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  1. L

    City of Seal Beach to Unveil EV Charge Stations 7/11

    Per a post at, the City of Seal Beach will "will officially unveil its two new electric vehicle charging stations Monday, July 11, at 5 p.m. at the 8th Street Beach Parking Lot." I think I might go out to show interest and support for the project as we go to Seal Beach fairly...
  2. L

    Scratches on Center Console

    After two months of ownership the center console of my LEAF is starting to show some pretty noticeable scratches. The worst of these happened when the hose of a vacuum slid across the surface. Like the upholstery on the door arms, the high gloss acrylic on the LEAF's center console has always...
  3. L

    How do you talk about your LEAF?

    This might seem like an odd topic but I'm struggling with how to talk about the car and accentuate it's positive attributes without sounding pious or condescending. After all, I'm well aware that I'm not saving the world by driving a LEAF. That said, in talking with co-workers and family who...
  4. L Takes the LEAF to Turtle!

    As many of you know, has a red 2011 Nissan Leaf in it's test fleet. Today they posted a video in which they took the Leaf to "turtle" before coasting to a stop after 132 miles. They accomplished this by driving relay at 35 mph on an undisclosed 7 mile loop in the desert...
  5. L

    While You Wait - The Mounting Costs of "Pending"

    So, I kept putting it off with the hope that something would happen to make my LEAF materialize in the garage but I finally caved and renewed the registration on my current car - on the last day before late penalties were to be assessed. It was only $160, but it did get me thinking about the...
  6. L

    San Jose Mercury News: Leaf "delivery anxiety"

    San Jose Mercury News article: Customers who ordered all-electric Nissan Leafs growing impatient My favorite bit: Trisha Jung, chief marketing manager for the Leaf, denied in an interview that deliveries have fallen behind schedule. "There's no delay," she said. "Four to seven months after you...
  7. L

    250-350 Volts Delivered in December

    NPR posted an AP article about the first Volt and LEAF deliveries. GM claims to have delivered between 250 and 350 Volts; meanwhile Nissan delivered "less than 10" LEAFs. It seems like GM has the early advantage in terms of rollout, which is interesting considering that the Volt is the more...