Battery Degradation on 2014 Leaf

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Well-known member
Leaf Supporting Member
Apr 1, 2023
Boise, ID
We bought our 2014 Leaf in 2023 with 66k miles, 79.7% SOH and 71.0% Hx. Eleven months and 3500 miles later, we are down to 78.9% SOH and 69.5% Hx. It will show 85 mi on the GOM when fully charged. We try to keep the SOC between 80% and 20% so are doing the basics with our level 1 charger. We normally putt around town using it maybe 30 mi on a big day. I understand this is an old EV and that nobody has a crystal ball but am trying to set my expectations. Should I expect similar degradation over then next 3 years as what I have seen over the past year(ish) or will it likely accelerate due to the degraded state of the battery? Is there a tipping point where things go to heck in a hand basket. FWIW, I met leaf owner with 30 miles of range and while she was not happy with it, she made it work. I would like to avoid that. Thanks- I really appreciate the collective expertise in this forum!
Your Leaf has lost about 21% SOH over 10 years (unless the battery was replaced), or about 2% per year. During your year of ownership you have documented <1% decrease in battery SOH, or less than you would have expected based on past performance. It would seem that your charging and usage patterns are treating the battery kindly. You're a long, long way from 30 miles of usable range.

I don't have specific numbers, but we have a similar 2014 Leaf SV, purchased 2.5 years ago with 61K miles and currently at 76K miles. It had 11 SOH bars when we got it and still has 11 SOH bars. I don't have LeafSpy and what I don't know can't hurt me.

Obviously any manner of calamity can happen to any of us at any time. I have two little nieces and a nephew who do active shooter drills as part of their elementary school education. My dad has been dealing with cancer and the after effects for over a decade. (Quiet whisper - climate change!) I worry about those things, but I don't stress about my Leaf battery.
Drew21, I hear you about the need to maintain perspective. If I or a family member was dealing with a 'real' hardship, I would not be worrying about this stuff. Thanks for the encouraging words on the Leaf for the years to come. I hope your dad does as well as can be expected. Take care.
I worry about those things, but I don't stress about my Leaf battery.
Highlight of my day.

dsevier, you have a 10 year old Leaf with a 80% SoH. That's pretty good. You seem to know what you are doing regarding battery health. Charge slow in cold weather, immediately charge after driving it, don't do lots of quick charges. Do what you do and see how it goes.

I hope my Leaf will still have 80% SoH after 10 years/106 kkm, but I doubt it...
One way to look at this is that the vehicle has already done about 1000 charge cycles, and capacity is down about 20%. That should keep going unless something goes wrong with one of cells. My 2013 is doing pretty much exactly the same thing at 76k and 78% SOH. I expect that there is another 500 to 1000 cycles available, so maybe 30 to 50 k miles left. If a cell did go bad, I would just replace it. The big issue for this car is corrosion. If you have the time, take a peak at the aluminum fitting on the front of the battery the holds the big DC connectors. Mine definitely needs some cleaning and coating because the aluminum is just getting eaten away. That would lead to moisture getting into the battery enclosure and trouble. Has happened to other Leafers.
I have a 2015 in Minneapolis. The SoH had been holding up great until right around there (~79%), then dropped 4% in the last year. I have 6 modules that are clearly weaker than the others. This really changed how I feel about the Leaf batteries.. especially after seeing so many posts of weak cells in 40kwh packs on here.
I have a 2015 in Minneapolis. The SoH had been holding up great until right around there (~79%), then dropped 4% in the last year. I have 6 modules that are clearly weaker than the others. This really changed how I feel about the Leaf batteries.. especially after seeing so many posts of weak cells in 40kwh packs on here.

Posts like this one always amaze me. People ignore data until it smacks them personally in the face