Global Leaf Advisory Board - spam?

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Jun 6, 2018
I just got an email asking me to join the Global Leaf advisory board. Is that legit? Or is it just some marketing ploy or spam? Anyone have any experience with this? When I clicked through, it started asking demographic questions, so my suspicion is that it's just a marketing ploy.


The email read:

Here at Nissan we are passionate about our customers and about giving them a strong voice within our business. To facilitate this, we have partnered with C Space to build the Global LEAF Advisory Board, our invitation-only, online community made up exclusively of Nissan LEAF drivers.

This is your chance to shape the future of the Nissan LEAF!

By signing up you'll not only be able to help guide the world's largest manufacturer of electric vehicles (yes, that's us!) but you'll also learn about the latest cutting edge innovations in the market.

To learn more about the Global LEAF Advisory Board and the perks of being a member, please click here. We promise it will only take five minutes to sign up!

We hope to see you soon on our community.

Best wishes,

The Nissan Global LEAF Advisory Board team
It's real, but don't expect a lot. It's more a focus group than any kind of "Advisory Board"...

You have to sign an agreement saying that you won't reveal anything discussed in the group. But, as I said, don't get excited...
There was an advisory board where Chelsea Sexton (aka evchels) headed it up, search for her name. was an early post about it.

They seemed to pick a new board each year and a few folks here (e.g. DaveinOlyWA) have been part of the board once. Sometimes, the new board for the year is announced. Sometimes it's not. I've been unsure about the status of it for awhile.

I actually did meet w/evchels in Japan in late 2015 when I was there on vacation (Tokyo Motor Show + sightseeing in Japan) and by accident found out she was there, as well, for board related activity.

Yes, you'll very likely need to sign an NDA if you decide to join.
Unclear. Some of us thought/figured it was disbanded.

The year the I met evchels (late 2015, around the time of Tokyo Motor Show), IIRC, a new group was picked but its members weren't announced.

It was a total coincidence/stroke of luck. She requested to be a Facebook friend of mine ages ago, even though I'd never met her before. While I was in Japan, she posted something from Tokyo Motor Show re: the owners lounge at the Nissan booth. Woah! I happened to be there partly for that. I was able to meet up with her before her flight back to the US in the gallery/lobby of Nissan HQ in Yokohama, near where she was staying.
A327 said:
I just got an email asking me to join the Global Leaf advisory board. Is that legit?

I got the same email, and when I tried to sign up this morning, the first question it asked was how many email addresses I check at least once per week. (Why anyone would care, I have no idea.) I answered one, and the site told me I didn't meet their requirements and ended the sign up process. (That wasn't the exact wording, but it was the essential meaning.)

This is not exactly the right way to handle something like this, to say the least. I hope someone at Nissan gets in touch with the firm, C Space, I think, and encourages them to do better.
