Chargepoint at LAX... the only way to fly.. almost

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Kataphn said:
Probably one of those Volts is the pilot that I had a conversation with here early on. He probably flies out of LAX regularly.
I can see why it appeals to him. By the way, aren't there 120 plugs around in the structure...? I forgot to look as I was there but without my LEAF.
JimSouCal said:
By the way, aren't there 120 plugs around in the structure...? I forgot to look as I was there but without my LEAF.

I can't speak for Lot 1, but there are in Lot 6. Problem is that several of them aren't in areas designated for car parking and the rest are in what most would consider premium parking areas - right beside the elevators.
davewill said:
I guess it's up to me to be the voice of dissension. I strongly feel that touching anyone else's car without express permission, like the charging protocol card, is a matter what your need was.

I just wanted to chime on this public charging debate. I have to disagree with this comment. I think when it comes to public charging, if you come up to a charging station and the vehicle that is connected is not currently charging, you can unplug it and plug in your own vehicle (this is assuming you need the charge). If the car is still there when you get back, you can plug them back in. No one should setup a timer on their car, or deny a charge from someone else once their car is done charging. It doesn't make any sense for someone to hog the charging station for days and days when they really only need it for like 6-12 hours. The public charging stations are rare (at least for now) and we need to know that we have to share them with others who might also need them after we are done. (sorry to sound like a parent or something)

I am going to be heading to LAX in a week for a trip and I hope I will be able to charge while I am there (it's a 95 mile round trip). I will be sure to use the charging protocol sheet, so someone can contact me if they need to use the charging station. I would not only be fine with someone unpluging me once my car was done charging (blue lights on dash were off), I would be bummed if they didn't (and they needed a charge). I wouldn't want to deny someone a charge once my car is done using the charge station. I hope we see more L1 outlets since they make good sense for the airport (I sent an email to LAX asking if they could add some more 120 volt outlets). More EV's are on the way (which is a great thing).

mwalsh said:
JimSouCal said:
By the way, aren't there 120 plugs around in the structure...? I forgot to look as I was there but without my LEAF.

I can't speak for Lot 1, but there are in Lot 6. Problem is that several of them aren't in areas designated for car parking and the rest are in what most would consider premium parking areas - right beside the elevators.

Thanks for answering. Clearly if one was going away for a day or more, 120VAC would work fine. I did figure out how to lock the brick in the trunk, and with a 10/3 extension cord feeding the power. Someone could unplug it, cut it and steal it, but what can you do?

By the way, my neighbor had his van stolen off lot 6 in LAX. Hope they don't like extension cords...
Blinking blue lights on a Leaf mean it is charging.

What is the signal on the Volt. I recall seeing green flashing lights. How do I know a Volt is done charging?
I parked in lot 1 this Monday, and every single L1 and L2 was taken! Then I noticed one of the Volts had an extension cord with a side outlet and a note that said "ok to plug in". So I did. The few miles gained in range while waiting for 1.5 hours to pick up someone and the free parking were great. I was able to drive 70 MPH all the way home to Anaheim Hills and only hit the low low battery warning about 1 mile from my house.
I keep hearing no timers. If I need 100% charge to get home after a trip am I supposed to charge to 100% and let the car sit? Or should I set the timer for immediate 80% but then have to charge the last 20% when I get back to the car? I would prefer to stay plugged in and hit the charge button on the website on the day of return. Basically LAX needs to figure out that we need far more plugs and reduced power is fine.

I was anticipating taking the LEAF to LAX at Christmas but it would appear they will be way swamped by then and I will effectively be stuck waiting for an open spot and a six hour wait while charging upon return. :(
smkettner said:
I keep hearing no timers. If I need 100% charge to get home after a trip am I supposed to charge to 100% and let the car sit? Or should I set the timer for immediate 80% but then have to charge the last 20% when I get back to the car? I would prefer to stay plugged in and hit the charge button on the website on the day of return. Basically LAX needs to figure out that we need far more plugs and reduced power is fine.

I was anticipating taking the LEAF to LAX at Christmas but it would appear they will be way swamped by then and I will effectively be stuck waiting for an open spot and a six hour wait while charging upon return. :(

Well my opinion (which obviously is only just my opinion) is that timers should not be used at public charging stations. I think the goal should be to take up the spot for as little time as possible (so when you go to LAX, you will have a better chance of finding an available charging spot). Whenever I go to a public charger I make sure to have no timer and to just do the 100% charge immediately. That way, if someone comes to the spot after me, they will have a better chance of being able to use it. Since we all want charging stations to be free when we pull up to them, we should try to charge up as quickly as possible, and leave a note so the next person knows when it's ok to unplug you.

I'm going to LAX soon.. and hope to find a spot, or at least a note on a car so I know if it's ok to unplug them. Seems like the public charging stations are pretty valuable right now and it would be cool if we could all help each other out as much as possible.

smkettner said:
I keep hearing no timers. If I need 100% charge to get home after a trip am I supposed to charge to 100% and let the car sit? Or should I set the timer for immediate 80% but then have to charge the last 20% when I get back to the car? I would prefer to stay plugged in and hit the charge button on the website on the day of return. Basically LAX needs to figure out that we need far more plugs and reduced power is fine.

I was anticipating taking the LEAF to LAX at Christmas but it would appear they will be way swamped by then and I will effectively be stuck waiting for an open spot and a six hour wait while charging upon return. :(

Gosh. Where in OC are you that you need 100% charge to get home from LAX?????
OK it is just 50 miles.... may not need 100% unless you were in San Clemente but still I really need to get 80% charged and let the car sit occupying the EV spot.

