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evenoelle said:
Has anyone brought their car in for the six month service? Mine is at BS Nissan now...I guess I should have looked up what the service entails before actually sending my husband over there with it. Apparently it involves nothing but having my husband sit in the lobby there. :evil: All they have told him is that they are supposed to rotate the tires but they can wait until the 1 year service at which time that will cost around $25. They also told him that the 1 year service would cost $140 for the brake fluid change and $90 for the coolant change. WTH???

I had my 6 month service on June 16. You are correct, they did no actual work on the car. No problem since it was complementary.

I had a nice chat with the GM, he is still enthusiastic about selling the Leaf and can't wait for the upcoming Infinty EV. I then went over the the Mall across the street instead of waiting in the lobby. I am hoping to find a discount or service coupon for my one year service.
spike09 said:
evenoelle said:
Has anyone brought their car in for the six month service? Mine is at BS Nissan now...I guess I should have looked up what the service entails before actually sending my husband over there with it. Apparently it involves nothing but having my husband sit in the lobby there. :evil: All they have told him is that they are supposed to rotate the tires but they can wait until the 1 year service at which time that will cost around $25. They also told him that the 1 year service would cost $140 for the brake fluid change and $90 for the coolant change. WTH???

I had my 6 month service at Bill Seidle on June 16. You are correct, they did no actual work on the car. No problem since it was free. I would have though they would have at least rotated the tires as I was near 4K miles.

I had a nice chat with the GM, he is still enthusiastic about selling the Leaf and can't wait for the upcoming Infinty EV. I then went over the the Mall across the street instead of waiting in the lobby. I am hoping to find a discount or service coupon for my one year service.
Weatherman said:
I was driving down I-75 around Pines Blvd this morning. I looked a couple of cars ahead of me and said, "No. It can’t be." I sped up and to my amazement it was a powder blue Chevy Volt. I have yet to see a LEAF in the wild, but it appears at least one person in western, metropolitan Broward County owns a Volt.

Saw Volt #2 around 10 am this morning getting onto the Homestead Extension of the Florida Turnpike at Okeechobee Rd. This time it was a white one. Have yet to see another LEAF in the wild.
If anyone knows of someone interested in buying a barely-used 2012 LEAF SL (seven months and 6,100 miles), Coral Springs Nissan is now the proud owner of VIN#15616, and I’m a much more relaxed lessee of VIN#20922.

It’s always possible that I panicked out and the battery on #15616 is perfectly fine. I would, certainly, recommend potential buyers use whatever means possible to verify the battery capacity before they buy.

I really wanted to lease a glacier pearl SV in the first place, so I’m a much happier camper, now, on so many levels.
Weatherman said:
If anyone knows of someone interested in buying a barely-used 2012 LEAF SL (seven months and 6,100 miles), Coral Springs Nissan is now the proud owner of VIN#15616, and I’m a much more relaxed lessee of VIN#20922.

It’s always possible that I panicked out and the battery on #15616 is perfectly fine. I would, certainly, recommend potential buyers use whatever means possible to verify the battery capacity before they buy.

I really wanted to lease a glacier pearl SV in the first place, so I’m a much happier camper, now, on so many levels.
did you notice any range change or just want to peace of mind?
Welcome new Leaf buyer
Neither is required and is simply a rip-off! The ONLY think required at one year is the free battery check.

evenoelle said:
They also told him that the 1 year service would cost $140 for the brake fluid change and $90 for the coolant change. WTH???
EdmondLeaf said:
Exactly, life is to short, unfortunately it appears that Leaf is not prepared to handle temp that are normal and comfortable to us
LOL, Nissan's plan to increase sales is to get people who bought to be afraid but still love their cars so they lease a new one :lol: Obviously not, but it's funny.

Anyway, congrats on the new Leaf. I guess you considered waiting for the 6.6 on the 2013 but don't need it?
I did consider waiting for the 2013s to come out, but I, almost always, drive less than 40 miles in a day. An hour-and-a-half charge time as compared to a three-hour charge time just isn't that big a deal for me. Of course I gave up the quick-charge port by going with an SV. I don't think there's going to be any quick-charge stations anywhere in South Florida for the foreseeable future (certainly not within the next three years).

As for LEAF sales, I know you're kidding, but even if you weren't. I don't think I helped Nissan much, there (although I suppose an SL is an easier sell for dealers than an SV is). Coral Springs Nissan still has the same number of LEAFs in stock today that they had Sunday morning. They just swapped a new SV for a used SL.
Definitely kidding, I know that's not Nissan's game plan. It's just funny there's a handful of owners who have already done what you did.

