugshare.com/view/location/82444
Free parking on weekends? Sounds like my occasional trips to Huntington library may become easier and I can finally find some use for that folding bike I bought 4 years ago :)
Valdemar said:
Free parking on weekends? Sounds like my occasional trips to Huntington library may become easier and I can finally find some use for that folding bike I bought 4 years ago :)
Yep, free parking (and charging) at that Caltech garage after 5PM and on weekends. :D
Hi all,

1st ... I live in the Glendale pan handle up on the hill, take the "2" North! Thats a GID Killer! Well last April, I bought a 2014 1 year leased used LEAF SL, Certified with 100k FULL warranty, in Glendale 11k on the ODO, 6k trade in on Gen II Prius, drove away with total of 18k!
Nice, geeze I just love this car, perfect for work & back!
Carwings seemed to have a fit when I named her "Tesla Lite" yes, I am going to the Model 3 in time, but hey, Nissan may surprise me!

2nd, ... I have been on a hunt for Charging locations, saw the last post from a couple months ago, Googled it, and came up with this ...

Two charging stations have been installed in the South Wilson parking structure, and one in the Holliston parking structure. The fee for use of the stations for the Caltech community is $1.25/hour, with a 1 hour minimum. The general public will be charged $2.00/hour, with a 1 hour minimum. Charging time is limited to 4-hours
A valid parking permit is required to park while charging the vehicle. All chargers are part of the ChargePoint Network, so users must be a member of the ChargePoint program..
To register your vehicle, come by the parking office at 515 S. Wilson (second floor) to get your "ChargePass"
... from Caltech Parking & Commuter Services https://parking.caltech.edu/Other/Electric

Since I already have a Chargepoint card, as well as 4 other providers, I would think, just bring the CP card, say I am set, permit please & lets park!!
I like the idea of registering if you are going to use the facility with any regularity. It means the pool of potential users is smaller, and the probability, I hope Caltech students are smarter than mere man, that the EV space will be taken by a nasty evil ICE vehicle, will be way less!!
While I would love to see free, I can use this just fine, especially when my wife & I go to East Pas area Colorado St for food & fun!
Well, if you get too low on Gids to make it up the 2 I'm about half way between Mountain and VHH and on Plugshare. Feel free to charge in my driveway if it comes to that.
Sparky, NICE, thanks for the offer! I have quickly come to realize the only way to beat the "2" uphill, is not to play the game! So every afternoon around 1pm, I take verdugo road up, and save bunches of power! I eventually wind my way up and get to Lowell Av, and I usually have 55-58 miles left on the car! Going down the "2", I usually gain 8-10 miles, hit the ramp to 134 west, 5 south, Los Felize off to ABC Network lot in east Hollywood! There the Chargepoint stations wait for my arrival!
When I'm in Pasadena, I use either the lot between Fair Oaks and Raymond, just north of green, the one at Holly and Arroyo or the one across from Pasadena Memorial Park on Raymond. All three of them have several free level 2 chargers -- you just pay the normal parking lot fee.

Plugshare shows that a whole lot more are appearing in Pasadena.

BTW -- I also live at the top of the hill in Tujunga. My rule of thumb when going home from downtown or Glendale is that I want 40% left for that climb. It's never failed me (but I've been down to 8% a couple of times).
KK6PD said:
I have quickly come to realize the only way to beat the "2" uphill, is not to play the game! So every afternoon around 1pm, I take verdugo road up, and save bunches of power!

The northbound 2 Freeway indeed is a GID-sucker. It's at a considerably higher elevation than local streets. Plus traffic is often going 80+ even in the uphill direction.

Sadly, the 210 corridor between Pasadena and I-5 is a bit sparse with public charging stations. PlugShare used to show a ChargePoint station at La Cañada High School and free L2 at Verdugo Hills Hospital but for some reason they're no longer on that map.
Hi fellow LA leafers, is there any information on the location of all level 3 public charging station in the area both metro area and surrounding?
Thanks! This is a very useful resource. I am surprised that a large part of Koreatown surroundings and LAX has no quick charge station. Another question: is there sign up sheet for these stations or first come first serve?

thanks again.

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