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hill said:
en11 said:
Are you sure solar makes sense? I've been trying to find any deals, but I can't understand how it makes sense if the break even period is more than 10 years. From what I have heard the panels have lifespan of 30 years. So in 30 years you have generated enough to recoup your investment and two times as much additional during the second and third decades.

This comes to a return of 200% on your additional investment over 30 years which is 3.4% annually and you also have the work on maintaining panels, replacing them, etc. I understand there is the inflation protection aspect but it should not change this analysis very much.
You've left other elements out. One for example; Take the 30% (and higher) State/Fed income taxes you have to pay on the money you make, prior to paying your monthly utity bill. For us, that's an extra $1,000 a year that we don't pay out, but rather keep for our self. It's an investment in the future.

Presently - we invest in the future by spending trillions on the military machine, that protects our ability to use up the lion's share of dwindling world fossil fuel reserves .... oh, wait, I forgot ... that's supposed to be called, "protecting freedom"
... oh, yea ... that's great plan

I agree with everyone who says, if you are trying to see if it pencils out in under 10 years -- You are asking the wrong question.
It pencils out for the earth. If you have the money sitting in the bank, and you care, you should do it.
I did it 2.5 years ago, and have always felt rewarded and well.

Added to the other $ and Cents issues, the 3.4% is tax free, so it is as if you made almost 6% on the investment, if you are in the 25% federal and corresponding CA bracket.
I'm also looking into putting solar panels on my roof and have so far had a quote from Tatkraft (very friendly and knowledgeable, plus they came out on a Saturday morning) and a quasi-quote from 1BOG. I would be very cautious of 1BOG as my experience dealing with them over the past two weeks has left me very unimpressed.

It took 1BOG 2 weeks to generate a dumbed down bid based on looking at a satellite image from Google. I asked them to send somebody out to verify these costs for the house itself and also to see if we can arrange the panels other ways on the roof (they put the panels in odd locations on my roof in their proposal). They refused, and would only send someone out to verify the property once I had signed a contract with them and put $1000 down. Then, if the property required something different they would provide an adjusted estimate at that time. I said no way, I'm not putting money down and wasting time until I know the absolute costs. They've already wasted 2 weeks of my time with the back and forth of simply trying to get a basic proposal. I expressed my disappointment to the local 1BOG rep and the next morning I got a call from the CEO of the company (Dave Llorens) trying to explain to me how they use this process to save money. His attitude was not particularly professional. I felt bullied and the whole thing reeked of a high pressure sales pitch. Furthermore, how can you claim to be reducing costs by not sending someone out to do an on-site evaluation - yet there's no problem in having the CEO of the company call me to try to convince me of how clever their business philosophy is.

Needless to say I am continuing to seek quotes from other installers.
I am not sure if there is a change in 1BOG's business model. As far as I understand, 1BOG is just a broker who consolidates potential leads for solar installation companies. They negotiate a price with the solar installer. And for every lead that turns into an install, 1BOG will get paid like ~$0.20 per watt.

When I went through 1BOG last year in the SF Bay Area, groSolar was the installer. They are the ones who came and do the onsite evaluation, and did the eventual installation. I am very happy with the crew from groSolar. 1BOG is just like a middleman collecting a commission.

I had a conversation with the sales guy from groSolar, asking why not let me have the $0.20 per watt instead of going to 1BOG. He just smiled and told me that the non-1BOG-negotiated price would be much higher.
greenleaf said:
I am not sure if there is a change in 1BOG's business model. As far as I understand, 1BOG is just a broker who consolidates potential leads for solar installation companies. They negotiate a price with the installer.

Same experience here in Phoenix when 1BOG had a campaign in 2009.
At the time there were only a handful of installers. Now everyone with a truck and ladder is an installer.
There is a change in 1BOG's model though, at least in regards to site evaluation. My parents had their 7kw solar system installed last year and had 1BOG provide a quote. The representative from the affiliated solar company did actually go out to their house and get on the roof and do a proper evaluation. My parents house is right on the edge of LA County, much farther out of the way than my house in central San Fernando Valley. The other thing that makes me very suspicious is other people who have had similar experiences with 1BOG where they will not send someone to evaluate before signing, or when someone does the verification there is a large increase in the cost of up to a few thousand dollars in various necessary adders. My estimate from Tatkraft is about $1000 more than 1BOGs. Furthermore, my parents didn't go with the 1BOG installer last year since their quote was actually a few thousand dollars more expensive than Acro's (formerly EE Solar) quote.

I'm not saying people can't benefit from 1BOG's plan and pricing, but I definitely suggest people are particularly cautious in dealing with them and seek several additional estimates. 1BOG does a lot to try to convince you that they will always be the lowest price during the sale process, and it's not necessarily true.
Sunpower FTW. My payback period is more like 6.5-7.5 years before I bought the leaf. Has been in for 3 years. Very happy with it.
We should have our new solar system up and running by the end of the month. We went with SunPower SPR-225E-BLK-D modules and Enphase M210-84-240 inverters. If nothing else, it will look sweet with those deep black panels.
mamuntech said:
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about information and love learning more on this. If possible, as you gain expertise, It is extremely helpful for me. would you mind updating your blog with more information?