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Jun 20, 2016
Hi i have just taken delivery of a 40Kwh tenka 2018 but I have a few problems.

First of all the dealer told me it didn't have a sd card but they ordered a new one. Originally I was told the 360 cameras weren't working but the map data was. Upon investigation, it looks like the stock card has a basic setting for a lower trim car? Anyhow, I found the service menu and after a bit of a google search, I found under camera if I set it to AVM instead of no camera everything seems to work. Ok that's the background. Now to the problem ....

If I put the \climate control on I get no on-screen graphics like temp and fan speed or the ability to view where it's blowing if I click climate on the screen regardless of setting it tells me climate control is off. The other problem I have noticed is the car clock doesn't update with the head unit although I can change it from 12 hours to 24hr it's just not updating the time ? Does the SD card need anything special doing to it to make it work with climate control? I have checked leaf spy and I get one error I can clear it but comes back after a short period of time. Is this linked ?

p31B0 820B ev/hev can error evc-279 ?

I would really appreciate any help on this, other than that the car runs well, charges ok on rapid and slow chargers etc.

Just a little worried over the error and the face bits are not working as they should.
Hi Paul,

Could you check in the service menu if your head unit is able to communicate with the other ECUs in the car?

The menu should look something like this:

I suspect it will show a communication error with at least the cluster on yours, I think that's how it syncs the time with the speedometer display.

And as mentioned in the other thread, I am quite convinced all of these issues are caused by the SD card having the incorrect configuration files for your spec Leaf.

Do the steering wheel controls work for you?

And yes, for error P31B0 the explanation is "COMMUNICATION ERROR" and "When VCM detects an error signal that is received from AV control unit via CAN communication". I receive the same error on my 2018 Leaf when I install the 2021 headunit on it (from the wrong spec car.)

How long ago did you buy the car? Honestly, I would just go back to the dealer, and let them know I am not satisfied with the car because of these issues and that you know what is causing them; the incorrect SD card, and request that they cover the cost of the correct one. It is really by no fault of yours that it has the wrong card.
Hi i get no errors in the diagnostic menu as above, all the steering wheels buttons appear to work, the only 2 things not working are the onscreen graphics for the climate control, and also the clock. Now I have just run another DTC scan and the other error showing up is u12aa 0209 Multi AV? I bought my car from a company that specialises in Electric cars I sent an email but nothing as yet they do tend to be slow in response. Apart from the Errors listed I love the car, would love it a bit more if I can get the above sorted. Will keep you informed. If anyone wants to jump in with any info on the error codes would be really great. it will help us all out.

Oddly I have taken the Sd car out and reset the DTC's, I am still getting the P31B0 820 ev/hev can error evc-279 but it takes a few refreshes before it comes on whereas with the SD card it seems much faster to appear.

But the Mult av error seems to have disappeared. I'm just wondering if I have the wrong card.

The SD card is specific to the car so replacements must be ordered through Nissan with VIN number and other information. I suspect your issues will be solved with the correct SD card (which is not cheap--they used to be around $300 to $400 in the USA according to older threads on the forum).
Привет, у меня нет ошибок в диагностическом меню, как указано выше, все кнопки на рулевом колесе работают, не работают только две вещи — это экранная графика климат-контроля, а также часы. Теперь я только что запустил еще одно сканирование DTC, и появилась еще одна ошибка: u12aa 0209 Multi AV? Я купил свою машину в компании, которая специализируется на электромобилях. Я отправил электронное письмо, но пока ничего, они, как правило, отвечают медленно. Помимо перечисленных ошибок, машина мне нравится, и мне бы она понравилась еще больше, если бы я смог разобраться во всем вышеперечисленном. Буду держать вас в курсе. Если кто-то хочет поделиться какой-либо информацией о кодах ошибок, было бы очень здорово. это поможет нам всем.

Здравствуйте. Не выяснили причину, у меня такая же проблема. Камеры тоже не работают
Привет, у меня нет ошибок в диагностическом меню, как указано выше, все кнопки на рулевом колесе работают, не работают только две вещи — это экранная графика климат-контроля, а также часы. Теперь я только что запустил еще одно сканирование DTC, и появилась еще одна ошибка: u12aa 0209 Multi AV? Я купил свою машину в компании, которая специализируется на электромобилях. Я отправил электронное письмо, но пока ничего, они, как правило, отвечают медленно. Помимо перечисленных ошибок, машина мне нравится, и мне бы она понравилась еще больше, если бы я смог разобраться во всем вышеперечисленном. Буду держать вас в курсе. Если кто-то хочет поделиться какой-либо информацией о кодах ошибок, было бы очень здорово. это поможет нам всем.