Anyway, I get what you're saying regarding the 6.6 & QC port. We really need the 6.6 to make the Leaf work for us (plus I'm always in for the latest and greatest ;) ).
Perhaps of interest to Leafers (or Volters) in the Orlando area:

http://news.valenciacollege.edu/valencia-today/valencia-to-host-electric-car-event-show-documentary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+valencia-college+%28Valencia+College+News%29" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Weatherman said:
If anyone knows of someone interested in buying a barely-used 2012 LEAF SL (seven months and 6,100 miles), Coral Springs Nissan is now the proud owner of VIN#15616, and I’m a much more relaxed lessee of VIN#20922.

It’s always possible that I panicked out and the battery on #15616 is perfectly fine. I would, certainly, recommend potential buyers use whatever means possible to verify the battery capacity before they buy.

I really wanted to lease a glacier pearl SV in the first place, so I’m a much happier camper, now, on so many levels.
Is your new monthly lease payments less than your old monthly car loan payment?
I paid cash for my former LEAF, so I'm going to get a fairly large chunk of money back from Coral Springs Nissan once they complete all the paperwork. I plan to put the money to work, so it will have the possibility of making up the difference between what I have paid for owning/leasing two LEAFs, and what I would have paid if I had accepted Weston Nissan's offer last year.

Compared to last year, the money factor on current leases is quite good (0.00071 or 1.70%). The residual still sucks, but given the current battery issues, that's to be expected. For the exact same car and same lease terms (36 months and 12,000 miles/year), Weston Nissan quoted me $490/month on a lease last year. My current lease is $360/month.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Perhaps of interest to Leafers (or Volters) in the Orlando area:

http://news.valenciacollege.edu/valencia-today/valencia-to-host-electric-car-event-show-documentary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+valencia-college+%28Valencia+College+News%29" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Thanks for posting this. It'd be great if the FFE was in-stock so I could check it out and kill two birds with one stone.
With all the discussion about battery degradation in hot climates (namely Arizona and Texas), I'm wondering if we in South Florida have been impacted as well. I'm hoping that we are not since temperatures here seldom reach 100 degrees (due to high humidity, lots of cloud cover, and ocean breeze).

I'm charging my LEAF to 100% on a nightly basis and have almost 10,000 miles logged so far. Does anyone local have a GID meter? If you have one, can you post your results?
DANandNAN said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
Perhaps of interest to Leafers (or Volters) in the Orlando area:

http://news.valenciacollege.edu/valencia-today/valencia-to-host-electric-car-event-show-documentary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+valencia-college+%28Valencia+College+News%29" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Thanks for posting this. It'd be great if the FFE was in-stock so I could check it out and kill two birds with one stone.
The way I see it if a couple hundred people show up at something like this, hear some presentations and see a couple science experiment demonstration cars it doesn't have nearly the impact as if you have 20 people there with production EVs telling the story about how they lead normal lives, just without stopping at gas stations.
BrainDonor said:
With all the discussion about battery degradation in hot climates (namely Arizona and Texas), I'm wondering if we in South Florida have been impacted as well. I'm hoping that we are not since temperatures here seldom reach 100 degrees (due to high humidity, lots of cloud cover, and ocean breeze).

I'm charging my LEAF to 100% on a nightly basis and have almost 10,000 miles logged so far. Does anyone local have a GID meter? If you have one, can you post your results?

I don't have a GID meter, but what I have done is kept track of my driving range. I charge to 80% each night, and I know exactly which point along I-75 and the turnpike each bar disappears, and how many bars it takes to complete my entire 39-mile commute.

I am quite confident that South Florida weather, from mid May through mid October, is tough on our batteries. The problem is that temperatures don't cool off at night. Basically, it's highs in the lower 90s and lows in the upper 70s for five, continuous months. If you park outside in the sun during the day and park in an enclosed garage at night, temperatures are more like upper 90s to near 100 during the day and mid 80s at night for five months.

When I bought my new LEAF, it was sitting in the showroom at Coral Springs Nissan and showed five temperature bars. I think I only saw five temperature bars on my old LEAF a couple of times during the entire seven months I owned it. Five bars seem to be ideal, but it's something most South Floridians will rarely see.
LTLFTcomposite said:
The way I see it if a couple hundred people show up at something like this, hear some presentations and see a couple science experiment demonstration cars it doesn't have nearly the impact as if you have 20 people there with production EVs telling the story about how they lead normal lives, just without stopping at gas stations.
I completely agree. A bunch of Q&A groups with actual owners should be far more interesting for most folks than learning the history of EV would be.

I wonder if anyone here is going. CFL has tons of EVSE so there must be a lot of EV's. Hopefully some folks can go and talk about their experience.
Is there a Gold Coast EAA meeting tomorrow which is the second Saturday of the month? If so when/where? There was no information on the site about this months meeting.