2013 LEAF SL, charging stops prematurely

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Jun 18, 2014
I am from California and brought my new LEAF home on June 12. It is a 2013 SL, and ever since I've had it, it's had charging problems. Has anyone else experienced this:

Using the charger that came with the EV, plug into a dedicated circuit in my garage and charging begins. Then, charging stops for no reason. Battery is only at 20%. I restart charging with the carwings app. Charging stops again after 30 mins. I start charging again and charging stops again after 30 mins. I bought a different charger and, same thing. I used a separate outlook and, same thing. I tried to charge at City Hall, and same thing.. I took it to the dealer and they said it had codes from before I bought it. They cleared the codes and it charged at the dealership. But it didn't charge to even 80%. I drove it to about 20% battery and charged at home, same thing. Battery will not charge.

My husband, the more car savvy between the two of us, also had the same experience. He's taking it back to the dealer today and we are hoping they can find the problem and fix it. I really want to enjoy this car but I'm getting frustrated.... It is brand new with less than 100 miles on it when I drove it off the lot.

Has anyone else experienced a charging problem with their 2013 LEAF LS?
All others see here:

http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=13194" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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