Adopting orphan vs. buying local logic

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Sep 28, 2011
San Angelo, TX
I can understand people wanting to buy their Leafs from a local dealer- for relationship building and potential future service issues. I can also understand wanting to get a Leaf "now" vs. waiting. I am in the process of adopting a California orphan myself.

My question to those wanting to buy local is- what if you move? With any vehicle, if you move you need to find a dealer in your new area.

I guess I have been mobile enough in my life that I find it difficult to have a relationship with a dentist let alone a car dealership. ;)
Kwirky said:
I can understand people wanting to buy their Leafs from a local dealer- for relationship building and potential future service issues. I can also understand wanting to get a Leaf "now" vs. waiting. I am in the process of adopting a California orphan myself.

My question to those wanting to buy local is- what if you move? With any vehicle, if you move you need to find a dealer in your new area.

I guess I have been mobile enough in my life that I find it difficult to have a relationship with a dentist let alone a car dealership. ;)

Speaking only for me, I have never "built a relationship" with a dealer based on the initial purchase. In fact, probably all but one or two of the cars I've EVER bought new in my life have NEVER been back to the purchasing dealer. Not once.

I build a relationship with a dealer service department based on that service department's performance. So, buying/moving/etc. are totally irrelevant.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if there were any slightest hint that a "this dealer" car would get better treatment in the service department, I'd be having a conversation with that dealer's service department manager and general manager, right away. :shock: :D
Good point about moving Kwirky. While I like supporting local businesses, my original order dealer (Mossy Kearny Mesa) did not appear to value me as a customer - despite my repeated efforts, so I went to a dealer some 30 miles away (Mossy Oceanside) who gave me the same deal on an orphan. This is how I ended up with an orphan" onclick=";return false; . For service, I'll go to the service department of the dealer that is most customer oriented which of course may not be at the same dealership where I bought my car but I hope that it is.
A relationship? With a car dealer?


A car dealer with a good service department will not care whether you bought the car there. It is a completely separate cost center.
Aeolus said:
A relationship? With a car dealer? A car dealer with a good service department will not care whether you bought the car there. It is a completely separate cost center.
Agreed. The buying process is separate from the service. I would say that buying orphans at MSRP now is an OK deal but not a great deal. These deals can be found easily on the west coast at regular dealerships like Mossy Kearny Mesa but there are better deals at other dealerships such as at the one I bought or at Fontanna" onclick=";return false; where $1000 off MSRP is possible. A San Jose dealer even sold a 2012 orphan for MSRP - $1250" onclick=";return false; With these discounts, one might even consider buying at a distance and shipping across country. Again, service is an entirely different issue and can be done locally without problems.