Post Your Battery Degradation Results

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marcelg said:
MrNicG said:
WetEV said:
Where are you located? What is the local climate like? What kind of driving do you do? What kind of charging?

I live in central Florida. The average temp in my area is about 85 degrees. Humidity is normally high. I normally drive fairly conservatively. My commute is 10 miles each way, with a top speed of about 45MPH. It is almost an equal mix of back streets, going 35 and boulevard going 45. According to LeafSpy, the SOH seems to only drop when it is parked, or perhaps when it is started after being parked. I charge with the stock Level 1 EVSE.
I started using a trickle charger for the 12v when the car is parked and I am going to monitor that for a while and see if it helps. Also, I was wondering if the method of starting the car makes any difference, so instead of single press to start, I am pressing once to power up and then pressing the second time to switch into Go mode.

Do you regularly charge the vehicle over 80%? From what I've read, high temps + high state of charge is a primary cause of accelerated degradation. Batteries that are kept between 20-80% get many more cycles than those that are used 10-100%.

I almost always charge it to 80%. I'm not really sure it matters though. I think it's sort of a futile effort. While it does cool down a bit at night in my region, the daytime highs of 90-95 right now are probably just killing it during the day. We have a multilevel garage at work and it keeps things a lot cooler during the day. My battery sensors normally hover around 84, which may still not be good enough to keep the degradation at bay.

Does anyone know if Nissan gives you any money off the new battery if your old battery still has some life left?
My latest readings are:
ODO 50999
AHr 54.5
SOH 83.3% (lowest fluctuation ever was 82.8% a couple of weeks ago)
Hx 77.8%

I mostly L2 charge to 80%. Anyone want to make a fearless prediction about the date I lose bar 11?
We took delivery of our 2012 Leaf in December 2011.
Today I checked noted the odometer at 33,975.
We mostly charge to 80% at 220V at home (Blink from the EVSE Program.)
We live on the San Francisco Peninsula (Palo Alto) near the Bay.
We seldom use the AC and/or heater but do have to do defogging in the winter. On cold days we heat the steering wheel.
Most of our trips are short, local, shopping trips.
We have not yet lost any bars on the dash. With an 80% charge we are 'down 2 bars.
We are still running on the original 12V battery.
Is there a chance that it will still start the car in February 2020?
If my numbers are correct, since 12/1/19 we've driven 198 miles and used 37.98 KWH, so we got 5.2 mi/KWH
Our biggest expense has been replacing tires due to road damage.
We are moving cross country. I don't believe it will be worth the cost to ship the car. Once we are settled we envision wanting to drive beyond the 80 mi range of this Leaf. We will probably lease a hybrid with a substantial traction battery range.
All in all our Leaf has been good to us.

Thanks for all the help I've received from this forum.
baumgrenze said:
We took delivery of our 2012 Leaf in December 2011.
Today I checked noted the odometer at 33,975.
We mostly charge to 80% at 220V at home (Blink from the EVSE Program.)
We live on the San Francisco Peninsula (Palo Alto) near the Bay.
We seldom use the AC and/or heater but do have to do defogging in the winter. On cold days we heat the steering wheel.
Most of our trips are short, local, shopping trips.
We have not yet lost any bars on the dash. With an 80% charge we are 'down 2 bars.
The bolded part sounds unlikely.

Are you looking at the right bars? Count how many capacity bars you have, including the red ones. See is an example of a fully charged 3 bar loser (9 capacity bars left).

If you wish to post a pic, you can upload it to places like It would need to show the capacity bars.
You have 11 of 12 bars, so the car has lost 1 bar. That also jives with the 80% SOH on LeafSpy. The next bar will probably drop at around 77-78% SOH.
Hello Goldbrick,

I cannot tell 'who' the 'you' is to whom you are replying?

I doubt it is me, baumgrenze, because my Imgur image shows only 10 bars because the car was only charged to 80%.

