Well-known member
I'm going to Norway for a 10 days, and driving to Vancouver (ticket way cheaper) So I can charge up in surrey and get to the airport at about 50 percent charge, not plug in there, and just charge in surrey again on the way home. Or I can figure out a way to plug in at the airport and skip the surrey charging spot altogether. I think at 80 percent charge I can make bellingham easily. Trouble is I heard the 12 volt battery dies if you leave it plugged in? Is that true? is there anything I can do with the setup of my charging to avoid this? I have a evse upgrade evse, and I could set up a 4 amp level 1 trickle charge and it would take 3 days to charge, might help to keep it powered up for a longer time. So what do you all think. Should I choose option 1 or 2? I don't think I could get anyone to unplug the cord after the charging is done.