AV Chargers no longer on ebay?

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charlestonleafer said:
Well, I go back and forth about this in my head all the time. My logic is that it'll cost me about $312 before shipping for the rev. 2 upgrade since I'll need to maintain the ability to trickle charge at work. My commute is about 60 miles 3 days a week and 98miles 2 days a week. So as you could imagine, my car is never parked and unplugged right now, so everywhere I go I have to get out my charger and plug in. So I know the upgrade to be the most cost effective upgrade, but there is something to be said for convenience. I think it might be nice to not have to get the EVSE out of the back of the car every time I stop. Having the AV unit wouldn't eliminate all of the trickle charging, but at least I would only have to break out the EVSE on my long days. 5 days out of the week I would just come home and grab the handle off of the wall. Does that make sense, or am I just lazy? Also, I think, for $330-$350 I could have mine modified, but for an extra $300 I could have a whole new AV unit?
Not that I don't want to sell you an upgrade, but this makes sense. In fact, if you are charging at work 5 days a week, I think I'd buy 2 AV's or maybe the Upgrade and an AV, just to not have to get it out at all! =)

Is it out of the question to ask the powers that be at your work to get one installed?

Maybe make a presentation to do your boss on "the future" and why "being green" is good for your company, then offer to split the cost of a charge station. If the parking lot is unlocked and possibly available after working hours, maybe you can get the EV Project or Columb's ChargePoint program to pay for it also.

I actually have access to 2-240v outlets at work (NEMA 5-30's I believe) so a modified evse would definitely be useable in those instances where I have to go see a customer or something on those 98 mile days. I tried to talk the company into installing a charging station, it would be so simple with the 240v outlets already in place. They aren't opposed to it, just said they weren't doing anything until after the 1st of the year. Also, my wife works at a hospital, and they told her she was more than welcome to use one of the ambulance charging stations (240v power cords on reels) if 1 was open, which is another advantage to the EVSE mod. I would love to get both, but I'm not sure if the wife will go for it, because I have to get my windows tinted very soon as well. I don't suffer from range anxiety, simply because, I'm not scared to get towed for free! I suffer from level 1 charging anxiety, I want to drive the hell out of my car, but it's always charging! Phil, your input definitely shows your true motives aren't financial, but actually helping other EV drivers, and for that I thank you.
charlestonleafer said:
I actually have access to 2-240v outlets at work (NEMA 5-30's I believe) so a modified evse would definitely be useable in those instances where I have to go see a customer or something on those 98 mile days. I tried to talk the company into installing a charging station, it would be so simple with the 240v outlets already in place. They aren't opposed to it, just said they weren't doing anything until after the 1st of the year. Also, my wife works at a hospital, and they told her she was more than welcome to use one of the ambulance charging stations (240v power cords on reels) if 1 was open, which is another advantage to the EVSE mod. I would love to get both, but I'm not sure if the wife will go for it, because I have to get my windows tinted very soon as well. I don't suffer from range anxiety, simply because, I'm not scared to get towed for free! I suffer from level 1 charging anxiety, I want to drive the hell out of my car, but it's always charging! Phil, your input definitely shows your true motives aren't financial, but actually helping other EV drivers, and for that I thank you.
Thanks! Tell your wife she should use the 240v cords at work. And besides, if she gets shocked from the 240v, there's actually an ambulance right there to bring her back! =)

So I decided that the EVSE upgrade was the best choice for me, and ordered it yesterday. I am no electrician and since I was unsure of which charging equipment I was going to purchase when I ran the wire to my garage, I used #8 wire and purchased a 40 amp breaker. Since I will be using the EVSE upgrade, do I need to drop down to a 20 amp breaker in my panel, or will it be okay leaving the 40 amp breaker in? for the outlet should I use a 20 amp outlet? From what I've read, it seems as if it would be fine as the charger will only take 16 amps regardless of what's available. Logic also dictates that it should be fine since I have 120v 15 amp breakers, with things plugged in that draw no where near 15 amps, but I just want to be sure.
charlestonleafer said:
... Since I will be using the EVSE upgrade, do I need to drop down to a 20 amp breaker in my panel, or will it be okay leaving the 40 amp breaker in? for the outlet should I use a 20 amp outlet? From what I've read, it seems as if it would be fine as the charger will only take 16 amps regardless of what's available. ...
The breaker needs to match the outlet you use. If you want to keep the 40amp breaker, you need to put in a 50amp outlet (there are no 40amp outlets), and use an adapter for the EVSE...or you can put in a 20amp breaker, use an L6-20R, and avoid the adapter.
Dave is correct, the Electrical code will not allow you to install a breaker larger than the outlet amperage. The EVSE is internally fused, so it is safe for use in larger outlets with an adapter, so if you wanted to keep your 40 amp breaker, Install a NEMA 14-50 (Neutral required) or a NEMA 6-50, and then use an adapter to go from that to L6-20.
