New to the EV/Leaf world. Love them so much I have 2.

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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May 17, 2024
Portland OR
I bought my first Leaf in April. Oregon has a lot of rebates and incentives, so I took advantage of them. My wife and I instantly fell in love with our 2020 SV+. Just this week I revied a voucher from the state for $5000 and decided to look into another to drive too and from work. The dealership we delt with on our first purchase had a 2013 S with 89000 miles for less than $5000. The only issue is the battery only has 4 bars out of 12 left giving it about a 35 mile range. This is all good for now since my work is only 3 miles away. I'm really getting into these cars and am truly loving not going to the gas station.

My wife and kids aptly named the cars Sven (the grey one) and Olaf (the white one).


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