Also, I did not report any Leaf Spy results.

baumgrenze said:
Hello Goldbrick,

I cannot tell 'who' the 'you' is to whom you are replying?

I doubt it is me, baumgrenze, because my Imgur image shows only 10 bars because the car was only charged to 80%.

Also, I did not report any Leaf Spy results.


He was mistaken about a LeafSpy screen snap, but you do, in fact, have 11 capacity bars according to the photos. Those don't vary with degree of battery charge. That means you have between 80% and 85% of the original capacity remaining. That is amazingly good for a 2012 leaf with the original battery.
LeftieBiker said:
He was mistaken about a LeafSpy screen snap, but you do, in fact, have 11 capacity bars according to the photos. Those don't vary with degree of battery charge. That means you have between 80% and 85% of the original capacity remaining. That is amazingly good for a 2012 leaf with the original battery.
Agreed. This is probably one of the least bar losses I've heard of for a built in 2011 ('12) Leaf residing in the US.

If baumgrenze has Leaf Spy or access to it, I would be curious to know the SOH and Hx.
baumgrenze, sorry if I wasn't clear and sorry about the mix-up with Leaf Spy. As noted, the pic shown in your post indicates 11 of 12 capacity bars. I somehow mixed up that with a LeafSpy pic showing 80% SOH from 'somewhere'. 11 bars indicates roughly 78-84% SOH though, just FYI.
LeftieBiker & Goldbrick, thanks for the explanation and clarification.

I hope to sell this Leaf in late January, ideally.

I want to describe it as honestly as I can.

FWIW the OEM 110 charging cable in the trunk has only been used 2-3 times. I finally broke down and got a compatible wheel and spare (Altima) so that will be part of the package.

Have you any suggestions how I might I manage to gain access to a LeafSpy in Palo Alto? Would it be considered an offensive post to open a new thread requesting access to one on the Mid SF Peninsula?

Do you agree that it is hardly worth shipping the Leaf cross country to Charlottesville, VA?

You can make a topic asking for help - we can always delete it when no longer needed.

It's hard to put a value on a good 2012 Leaf, as almost all of them have degraded batteries. It's worth something on the order of $8k to $10k, IMO. You want it to go to a warmer climate, as the heater on those really sucks power.
Returned to Hawaii after 3 months on the mainland to find that i have only 6 battery bars remaining, (I had 7 when I left). As my profile shows I own a 2011. It has 35000 miles. Anyone have a 2011 6 battery bar car with less miles?
It really is not a problem. It gets me where I live to Hilo and back with no problem. If I was told when I bought this that this kind of degradation was imminent I would have passed on purchasing.
I have owned a few Nissans but will not own another.
I am a gas guy now.
Nissan's batteries have improved drastically since 2011. If you want to dump Nissan that is cool, how about a chevy bolt or many of the other electric cars on the market that have thermal management? I'd get something 2015 or later if you got another leaf. I see you have Solar so I think electric cars would be quite cost effective for you. You just unfortunately got in early before some important battery improvements happened.
I have some questions about battery degradation in a 2016 SL. Is this the correct thread, or is there a newer one? I notice this thread has no activity since 2019. Any help directing me to the best place in the forum is much appreciated!
ZE1, year 2018, month 6, current SOH is 87.5%, 12mV diff on cells. 43k kilometers on the clock, 127 fast charging, the rest is from home 2.2kwh.

I think the mileage does not play a significant role, more so the age of the battery pack and perhaps the number of fast charging.

I have another example from a friend, same year, 130k kilometers, same number of fast charges and 88% SOH. His is 4 months younger.
DougWantsALeaf said:
I agree it's age and to a limited degree charging and driving patterns. Some evidence long smooth drives are better than many short hops.

There is charging at L2 rates, and there is DC charging in hot weather. Best to not view them the same.
Then there is charging to high SoC, and there is charging to high SoC that is left at high SoC for hours and hours .... Best to not view them the same. And then there is charging to high SoC left for hours and hours, at high pack temperature. That deserves its own special mention.