My Interview at "What Drives Us"

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
Olympia, WA
did an interview with "What Drives Us" they podcast the show and you get can get link on their FB page. i just listened to it and only screwed up a little here and there...nothing big.

check it out
Hi Dave,

I'm here in part thanks to you're shout-out and wanted to thank you. It is sad to consider I'm only an hour or so South of Nissan USA HQ yet can't buy one ... yet. You lucky dog!

One side introduction to the community, I've been following the "Pedestrian Safety Act" that was signed into law in January 2011. I still am convinced it is flawed legislation but wanted to let folks know, not everyone agrees with this legislation and we have the facts and data:

But congratulations on your new car and best of luck!

Bob Wilson
Hey Bob!! Glad to hear from ya!
Ya the Leaf is pretty cool and I believe that people just need to get real about the driving they really do and as soon as they realize that the Leaf can do 80-90% of their driving will they realize that this car will work !
DaveinOlyWA said:
. . .
Ya the Leaf is pretty cool and I believe that people just need to get real about the driving they really do and as soon as they realize that the Leaf can do 80-90% of their driving will they realize that this car will work !
No argument from me!

We've got two Prius, 2003 and 2010, and both get nearly identical mileage, 52 MPG. It really comes down to having the right tool for the right job and the Leaf obviously fills an important void.

Bob Wilson