I would still fear unplugging someone and get blamed for no charging and have a disgruntled person damage my vehicle.
Quick LAX experience update (and small call for help)

We flew out of LAX yesterday. The Chargepoint website said there were a few available charging spots. But when we got there, there were about 10 LEAF's and 4 Volts all huddled around the 2 J1772 charging stations! The 2 L2 cables were done charging so I was going to grab one of those, but I could not get my car close enough to reach the cables (A J1772 extension cable would be cool!).

The 2 L1 ports were being used by 2 Volts. I though I was out of luck, but one of the Volts had an extension cable that had a note that said I could plug into his cable. He had a few plug in ports along the extension cable. How cool! That was a really awesome thing and it saved my butt (thanks Volt owner!) as I was able to plug my Nissan EVSE into his extension cable. I was wondering if there could be any problems with that? If the 2 cars (or more) draw more power than the top part of the extension cable can handle? I would think 1 Volt and 1 LEAF wouldn't overload the cable. I think it would be great if more people used those types of cables (at least until there are enough charging stations for all of us to use).

My favor to ask.. if anyone is going to be at LAX, could they plug me back in? I just checked carwings and my car is now unplugged and I am only up to 58 miles available (that won't be enough for me to get back home). I'm assuming the Volt owner left (and took his/her extension cable with them). If anyone could plug me back in that would be so cool. We get back on Wednesday night at 9pm. I am the red LEAF with the NASA sticker on the back. I am on the other side of the short wall (not on the side with the charging stations).

Thanks.. and hopefully we can figure out some ways to help more people get charged up while out at public charging stations.

prberg said:
If anyone could plug me back in that would be so cool. We get back on Wednesday night at 9pm. I am the red LEAF with the NASA sticker on the back. I am on the other side of the short wall (not on the side with the charging stations).

Thanks.. and hopefully we can figure out some ways to help more people get charged up while out at public charging stations.


I'll take an extension cord out there sometime on Monday or Tuesday and plug you in. Basically whenever I see L1 availability. I take it you have your charge timer turned off?
From my house, taking Verdugo Blvd to the 134, then 134 to the 405, then get off at Howard Hughes to terminal 1 is 35.8 miles, most of which, except for the initial climb up the 405 will be downhill.

If I can be careful driving it without losing too many bars the 1st leg of the trip. I think I might be able to do it without charging as it seems like that will be a possibility until they add more ports.

cdub said:
From my house, taking Verdugo Blvd to the 134, then 134 to the 405, then get off at Howard Hughes to terminal 1 is 35.8 miles, most of which, except for the initial climb up the 405 will be downhill.

If I can be careful driving it without losing too many bars the 1st leg of the trip. I think I might be able to do it without charging as it seems like that will be a possibility until they add more ports.


The other LAX'll see that I did the 71 mile round-trip with probably 10 miles left (just dropping into the first red bar with an "old bars" car). That was more or less a steady 65mph with no climate control use.
Hmmm... do you have hills though? I have to make it up the 405 to the valley or visa versa then up to my house in La Crescenta.

It's 2 downhills and 1 up hill to LAX. (down to the 134, up the 405, then back down the 405)

And 2 uphills and 1 downhill back home (up the 405, down the 405, the up to La Crescenta)

I think I can do it. I'll probably have to keep it to 60 on the freeway.. and coast and regen then heck out of the downhill runs.

cdub said:
Hmmm... do you have hills though? I have to make it up the 405 to the valley or visa versa then up to my house in La Crescenta.

It's 2 downhills and 1 up hill to LAX. (down to the 134, up the 405, then back down the 405)

And 2 uphills and 1 downhill back home (up the 405, down the 405, the up to La Crescenta)

I think I can do it. I'll probably have to keep it to 60 on the freeway.. and coast and regen then heck out of the downhill runs.

The trip is doable without charging if you drive like me.

First, I think there is less elevation gain/loss if take the 2 to the 5 to the 110 to the 105 to LAX. It may be slightly more miles. Of course, traffic conditions may overrule this route. You also gain a lot of range by using the downhill on the 2 rather than local streets.

Recent trip to LAX from Sunland , 60 mph maximum under power, using regen only when necessary, zeroing out on big hills and letting speed build, with some slow traffic in the downtown slot: Same route as above to LAX. Returned via Sepulveda to 405 at Howard Hughs Blvd, to Ventura Fwy at Van Nuys Blvd; out to Woodland Hills (on the Ventura Fwy) then back to Studio City; finally returned home using Woodman to Roscoe to Sheldon/Wentworth. Approx. 95 mile round trip. Finished very close to very low battery warning.

Hope this helps.
Doing the 2, 5, 110, 105 route is actually 32 miles according to Google Maps. Hmmm.. That's another option.

How many bars do you lose going up the 405 to the valley from LAX? (assuming minimal bubbles necessary to keep it to 60mph)
You're right to be concerned about the hills on the return. They are battery killers.
I've done this two ways without re-charging at LAX; Here's the longest route, fully loaded LEAF;

Verdugo to Mountain to the 2->5->110->10->405 exit Venice blvd.
Have dinner in Venice;
Lincoln->LAX; Drop off passenger & bags.
LAX->105->110->5->2->Mountain-> Verdugo + 2 mi. Had two bars remaining ~ 70 mi total.
The key was I kept my speed below 60 both ways.
You can definitely do it.
I've been to LAX about 8 times with the LEAF. Lately, when I park in Lot 1, I find several vehicles (LEAFS & Volts) with charging doors open, indicating they had used the J1772 and then been unplugged when someone else came along and found a spot nearby. Some had notes saying "OK to unplug when charge lights OFF". I think this is becoming the default protocol.