Linus said:I have a similar experience with my 2016. I called Nissan yesterday and the lady was very helpful. We setup a US account, everything works except getting the car to connect (like everyone else's experience above). What the lady from Nissan said is I have to be in the USA to get the original connection, I believe from there that their system will see it as a US car traveling in Canada.
I am fortunate that I live outside of Vancouver and travel to Washington regularly (well I used to as gas is up to 40% cheaper there). I'm hoping to go down in the next week or so and see if it works.
For those that live near the border if it works, it is an easy workaround.
I'll report back when I get a chance to test it.
I look forward to what you find out. I'm thinking that once the initial connection is made you will be good.