small numbering under speedometer

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Jun 13, 2011
Under the speed indicator display, there is a very small font lettering "826B". Under bright light, the lettering almost glows and is quite bothersome. Doesn't show up at night, but is clearly there when I shine a flashlight at the dashboard. What is it? Does anybody know?
glennkfu said:
Under the speed indicator display, there is a very small font lettering "826B". Under bright light, the lettering almost glows and is quite bothersome. Doesn't show up at night, but is clearly there when I shine a flashlight at the dashboard. What is it? Does anybody know?

If it's anything like the Smiths speedometers I'm used to in my British cars, it's probably a model number or designation code.
glennkfu said:
Under bright light, the lettering almost glows and is quite bothersome.

Here's a tip, stop shining your flashlight on your speedo while you're driving! :lol:
I had the setting sun shine through my window at just the right angle yesterday to make these letters light up like a Christmas Tree. They were brighter than the speedometer itself (which was washed out by the sun). I actually found it a bit distracting.
Black tape...

DTB said:
I had the setting sun shine through my window at just the right angle yesterday to make these letters light up like a Christmas Tree. They were brighter than the speedometer itself (which was washed out by the sun). I actually found it a bit distracting.
DTB said:
They were brighter than the speedometer itself (which was washed out by the sun). I actually found it a bit distracting.

Have you tried setting your dash display brighter? It has many levels. I can always see mine, with sun or glare.